In Godzilla vs Kong, Godzilla could be the victim of mind control, a plot device that was seemingly introduced into the MonsterVerse via the Godzilla: King of the Monsters credits. Mind control being in the movie would provide an explanation for Godzilla’s unusually aggressive behavior in the trailer.

Despite everything he did to protect humanity in his two MonsterVerse movies, the King of the Monsters is being perceived as Godzilla vs. Kong’s villain. Based on what was shown in the trailer, it looks like Godzilla has been attacking the humans, and that Kong may be entrusted with defeating him. But not all fans are convinced that Godzilla is turning bad. One outcome that would clear Godzilla of any wrongdoing would be the reveal that he’s being impersonated (and framed) by his robotic counterpart, Mechagodzilla. However, there’s another theory that would serve the same purpose; it’s possible that Godzilla isn’t acting of his own free will.


Though the concept of mind control has been alluded to in the MonsterVerse before, it hasn’t been used yet. If it were to be implemented, it wouldn’t be a new idea for a Godzilla movie. Mind control is an old problem that has addled Godzilla and his allies in the past. In Toho’s Terror of Mechagodzilla, it was used to make the peaceful Titanosaurus an opponent of Godzilla. Invasion of Astro Monster saw Godzilla and Rodan attack Japan against their will. Godzilla and several other heroic kaiju were placed under the mental control of aliens and humans in Destroy All Monsters. There have been other instances as well where mind control was central to the story of a Godzilla film. It may be that the MonsterVerse will be using it too in Godzilla vs. Kong. Here’s how it could work, and why this theory would make sense of what Godzilla is doing in the movie.

How King of the Monsters Set Up Mind Control

The redacted text in the Godzilla: King of the Monsters credits suggested mind control is indeed possible in the MonsterVerse. It was said that the ancient humans developed ways of telepathic communication with the Titans, with whom they shared peaceful, symbiotic relationships. After a while, they decided to turn these monsters into weapons of war and tried to “control” them. When some Titans fought back, a war erupted. Part of what makes this history between man and Titan so interesting is the notion that humans were able to control Titans, even if it was only temporary. Exactly how they accomplished this isn’t made clear, but the implication is that their methods of telepathic communication had something to do with it. It could be that they took their link to the next level by telepathically forcing their will on the Titans.

Telepathically controlling monsters may not be a feasible option in the present day, but there could be other ways that modern humans could make this work. In fact, King of the Monsters may have taken the first step toward humanity possessing this capability. The movie introduced a device called the Orca, which can transmit signals that only Titans can recognize and respond to. In the film, characters were able to influence the Titans’ actions through the Orca. For example, Madison (Millie Bobby Brown) successfully used it to lure Ghidorah to Boston. If a significant, technological upgrade was made to the Orca, mankind might have the means to directly control Titans.

Why The Villains May Be Controlling Godzilla

Godzilla vs. Kong’s villains may already have their hands on such a device. If so, they may be using it on Godzilla. First of all, this seems like a sensible plan when taking into consideration what is known about their intentions in Godzilla vs. Kong. The synopsis has confirmed that a “human conspiracy” could lead to the eradication of all the monsters. To reach that end, it’s hard to imagine a better way of doing it than seizing mental control of the strongest Titan. If they can make Godzilla do what they want, they would have it within their power to achieve two goals. First, they could wipe out the other Titans by making Godzilla fight them. Second, they could convince the people of Earth to unite against what’s left of the Titans. Most believe Godzilla to be their protector, so if even he were to turn against them, they’d become even more determined than ever to be rid of them.

Godzilla being mind-controlled would provide an adequate explanation for why he’s suddenly gone rogue in the MonsterVerse. It’s not like Godzilla for him to launch attacks on innocent humans. The main characters are aware of this fact, which is why characters like Madison feel like they’re missing a piece of the puzzle.

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That missing piece may be APEX Sciences, a mysterious new MonsterVerse organization that appears to be integral to Godzilla vs. Kong’s plot. Though this remains unconfirmed, many are theorizing that APEX is the name that belongs to Godzilla vs. Kong’s group of villains. The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer dropped a hint that there may be a link between Godzilla and APEX. At the 1:47 mark, a map plots Godzilla’s activities and the locations of numerous APEX facilities. One note on the map reads, “Connection between Godzilla and APEX?” This means that whatever Godzilla is up to may be related to them in some way. Unless Godzilla’s attacks are aimed at APEX, it could be that the connection is that Godzilla is being used by them as a pawn.

MonsterVerse’s Human Characters May Have To Free Godzilla

If it’s true that Godzilla is under the mental control of APEX, then that would mean it may be up to Kong and Monarch to revert him back to normal. Figuring out what’s really going on and freeing Godzilla from APEX’s control may actually be what Madison’s story is in Godzilla vs. Kong. That does seem plausible, given that she does seem to be investigating his motives in the trailer. As for how that can be done, the key could be Godzilla vs. Kong’s child character, who may have a telepathic bond with Kong. Though her main connection to the story is Kong, it could be revealed that her powers allow her to communicate with all Titans. That could enable her to get through to Godzilla.

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Of course, if they do succeed in restoring Godzilla to his senses, that doesn’t mean his conflict with Kong will end. Kong, who is unlikely to understand the nature of Godzilla’s predicament, may still regard him as the enemy until the real threat stands revealed. If APEX loses Godzilla, they could unleash Mechagodzilla on both of them as a back-up plan.

Key Release Dates
  • Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)Release date: Mar 31, 2021
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