Warning: contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #12!

Everyone’s favorite tree, Groot, has been saying “I Am Groot” for as long as fans can remember, and while there has been a lot of speculation as to why this is, Guardians of the Galaxy #12 just gave us an epic new meaning behind these three little words. This isn’t just the language of his species, the Flora colossus, it is because he is a being that has literally evolved past language, something that is explained by his Guardians teammate Moondragon after she traps a literal god in his mind. The fact that Groot’s mind can hold a god inside of it, as he just goes about his normal everyday life, is pretty darn impressive, and a sign that he truly is more evolved than everyone else.


This issue, from writer Al Ewing and artist Juann Cabal is a big one for Groot. Not only is he now holding a god in his mind, but this is all after he was just destroyed, and then resurrected by the power stone. The Guardians of the Galaxy are up against one of their most powerful adversaries yet — the literal gods of Olympus. After Star-Lord was seemingly killed in Guardians of the Galaxy #2, he and Zeus had an unpleasant encounter where he ended up stealing some of the god’s energy. After that, he was trapped in a different dimension for centuries as he lived an entirely new life, and was able to unlock the powers of a god. Because of this, Zeus has come to Earth to reclaim his stolen powers, which has the Guardians locked in a battle against the gods. No one could have guessed the key to solving part of their god problem would be to lock on in Groot’s mind.

There have been several different theories as to why Groot can only say the words “I Am Groot” in Marvel Comics, but this new reason proves just how incredible a creature he is. There have been moments in the past where Groot was able to use other words and speak normally, like when he first appeared in 1960 as well as in a recent run of Guardians comics. Possibly because of this new re-birth, or just because of how advanced of a creature he is, it is now proven his mind has evolved beyond language.

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When the god becomes trapped in a circle boundary, having no clue where he is, or how he is there, the powerful telepath Moondragon explains. She states that he is a god of language and there was a mind within reach that had evolved beyond language — a mind that she could trap him in. The panel shows the god of language running circles inside an “O” and as it pans out, readers discover he is quite literally trapped inside the words “I Am Groot”. The crazy thing is that Groot doesn’t even seem phased by this new addition to his mind, he just questions “I Am Groot?”

Fans know that Marvel does everything for a reason, so expect to see this god of language come back into the picture at some point. Read more about this discovery of Groot’s evolution in Guardians of the Galaxy #12 is available in stores and online now.

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