James Gunn has shot down rumors suggesting that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’s soundtrack would feature modern songs. Gunn, who was fired from his work on the MCU threequel following the controversy surrounding some old tweets which had resurfaced, was later hired back by Marvel Studios while he was working on The Suicide Squad for Warner Bros.’s DC Extended Universe. After finishing work on the first season The Suicide Squad spinoff series, Peacemaker, Gunn finally began principal photography on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in November last year.

A keen music lover and musician in his own right, Gunn is well known for his use of carefully selected songs to accompany and enhance his films. Nowhere did this become more apparent than in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie which included a hit soundtrack from the ‘60s and ‘70s, with each song taken from a mixtape given to Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord by his dying mother. The film’s sequel would continue this trend, with the end of the first film revealing the existence of a second mix-tape. While Star-Lord’s beloved Sony Walkman and mixtapes would end up getting destroyed in the final act of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Gunn continued the tradition by gifting the character with a Microsoft Zune MP3 player at the conclusion of the sequel.


With production on the third film already well underway, rumors have begun to do the rounds on the internet about which songs may feature in the trilogy’s final entry. When the film leaks Twitter account Moth Culture recently suggested that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will feature modern songs from Peter Quill’s time on Earth after the events Avengers: Endgame, Gunn was quick to chime in and set the record straight. According to Gunn “Quill left the earth as soon as he could” and that the film’s “songs are from the Zune”. Check out his original tweet below:

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Given the importance that music has already played in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, this revelation will certainly come as a relief for fans worried about the overt modernization of the third film’s soundtrack. Though the Zune is a much more recent music player than Star-Lord’s Walkman, with the device’s first version only released in 2006, it is likely most of Quill’s music stored on the device will still date from the 20th century. Fans already know that one of the songs featured on the device is Cat Steven’s “Father and Son”, which appeared on his 1970 album Tea for the Tillerman.

There is also another important reason that the third film base its soundtrack on the Zune’s song list, namely its connection to Michael Rooker’s Yondu. Much as the Walkman and mixtapes were a representation of Star-Lord’s late mother, the Zune was revealed to be a gift from Yondu who had raised him since his abduction on Earth. While it is unlikely that Rooker’s now-deceased character will appear in the third film, the use of music from the Zune will ensure his presence is still felt by both Quill and the audience at large. Diluting this sentimental connection with music Quill encountered during his brief stay on Earth simply makes no sense at all. Whatever songs Gunn has chosen to include in the soundtrack, fans will still need to wait until May next year to hear them when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is finally released in theaters.

Source: James Gunn

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