Hamilton, the Broadway musical sensation that took the world by storm, is now available on Disney+ to stream. The critically acclaimed and popularly beloved show has many exciting characters. One of them is Angelica Schuyler. She is one of the Schuyler sisters and is played wonderfully by the talented Renee Elise Goldsberry, who won a Tony for her performance.

Angelica Schuyler is Alexander Hamilton’s sister in law. She appears throughout the show and belts out powerful numbers, like “Schuyler Sisters,” “Satisfied” and “It’s Quiet Uptown.” Here are some of the lines that highlight some of Angelica Schuyler’s best moments in Hamilton.

10 “You Want A Revolution? I Want A Revelation”

This line is from “Schuyler Sisters,” when Angelica is approached by Aaron Burr, who is trying his luck with her. Far from being impressed, Angelica actively shuts him down in one of the most fun sequences on the show. Aaron Burr knows that the Schuyler family is rich and socially important, but fails to capture Angelica’s interest.

She goes on to say how she’s someone who is well-read, and how because of that, men think that she’s intense or insane.  She’s not impressed by Aaron Burr’s “trust fund” and is very okay with telling it straight to his face.

9 “When I Meet Thomas Jefferson, I’m ‘A Compel Him To Include Women In The Sequel”

Before this, Angelica recites Thomas Jefferson’s famous line from the U.S Declaration of Independence. The line goes, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Through the above line, Angelica seeks to point out how Jefferson had conveniently forgotten to include women in his statement.

The line pokes fun at the fact that Jefferson’s proclamation was far from the truth when it was written. Not only were women not considered equal, but not even all men were considered equal.


8 “He’s A Bit Of A Flirt, But I’m ‘A Give It A Chance”

This song is from “Satisfied,” when Angelica recalls her first meeting with Alexander Hamilton. Considered by many to be one of the best songs in the musical, this line especially pokes fun at the rumors about Alexander Hamilton’s general behavior around women.

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It also shows, to some extent, the self-awareness the character of Angelica has, and her ability to see him for what he is. In the first half, there are many instances when viewers can see Alexander flirting with the women around him, and especially during the song, “A Winter’s Ball.”

7 “Nice Going, Angelica, He Was Right / You Will Never Be Satisfied”

The very title of this song “Satisfied” is a recurrent theme in this musical and it pops up during various moments. Alexander sees Angelica as someone who is as excited as he is about reaching great heights. They are both characters who are very unwilling to settle down, always wanting more, but somehow not able to get what they want.

This is highlighted in this line more than anywhere else  – how Alexander may have been right about Angelica, and that she will never be fully satisfied.

6 “And Alexander Is Penniless, Ha / That Doesn’t Mean I Want Him Any Less”

Renee Elise Goldsberry is a revelation. Her fast rap in this portion of the song is breathtaking. She’s very aware of her place in society and very aware of what is expected of her. She knows that she has to marry rich and that she’s the eldest daughter, so there is a lot of responsibility on her.

But this line makes it evident what her heart actually wants. It is a funny line, but it also comes with the loaded meaning of what it meant to be a woman during that time in history.

5 “I’m Not Here For You”

This is yet another knockout moment and appears during the song, “The Reynolds Pamphlet.” Alexander Hamilton has written himself into a position from which he has no salvation. Angelica arrives as soon as she hears the news, all the way from London.

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Alexander is extremely pleased about her arrival because he thinks that she’ll understand the struggle he is going through. He thinks she’s there for him. But Angelica doesn’t waste a moment to say that she’s not there for him. It’s a very powerful moment and marks a big change in the relationship between these two characters.

4 “Put What We Had Aside, I’m Standing At Her Side”

In continuation of the previous line, this one makes it evident where her loyalties lie. They may have had a clandestine relationship before this, but at this moment in history, Angelica decides to pick the side of her sister and not Alexander.

She asks Alexander to forget what they had because she knew that she needs to take her sister’s side in this situation. Her sister needed her more than Alexander. And Angelica knew very well that the mess Alexander was in was one he made by himself.

3 “I Love My Sister More Than Anything In This Life / I Will Choose Her Happiness Over Mine Every Time”

In two different situations, viewers can clearly see how Angelica puts aside her own wishes and happiness for her sister. She loved Alexander, but she knew she loved her sister more, so she chose to set them up. She chose her sister’s happiness over hers, even after the mess that Alexander makes after the Reynolds Pamphlet.

Angelica is dedicated and devoted to her sister. This love between the sisters and their bond can’t even be broken by Alexander.

2 “If You See Him In The Street, Walking By Himself, Talking to Himself, Have Pity”

In the song “It’s Quiet Uptown,” Angelica presents to the viewers the turn the lives of the Hamiltons took after the death of their son. Alexander is sort of broken, all his bravado has dissipated. Angelica tries to get the viewers to sympathize with Alexander and the situation he has found himself in.

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Hamilton does an amazing job of showing flawed characters and not hiding their many failings. But it also does an amazing job of trying to get viewers to empathize with the characters and that’s what Angelica attempts here.

1 “There Are Moments That The Words Don’t Reach / There Is A Grace Too Powerful To Name”

Alexander Hamilton famously says that he can write his way out of anything, and even write his way into deliverance. But his words fail him at this moment and he knows that there is nothing he can say or write that will change Eliza’s mind. His words simply don’t matter at this point. Angelica points this out in this line.

It’s a very poignant moment in the musical when Eliza shows forgiveness, not by words, but by merely taking his hand. It’s quite a meta line in that sense, trying to show how even in a musical whose importance and relevance comes from its lyrics, there are some moments when the actions speak louder than the words.

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