Players are speculating that Thanos may return for a sequel to Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The Mad Titan is believed to be dead prior to the events of the game, but Eidos-Montreal has created some wiggle room within Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. It turns out Thanos may not be dead as originally suggested, which could leave room for a prominent threat in the game’s sequel.

In the lead-up to the game’s release, Eidos confirmed that Drax killed Thanos before Marvel’s GotG. It’s a substantial part of his character and is referenced on multiple occasions, but the only witness to the event seems to be Drax himself. Although Drax did fight Thanos, it may not have had the level of finality that he had hoped for, and possibly only created an even worse scenario for the Guardians and the galaxy as a whole.


Reddit user DoctorSkeeterBatman noted there’s a missable conversation with Drax after looking at his criminal record on the Nova ship where he elaborates on his history. Drax explains he believes in magic because he was granted a wish that allows him to feel Thanos’ presence in the galaxy, aiding him in his vengeful hunt. Upon tracking him down, Drax blacked out during the battle with Thanos and when he woke up, the Mad Titan was gone and everyone hailed him as a hero. The anger-fueled Guardian stated he still feels Thanos looming in the galaxy, suggesting he’s still out there.

Will Thanos Return in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

There’s a lot of Thanos content in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, almost a suspicious amount for a dead character that doesn’t have any real impact on the core story. Gamora and the other Guardians reference Thanos a number of times, his voice is heard in the celestial cortex, and players even fight him in a dream sequence later in the game. Eidos clearly wants players to know more about Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy’s version of Thanos. It’s a character that fans already know and love from the MCU, so it would seem almost redundant to retread this story in a slightly different way just for the sake of backstory.

There’s no telling what Thanos could be up to in a sequel, but the groundwork has been laid for the Infinity Stones. The Soul Stone is a key part of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and Mantis confirms there are others toward the end of the game. Although Adam Warlock is now allied with the Guardians and could be a huge help in the battle against Thanos, the Soul Stone is embedded in his head which will make him a target to the purple tyrant.

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The setup for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is very minimal, so there are few clues as to what Eidos could be planning for the next game. It’s possible that Eidos will go the route of the MCU and continue building up to Thanos in a game much further down the line, allowing time to flesh out a story and also create distance between his arc in the MCU. The character largely succeeded in the films because he was a lingering threat that was developed over many years, so it’s possible this could happen within the Guardians game universe.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is out now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: DoctorSkeeterBatman/Reddit

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