In Dexter: New Blood, the hints of darkness in Harrison Morgan (Jack Alcott) might come from his father Dexter but are just as likely to have come from Hannah. The sequel miniseries shows Dexter ten years later, reconnecting with his now teenaged son. While it’s not yet confirmed that Harrison has a Dark Passenger like his father, his challenging childhood and history with drugs indicate that there’s some shadow in him that needs to be guided, and perhaps controlled.

The original Dexter series showed some small signs that Harrison might have inherited some of his father’s darkness. For example, his mother was murdered when he was very young, just like Dexter’s was. There were incidents such as Harrison lying about a remote and possibly scratching another child. However, it was never clear whether these events actually showed that something was amiss, or if Dexter was so paranoid about passing on the Dark Passenger that he misinterpreted normal childhood behaviors as dangerous or concerning.


Dexter did raise Harrison as a very young child, but he wasn’t his son’s primary caregiver for most of his life. After Dexter faked his death, Hannah moved with Harrison to Argentina, where they would be safe. Harrison referred to her as his stepmother in Dexter: New Blood. He said that he lived with her until she died of pancreatic cancer three years before the start of the show. After she died, Harrison was deported back to the United States and bounced around in foster care. If Harrison is carrying around a Dark Passenger, it’s just as likely to have come from Hannah as from Dexter, if not more so.

While she wasn’t his biological mother, Hannah raised Harrison through formative years that he actually remembers. By contrast, Dexter parented him as a baby and toddler, of which Harrison has fuzzy memories of at best. Hannah wasn’t an innocent civilian parent either, but a manipulative serial killer in her own right. Knowing that ten years have passed since the Dexter series finale means he lived with her for about seven years before she died. This means Harrison was with her between the ages of about four and twelve. It’s clear that she had a strong influence on him during his adolescence. His sense of values and boundaries would have been instilled in him by her.

The relationship between Dexter and Harrison is a key component of Dexter: New Blood. The biggest reason Dexter left was to protect Harrison from his issues and the violence that follows him. It would be a tragic revelation for him to find that even leaving him didn’t save his son. The thing that affected Dexter’s path the most was having a powerful father figure in his life. By taking that away from Harrison, Dexter may have accidentally pushed his son further down the path into darkness.

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