Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto Online has evolved into one of the most in-depth multiplayer crime simulators available to gamers. Users can purchase various GTA Online properties to earn an honest living and use them as a cover-up for multi-million dollar illicit businesses. Rockstar Games has consistently updated GTA’s online mode to expand its offerings. That includes the December 2017 Doomsday Heist expansion, which added Facilities.

Facilities are massive multi-level bunkers operated by the in-game International Affairs Agency which players need to purchase to play the Doomsday Heist DLC content. Players can choose from nine different Facilities purchasable through Maze Bank Foreclosures after GTA 5‘s Lester Crest informs them about the opportunity. But which Doomsday property is the best?


All of GTA Online’s Facilities are scattered across Los Santos. Luckily, all of them will give players the same rewards from all three Doomsday Heist acts and offer the same customization options. They range from $1.2 million to $2.9 to buy, but the heist will net players up to $3 million in cold hard cash after completing it once, so players shouldn’t worry too much about their starting price. Choosing the correct GTA Online facility is all about location.

GTA Online: What’s The Best Facility?

Ideally, players will want to pick a Facility that makes accomplishing the Doomsday Heist a seamless experience. Each of the Doomsday Heist DLC’s missions can be repeated individually to reap their rewards continuously, so saving on time is worth it in the long run. Here are all of the Facility options and their prices.

  • Paleto Bay Facility: $1,250,000
  • Mount Gordo Facility: $1,465,000
  • Lago Zancudo Facility: $1,670,000
  • RON Alternates Wind Farm Facility: $1,670,000
  • Zancudo River Facility: $2,100,000
  • Route 68 Facility: $2,312,500
  • Grand Senora Desert Facility: $2,525,00
  • Sandy Shores Facility: $2,740,000
  • Land Act Reservoir Facility: $2,950,000
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All in all, the Grand Senora Desert Facility in GTA Online offers the most centralized location for completing all three acts of the Doomsday Heist. It’s also located close to the Sandy Shores airfield, which will be important for spawning aircraft during the missions. The desert Facility is on the expensive side, so budget-minded GTA Online players can also consider purchasing the Paleto Bay Facility, which is best for farming during Act 2. Still, it’s poorly placed for the DLCs two other parts.

The Grand Senora Desert Facility is the best for speeding through the Doomsday Heist, but players might also want to consider how close the Facilities are to the rest of their properties. Making money Grand Theft Auto Online requires traveling from property to property. If the desert Facility is far away from all of their business, it might hamper their income over time.

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