Greek Mythology is commonly used within all sorts of media. From movies like Clash of The Titans, books like Percy Jackson, and video games like God of War, people cannot get enough of these ancient legends. One of the more recently popular games based on Greek mythology is the indie rogue-like Hades.

In this game the son of Hades, Zagreus, is trying to escape from the underworld so he can reunite with his mother. As he fights through the layers of the underworld, he gets help from various gods and famous Greek characters. The game has a lot of charm and great design, but one of the best parts about it is the various ways players can get through a run. Players can choose up to six different weapons, called infernal arms, and each infernal arm has multiple different aspects with different perks. Here are all six infernal arms as well as their hidden aspect.

12 Varatha, The Eternal Spear

This two-pronged spear is the weapon Hades used to fight the titans with. Though it is a melee weapon, the spear has a good amount of range. It’s special allows the spear to be shot at enemies, and for it to return back to deal extra damage from behind. Additionally, the spear can be charged up and released into a spinning attack. The Zagreus aspect does extra damage, the Achilles aspect grants a dash which chases after the spear instead of it returning to the player’s hand, and the Hades aspect inflicts punishing damage and increases the spin attack range.

11 Hidden Aspect: Guan Yu

Guan Yu’s Frost Fair Blade is the first hidden aspect Zagreus can obtain. The spear changes quite a lot in this form. The special is no longer retrievable, but can still be thrown. Additionally, the spin attack shoots out as a ranged AOE. Enemies hit by the spinning blade will take damage while healing Zagreus. The downside of this aspect is that equipping it drastically reduces the amount of health Zagreus has overall.

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The spear’s aspect can be obtained after purchasing the Fated List of Minor Prophecies, reaching the final boss, and investing Titan Blood into five different non-Zagreus aspects.


10 Stygius, The Stygian Blade

The Stygian Blade is the first weapon Zagreus can use. It is a swift blade that comes with an AOE smash attack as it’s special. This is also the weapon Poseidon used during the war against the titans. The Zagreus aspect grants bonus attack and move speed, Nemesis aspect has a chance for bonus critical damage, and the Poseidon aspect is able to remove cast ammo off of enemies with the special.

9 Hidden Aspect: Arthur

The Stygian Blade’s hidden aspect is none other than the Holy Excalibur wielded by King Arthur. It grants Zagreus 50 extra health, and its special inflicts a special aura. Within this aura enemies deal less damage, projectiles move slower, and traps are disabled. However, the drawback of this weapon is that it is much slower than the other blade’s aspects.

This hidden aspect will be revealed after Guan Yu’s aspect is revealed and when five titan’s bloods are invested in the Stygian Blade.

8 Aegis, The Shield of Chaos

This is the powerful shield that Zeus once wielded. Aside from the shield being capable of blocking damage, it has multiple offensives capabilities. It has a charged dash that can go through enemies, as well as a special that throws the shield which can be chain bounced on multiple enemies.

The Zagreus aspect does additional base damage, the Chaos aspect throws multiple shields after a charged dash, and the Zeus aspect changes the special to a thrown disk which can do AOE damage and return back to the player to do extra damage.

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7 Hidden Aspect: Beowulf

In this aspect, the shield becomes Beowulf’s Naeglings Board. This shield’s charged dash has less distance but has the advantage of a wider range. Additionally, when the charged dash hits enemies, Zagreus’s casts explode and deal considerable damage. The downsides of this aspect are that Zagreus takes increased damage and that the special no longer bounces off of enemies.

This aspect can be obtained after getting the Guan Yu aspect, investing 5 Titan Blood into shield aspects, and by talking to Chaos.

6 Coronacht, The Heart Seeking Bow

This is the weapon Hera once used. The bow is a long-ranged weapon that has a special that shoots a spray of arrows around. The Zagreus aspect has increased critical attack chance, the Chiron aspect can make the special lock onto enemies after an attack, and the Hera aspect loads the players cast into their attack.

5 Hidden Aspect: Rama

In this aspect Coranacht changes into Rama’s Celestial Sharanga. The bow charges up slower, but its attack is stronger, has a wider range, and can pierce through walls and enemies. The special shoots a concentrated volley of arrows which can ricochet off walls. Enemies marked with the special also grant the bows attacks to do more damage.

This aspect can be obtained after getting the Guan Yu aspect, putting five Titan Blood into bow aspects, and talking to Artemis.

4 Malphon, Twin Fists

These up and close gauntlets were once wielded by Demeter. They deal low damage but are fast hitting. The attack unleashes a fury of combos, while the special is an uppercut. The Zagreus aspect increases the player’s dodge chance, the Talos aspect pulls enemies in with the special, and the Demeter aspect allows the special to deal more damage after 12 consecutive hits.

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3 Hidden Aspect: Gilgamesh

Hidden within Malphon are Gilgamesh’s Claws of Enkidu. In this aspect the weapon’s special inflicts the status maim. This status allows the player to deal more damage to enemies, while also increasing the damage enemies can dish out. The general attack is also a swiping motion, which deals more damage.

This aspect can be attained after unlocking the Guan Yu aspect, investing five Titan Blood into the fist aspects, and having enough dialogue with Asterius.

2 Exagryph, The Adamant Rail

This weapon stands out considering it is literally a gun amongst, swords and shields. Exagryph is the destructive gun wielded by Hestia. It fires bullets into enemies but needs to be reloaded when empty. Its special is an explosive AOE missile. The Zagreus aspect increases the amount of ammo the gun has, the Eris aspect increases player damage after getting hit by the special, and the Hestia aspect empowers the player’s next shot after reloading.

1 Hidden Aspect: Lucifer

This hidden aspect unleashes the demonic fury of Lucifer’s Igneous Eden. The attack becomes a straight energy beam, while the special drops down hellfire. This hellfire can explode after being triggered by the attack beam.

This gun’s aspect can be unlocked after getting Guan Yu’s aspect, putting five Titan Blood into the rail aspects, and talking to Zeus enough.

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