The characters in Hamilton may be based on historical figures, but Lin-Manuel Miranda’s acclaimed musical takes these individuals out of the history books and makes them feel like modern people viewers can understand and relate to. Due to the strength of Miranda’s writing, even the smallest character is given a fully-realized personality and a journey that is compelling to watch.

Even though Hamilton is the story of Alexander Hamilton, it is the characters that surround him – like Aaron Burr, Angelica Schuyler, and Thomas Jefferson – that prove to be some of the most nuanced of them all. Between the musical’s iconic lyrics, and the strong performances by the original Broadway cast, Hamilton‘s characters have already left a permanent mark on popular culture.

10 King George III: “I Will Send A Fully Armed Batallion To Remind You Of My Love.”

Most of the characters in Hamilton are allowed to be nuanced, complicated depictions of historical figures, but King George III is a one-dimensional villain. As the threat to the colonies’ independence, King George is depicted in an almost sociopathic manner.

In his few songs in the musical, the king is shown to delight in violence and destruction. He is also incredibly petulant, childish, and volatile, which makes him all the more dangerous for the few characters who get in his way. This line showcases that violence and his desire to be in control.

9 Hercules Mulligan: “I Need No Introduction. When You Knock Me Down, I Get The F**k Back Up Again.”

Hercules Mulligan is the boldest and most unpredictable of Alexander Hamilton’s group of friends. In one scene, he is boasting about his sexual escapades and in another, he drunkenly teases Aaron Burr about his love life. In keeping with his bawdy behavior, he also has a colorful vocabulary.

Beyond his loud personality, Mulligan is known for his work as a spy, which shows what he is capable of when he puts his mind to something. He is a valuable asset for the colonies in their fight against the British, but he is also a loyal friend with a penchant for partying and drinking.


8 John Laurens: “We’ll Never Be Truly Free Until Those In Bondage Have The Same Rights As You And Me.”

John Laurens is one of Hamilton‘s most likable characters. He is cheeky and mischievous in his scenes with his friends, but even when he is goofing around, Laurens always has an eye on the future, and in particular his crusade for ending slavery.

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Laurens is also one of Hamilton’s closest friends, and some historians even speculate there was a romantic relationship between the two. Laurens constantly inspires and surprises Hamilton, challenging the other man to do better. Despite the brevity of his role, his loss lingers with Hamilton for the rest of the musical, showing the strength of his presence.

7 Marquis De Lafayette: “Tell The King, ‘Casse Toi!’ Who’s The Best? C’est Moi.”

Hamilton‘s version of the Marquis de Lafayette is allowed to be many things, depending on what the moment calls for. As “the Lancelot of the revolutionary set,” he is both a charmer and a flirt and also an advocate for immigrants’ rights and independence for all.

Lafayette has a way with words, and his impressive rapping in songs like “Guns and Ships” shows the intensity of all the ideas going on in his mind at once. He is a true ally to Hamilton in times of crisis, and a man whose bravery and kindness lingers with Hamilton after he has returned to France. This quote displays that he was brash but in such a likable way.

6 Eliza Schuyler Hamilton: “Let Me Be A Part Of The Narrative In The Story They Will Write Someday.”

When Eliza is first introduced in the musical, she is wide-eyed and in love, unaware of all that a life of marriage to Alexander has in store for her. But Eliza learns things the hard way through Alexander’s rise and fall, and as a result, she shows just how strong a woman she is.

She casts Alexander out of her life after he cheats, but takes him back after their son’s murder, showing unbelievable levels of compassion and forgiveness. After Hamilton’s death, Eliza devotes the rest of her life to preserving his legacy. Many fans even make the case that Eliza is the hero of Hamilton, citing her selfless journey and the fact that the musical is titled simply Hamilton and not Alexander Hamilton.

5 Thomas Jefferson: “These Are Wise Words. Enterprising Men Quote ‘Em. Don’t Act Surprised, You Guys, ‘Cause I Wrote ‘Em.”

If there is anyone in Hamilton who can rival Alexander’s arrogance and way with words, it has to be Thomas Jefferson. As portrayed by Daveed Diggs in one of Hamilton‘s best acting performances, Jefferson is loud and proud, a real smooth talker who isn’t afraid to get into fights because he knows he can talk his way out of them.

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Jefferson is incredibly combative, particularly with Hamilton and Aaron Burr, but shows he is capable of playing well with others through his relationships with James Madison and George Washington. Although he works his way up to President, Jefferson routinely skirts responsibility along the way, showing that he is often all talk and no action.

4 George Washington: “Remember From Here On In, History Has Its Eyes On You.”

George Washington is the father that Alexander Hamilton never had. All scenes that the two share depict their close mentorship, but also feel strongly tinged with the notion of creating a legacy, not just in a country but in another man.

Washington is one of the only people who can get through to Hamilton, even if it means raising his voice to do so. Washington sees much of himself in the younger, more impulsive Hamilton and tries his best to guide him away from his angry and impatient nature. When Washington exits the musical, he clearly believes he is leaving the country and his legacy in Hamilton’s hands.

3 Angelica Schuyler: “When I Meet Thomas Jefferson, I’mma Compel Him To Include Women In The Sequel.”

Angelica Schuyler might be the smartest character in Hamilton, as well as one of Hamilton‘s best characters. Even though she has her social status to worry about, Angelica is always thinking about something bigger, namely women’s liberation. As she says herself, she isn’t concerned with the American Revolution: she wants a moment of revelation.

Beyond her intellectual side and her quest for gender equality and justice, Angelica is also one of the musical’s most selfless characters. “Satisfied” reveals that Angelica loved Hamilton first, but in order to ensure her sister’s happiness, she stepped aside, denying herself her own happiness as a result.

2 Aaron Burr: “I Am The One Thing In Life I Can Control. I Am Inimitable. I Am An Original.”

Aaron Burr’s life changes the moment he meets Alexander Hamilton. Burr is a measured man, who prefers to “wait for it” rather than act on impulse. During the Revolution, Burr is almost always passed over in favor of Hamilton, which creates a real resentment within him.

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Burr becomes an increasingly angry man, driven by his small-minded need for vengeance as he tries to carve out a place for himself. Tragically, it is only after he kills Hamilton that Burr realizes “the world was wide enough for both Hamilton and [Burr.]” Burr’s thwarted competitiveness and his injured pride lead to his own downfall.

1 Alexander Hamilton: “I’m Just Like My Country. I’m Young, Scrappy, And Hungry, And I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot.”

After surviving a tragic childhood in the Caribbean, Alexander Hamilton is a man driven by the need to act. He is always looking for more to do, more to write, and more to leave behind. He is desperate in his need for validation and a legacy alike.

At the core of his character are two dueling traits: arrogance and insecurity. Hamilton believes he is the smartest person in the room in every room, but also rarely believes that he deserves to be in that room. In order to hide this vulnerability, he talks faster and louder than everyone else, which often gets him in trouble but also leads to the results the country needs.

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