In 2023, Indiana Jones 5 will see a nearly 80-year-old Harrison Ford don the fedora and whip once more, and the star has already offered the perfect response to playing an older Indiana Jones. With Indiana Jones 5 set to release in the summer of 2023, it will be opening 42 years after the original, which came out in 1981. That’s an enormous length of time for the adventuring archaeologist to still be in the game, assuming the film features a similarly-sized time jump, and some viewers might feel uncertain about seeing Indy in his older form.

While much of the new film’s plot is still a secret, it looks like Indiana Jones 5 will feature time travel and a young Indy. This is good news for several reasons, as it will take some of the burden off Harrison Ford to play the main swashbuckling hero by himself the whole time, as well as offer an intriguing supernatural/sci-fi twist unlike anything Indy has encountered yet. Whether it’s with CGI de-aging technology, great practical effects and stunt doubles, or a combination of both (which is most likely), Indiana Jones will be younger than he’s ever been for at least some scenes in Indiana Jones 5, be it time travel or flashback. Yet at the same time, Ford himself is still in the film as the major protagonist even though he’s currently 79. That might seem a bit weird to audiences who are used to their heroes being spring chickens, but Harrison Ford doesn’t think so.


Ford offered a witty retort to those who would question him playing a much older Indiana Jones during a 2008 interview when Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was coming out. At the time, Ford was only 66, but his sentiment is even more fitting now, in anticipation of Indiana Jones 5. Here’s what he had to say (via EW):

“That’s one of the things I was most keen about,” says Ford, sitting down for an indoors talk shortly after landing. “Just acknowledge the years, without reservation. What’s the big deal? The guy’s 18, 20 years older. So what?” There it is, the question on which hundreds of millions in grosses are riding. So what? Well, some people might not want to see a beloved action icon reaching AARP eligibility. “Yeah, I’ve heard it,” Ford says. “‘Aaaaw, he’s older.’ Well, s—, yes. And by the way? So are you. So…are… you! Take a look in the f—ing mirror!”

Not only does this sound like something Indy himself would say, but it showcases perfectly why Harrison Ford reprising his role 42 years later is actually a great move. While many who go to see Indiana Jones 5 will be people who weren’t even born yet in 1981, there will be just as many viewers who remember going to see Raiders of the Lost Ark as kids or even adults. Those people will also be 42 years older in 2023, which can help Indy’s story be that much more relatable to his original fans. Indiana Jones 5 should end the franchise, and there’s no better way to see Indy off than to show that he hasn’t lost his edge even into his late 70s. Harrison Ford’s “So what?” response shows that he’s not daunted by age, so neither should Indy be.

Of course, filming an action movie at 79 does come with some challenges, as Ford’s on-set shoulder injury in the summer of 2021 showcased. Hopefully, the actor and the whole crew behind Indiana Jones 5 have taken steps to ensure he doesn’t get hurt again, and it might indeed be time for Ford to hang up the fedora for good once the film wraps. Nevertheless, Indiana Jones wouldn’t be who he is if not for Ford’s incredible performance over the years, and it will be meaningful to see Indy’s story through to the end with Ford at the helm once more.

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