Players will have to face off against many difficult enemies throughout their time with Hades. Each new area of The Underworld brings a wealth of new enemies and challenges for players to face off against, with some carrying swords or bows and others still using magic or bombs to bring Zagreus down. Even if players manage to make it past all of these difficult enemies, a the end of each area they have to fight against a boss as well.

The first boss that players will have to face off against in Hades is Megaera the Fury. Meg is not an easy foe and she seems to have a very intense history with Zagreus which means she carries a grudge against the God. Bringing her down will force players to understand her attack patterns as well as be able to counterattack at every available opportunity. This guide shows players how to beat Megaera the first boss.


Hades: How to Defeat Megaera

Megaera is the boss of the first area of Hades, Tartarus. Since players face off against her so early in a run, it means that they most likely don’t have many boons or upgrades for Zagreus. This can make the fight more difficult than it should be, especially for beginners. The trick to defeating her is to understand her attack patterns first. These are the different attacks that Meg has at her disposal:

  • Whip Swipe- Meg will rush towards the player and swing her whip in an arc in front of her. Players can dash to the left or right to avoid this attack.
  • Shadow Bolts- Meg will stand still and fire dozens of dark projectiles either at the player or in an arc around her. They don’t do a lot of damage individually, but collectively they can drop the player’s health considerably. Players should either run and dash to avoid all the bolts, or if they have one of Artemis’ deflection boons they can knock them back at Meg.
  • Shadow Flames- Meg will spawn a few circles on the ground that will shoot dark flames in the air. Players just need to dash out of the circles when they spawn.
  • Enemy Spawning- Once Meg’s health drops below certain thresholds, she will spawn other enemies to attack. Players should clear these out and continue focusing on Meg.

The best way to handle Megaera is to keep a little bit of distance between the player and her and use long-ranged attacks whenever possible. Players should prioritize boons that increase long-range attack and dashing abilities that deal status effects. This way when she leaps at the player they can dash to the side and leave a Blade Rift or something similar in her path to deal damage. Having a deflection ability as well is a great way to knock her bolts back at her to deal a massive amount of damage. As long as players keep avoiding her attacks and deflecting her bolts, they will be able to bring Meg down in no time and move on to Asphodel.

Hadescan be played on PC and Nintendo Switch.

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