Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy just shared their first kiss in the reality of the DC Universe animated series. The highly-anticipated romantic moment came at the end of Harley Quinn season 2, episode 7, “There’s No Place To Go But Down”, as the two made their escape from prison and was followed by a silence as awkward as the kiss was passionate.

Fans have been anxiously waiting to see how Harley Quinn would handle the romance between Pamela Isley and Harleen Quinzel. The two villains have been romantically linked for nearly as long as they’ve been best friends and partners in crime, though their earliest appearances in cartoons and comics merely teased at their true relationship. The two were finally confirmed to be in a relationship in the comics (though DC Comics has since then scaled that back) and were even revealed to be married in the Injustice universe.


The Harley Quinn showrunners confirmed during the break between seasons that they did plan to address Harley Quinn-Poison Ivy relationship at some point during Harley Quinn season 2. They urged fans to be patient, however, given that the show started with Ivy and Harley barely being friends, much less best friends and lovers like in other universes. This was an intentional choice, meant to develop both characters individually before bringing them together. Thankfully, the fans’ patience was rewarded in a big way at the end of Harley Quinn, season 2, episode 7, “There’s No Place To Go But Down”.

The main plot of Harley Quinn, season 2, episode 7 saw Ivy and Harley imprisoned by Bane in Peña Duro North, aka The Pit; a massive underground complex that resembled the prison from The Dark Knight Rises, only with less forced beatings and more forced participation in talent shows. The gal pals planned a daring escape that involved a riot and hijacking the personal helicopter of George Lopez, who was performing for the prisoners. The plan was half successful, with the riot going off but George Lopez flying away before Harley and Ivy could steal his helicopter. The resulting violence loosened the rocky surface of the walls of The Pit and exposed one root, which was all Ivy needed to pull herself and Harley to freedom.

Unfortunately, Bane grabbed a hold of Harley and tried to drag both women down, shouting that there was no escape from The Pit and that only love could truly set them free. This inspired Harley, who told Ivy to marry Kite Man and “make babies… name them Harley!  The girls and the boys!” before letting go of Ivy, sending her and Bane falling. Ivy wasn’t about to lose her best friend, however, and she bungee-jumped back down and caught Harley after she wiggled free of Bane in mid-air, before pulling them both to safety. It was in that moment, riding an adrenaline rush as powerful as the vine that carried them, the two kissed wildly… and then froze up as they realized what they had done.

Needless to say this is going to complicate Ivy’s engagement to Kite Man and her working relationship with Harley. The big question is if Ivy will try and go through with the wedding and deny her feelings for Harley Quinn or if she’ll call the wedding off and try and level with Kite Man. It will also be interesting to see if the usually laid-back Kite Man loses his cool when he finds out about Harley and Ivy or if he’ll just nod, smile, and move on.

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