Halo Infinite features a variety of difficult boss fights, including the battle against Adjutant Resolution, a machine that’s trying to stop Master Chief from shutting down the Halo Ring. The fight with Adjutant Resolution can be difficult if players don’t understand the mechanics. It’s also important that players have a Halo Infinite weapon that deals a lot of damage in order to be successful in the fight.

There are a lot of different weapons to collect and use in Halo Infinite. Players can use kinetic, power, plasma, hardlight, and shock weapons, but these will need to be found or unlocked using Valor. There are only a few different weapons to unlock with Valor, so most will need to be found by exploring the open world in Halo Infinite. Shock weapons will work the best to defeat Adjutant Resolution.


During the mission, “Spire,” players will face a few different challenges, including several of Halo Infinite‘s Banished Hunters, and the aggressive Adjutant Resolution. To defeat this boss, players will need to hide behind the pillars in the arena to avoid its powerful beam attack and gunfire. There are weapons players can find around the area, and most of them will work well for the fight, but to deal the highest damage players should pick up the Shock Rifle.

How to Defeat Adjutant Resolution in Halo Infinite

The only way to defeat Adjutant Resolution in Halo Infinite is to take out its four mechanical arm guns, then shoot the center ball until Master Chief is victorious. The fight has two phases, and players will need to focus on the four arms first. Each one will have a highlighted section that can be shot at to deal damage and, eventually, destroy it. Once an arm is destroyed, Adjutant Resolution will go down temporarily, and players can shoot it in the center of its mechanical suit to deal large amounts of damage.

Once the four arms are dealt with, players will move on to the next phase of the fight, during which the exposed Adjutant Resolution will shoot a hardlight beam that players need to dodge using cover. Between Adjutant Resolution’s firing, players will need to quickly shoot at the center light to drain its health. It may take some time because Adjutant Resolution fires rather quickly, but, as long as players keep hiding behind pillars and jumping out to strike often, they will be able to win this Halo Infinite boss fight.

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Beating Adjutant Resolution is required for completing “Spire,” which is Halo Infinite‘s seventh main story mission. Adjutant Resolution is the fourth boss players will face in Halo Infinite and the first that isn’t one of the Banished. Due to its constant firing, the battle with Adjutant Resolution will likely take up more time than some of the other bosses, like Tremonious. Players will also need to use the right weapons to beat Adjutant Resolution, especially those playing on harder difficulties in Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC.

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