Warning! Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends #1 below!

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s relationship in the pages of DC Comics has become one of the publisher’s most iconic romances, and now DC Comics’ has revealed the couple’s first time they admitted they love each other. In Batman: Urban Legends #1, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s first “I love you,” is showcased and it’s absolutely heartwarming and adorable.

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s relationship has become more prominent over the last few years and it appears DC Comics is finally ready to fully embrace the couple. The pair’s romance first started when they met in Batman: The Animated Series, as Harley Quinn was in a toxic and abusive relationship with the Joker. The duo’s friendship would eventually turn romantic, which was on full-display in Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti’s Harley Quinn series, where they were in an open relationship. Their romance has been further explored with the pair getting married in Injustice: Zero Year. Harley and Poison Ivy’s romance is a win for both readers and queer representation in the comics.


In the story “New Roots” in Batman: Urban Legends #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Laura Braga, Ivan Plascencia, and Deron Bennett, Harley is looking for Poison Ivy in Gotham in a greenhouse where the plantlife has all died. Harley finds a picture of her and Ivy, and the story flashes back to when the Greenhouse was first being built and the photo was taken. After Harley tears up after getting pricked by a flower, Poison Ivy notes that Quinn usually doesn’t wince after getting shot or stabbed, but that it’s funny a flower is what hurts her. She tells her, “you’re a mess, but I love you.”

Harley is stunned at Poison Ivy telling her how she feels, and responds by revealing “I love you too, Pammy.” After the Greenhouse is set-up the pair share a kiss after Poison Ivy gives her a plant. The story ends in the future with Harley standing with a plant, as she’s ready to start bringing the Greenhouse back to life.

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While it’s unclear if this story takes place in the canon, but the moment between Harley and Poison Ivy is absolutely perfect. Poison Ivy letting it slip that she’s in love with Harley, while Quinn is stunned while telling her the same is adorable. If this was truly the first time the pair said “I love you,” to one another, then it was perfectly fitting. Hopefully, DC Comics continues to tell stories with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s romance front and center – they’re one of the most entertaining, sweet couples in all of comics and this small story continues to prove that’s still the case.

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