While the NBC series Hannibal has been off the air for nearly six years now, it’s had a surprisingly strong and thriving fandom ever since. While there’s still no official word on if or when the canceled-too-soon series will ever be picked up again, fans and even creator Bryan Fuller are still hopeful.

Part of what made the series so compelling was the character of Will Graham along with the relationship between him and Hannibal Lecter. Will became a more and more complicated protagonist as the series progressed, and some rather traumatic things happened to him along the way.

10 He struggles with relationships

Will Graham’s exact issues are hinted at but never officially diagnosed. He’s an empath and highly intelligent which allows him to be able to relate to the minds of all kinds of people, including serial killers like Hannibal.

He also is highly sensitive and could deal with other kinds of mental illness or personality disorders, and he struggles to maintain friendships or any relationship in general.

9 He doesn’t remember his mother much

The background for the NBC version of the character draws on the novels by Thomas Harris while also creating its own thing. We know that Will was raised by his father in Louisiana and that he didn’t even really know his mother.

She left his life when he was quite young, and the lack of this relationship in his life clearly made an impact.


8 Jack Pushes him to work even when he clearly needs help

Jack Crawford is a highly divisive character amongst fans. While, on the one hand, he’s doing everything he can to save lives from terrifying killers, he can also cross lines into manipulative and unethical behavior himself.

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He is especially this way with Will Graham in season one. Even though it becomes clear that Will is unraveling so much that he can’t really do his job, Jack continues to push him in a way that is often uncomfortable.

7 He lost Beverly Katz

Probably the most controversial and also most tragic death in the series was that of Beverly Katz. Fans loved the character, and she was also one of the few people who Will felt an attachment to.

Hannibal murdered her in a particularly brutal and upsetting way, and this death had an impact on viewers of the show as well as the other characters such as Will.

6 He still doesn’t know for sure if he is a good or bad person

Will Graham might start out seeming mostly like a victim of the actions of others around him, but he doesn’t remain this way. He goes from hunted to hunter in season two as he works to bring Hannibal down, but he gets too close to Hannibal and becomes intoxicated by their connection.

By the end of season three when he helps Hannibal take down Francis Dolarhyde, the question of his own morality is a looming one.

5 Hannibal tries to cut open his head

There’s no denying that Hannibal and Will on the show have romantic feelings for one another as twisted as their relationship might be. While Hannibal does seem to love Will in whatever way he can feel that emotion, it didn’t stop him from trying to murder Will for betraying him.

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In an homage to previous works before, Hannibal attempts to saw Will’s head open, and this is just one of the many screwed up things Hannibal does to him.

4 Hannibal frames him for murder

Going back to season one, Hannibal plans nearly all along to frame Will as the Chesapeake Ripper. Will believes he can trust Hannibal, and he starts participating in regular counseling sessions with Dr. Lecter.

Hannibal uses all of this information to unravel his plot to frame Will and take any heat off of himself in the future. Hannibal succeeds and Will is thrown in prison, but things get more complicated from there.

3 Hannibal also gaslights Will into believing he’s losing his mind

Along with Hannibal’s plan to frame Will and get him sent to prison, a plan Hannibal regrets after starting to fall in love with Will, he gaslights him over the course of season one.

He makes Will believe he is losing his mind and that he’s a killer even though Hannibal knows pretty early on that Will is actually suffering from encephalitis.

2 He’s in love with a serial killer

If there’s one thing that continues to eat Will up inside, no pun intended, it’s the fact that he has feelings for Hannibal despite everything Hannibal has done. While he continues to resist it at points, he also gives in at others. When the series ends after being canceled, Will seems to have more fully given in to the side of him that is darker in nature and loves Hannibal, and he attempted to kill them both because of this.

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Fans definitely hope to see this dynamic explored further in a possible season 4.

1 Hannibal gutted him and killed Abigail Hobbs

One of the most heartbreaking and disturbing moments of the entire series happens at the end of season two in the episode, “Mizumono.” After Hannibal learns that Will had been lying to him, he punishes Will by killing Abigail Hobbs, who Will believed to be dead.

Hannibal also tries to kill Jack Crawford, arranges for Alana Bloom to be pushed out the window nearly killing her, and then guts Will during the episode. It’s a massacre motivated by Hannibal’s feelings of betrayal, and it’s truly traumatic.

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