Hermione is a brilliant, wise, caring, and strong character in the Harry Potter series, so naturally, she has been shipped with many characters who aren’t the canon Romione endgame. There are Draco and Hermione shippers, Percy and Hermione shippers, Ginny and Hermione shippers, and Harry and Hermione shippers. And then there’s Hermione and Fred, also known as Fremione, a ship that sank before it had the chance to sail.

The tragedy is that Fred, one of the most beloved Weasleys, was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts. But what if Fred and Hermione were a couple? Would a different Weasley have been killed off? Would Fred still have died at the end of the series? Or would he instead have been granted a deserved ending – an ending that their shippers are still trying desperately to give them?

10 Nothing On You

It could be said that Fred Weasley was an honorary Marauder. He was an instigator of mischief, he was listened to by Peeves, and he discovered how to reveal the contents of the Marauder’s Map. Fred shared a connection to James Potter with his intelligence, growing maturity, and loyalty, yet he never discovered who the Marauders were in his lifetime. Hermione, the Brightest Witch of Her Age, was of Muggle descent, having two Muggle parents.

Lily Evans and Hermione, both incredibly gifted students, were both discriminated against and called Mudbloods. If Fred and Hermione had been endgame, history would have repeated itself in a joker and a brilliant witch who shared so much in common despite their differences, finding each other once again. As this line.17qq meme shows, they were made for each other.

9 Scale Of 1 – 10

This incorrect quote by hpconversations gives fans of the couple a view into what some of their interactions could have been like. Fred’s easy ability to turn everything into a joke is also linked to his playful charm.

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This scenario is similar to the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where Fred throws a ball of paper at Angelina Johnson during study hall to ask her to the Yule Ball and turns around to wink at Ron when she says yes.


8 Damning An OTP

When the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was read by fans all over the globe, it confirmed that Harry had married Ginny, and Hermione had married Ron. These two couples were canon.

This iFunny meme shows that in Fred and Hermione’s case, the only chance they would have of becoming endgame is by erasing Fred’s death in the Battle of Hogwarts or making Fremione a couple before Fred’s death.

7 The Punching Telescope

Most characters fans ship to be together never come to light in the actual universe the characters exist in. This leads to many fanfictions, pieces of fanart, gifs, and photo edits, as fans try to make something out of the fragments of something that wasn’t meant to be or was hinted at but never came to fruition.

This iFunny meme shows that for many, that haunting couple is Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger.

6 A Likely Phone Conversation

Fred Weasley is a joker. He and George are the twins of chaos, mischief, and well-intentioned jokes. They are the brothers who created charmed magic so impressive that the Ministry itself used their products – the brothers who provided support to students during Umbridge’s reign over Hogwarts.

But they were also the brothers who tested their products on first-year students and who gave their younger brother a lifelong fear of spiders. So the possibility that Fred and Hermione had a conversation such as the one icapturethecastle has created here is very likely.

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5 The Cheerful & Grumpy One

Fred and Hermione had respect for each other. They had small interactions, but their growth was beautiful. Hermione came to realize that Fred was more than a prankster, but a true intellectual who was also considerate of others and could perform “extraordinary magic.” Some examples of their influence on each other includes when the twins purposely didn’t create mayhem during leisure time to spare those who enjoyed studying, when Hermione felt rebellious after the twin’s fireworks display, and when Hermione regulated Fred and George by showing her disapproval when they went too far. Hermione even knows what will stop them – telling Molly Weasley.

Fred and Hermione have been paired with many other characters in the Harry Potter universe, but their pairing is one that when realized, is difficult to forget. This meme on iFunny shows Fred and Hermione’s great dynamic.

4 Fred, Hermione & The Yule Ball

Another moment Fremione shippers adore is in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, seen above, when Fred gives Hermione ointment for the bruise she got from a punching telescope, showing remorse for his prank invention.

3 A Talking Point

Primruesabcd has taken a book interaction between Fred and Hermione in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and put it to gifs of Hermione and Fred from the films. Hermione says “Who on earth wants to make their nose hairs grow into ringlets?” Fred’s response? “I wouldn’t mind. Be a talking point, wouldn’t it?”

Fans have the ability to show the potential of things that aren’t canon and make stolen book moments come to life. The Harry Potter books are full of nuances, small sentences lost to the big picture, and interactions completely ignored by the films.

2 Underrated Ship

Fremione is a hidden gem among Harry Potter shippers. Not many fans have thought about the two intellectual, supportive and much-loved characters ending up together.

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This line.17qq meme highlights that the ship is so underrated that even an internet search would autocorrect to the more popular Dramione ship.

1 A Matilda/Harry Potter Crossover

Princelee-chang has made a keen observation concerning Matilda and her similarities to both Fred and Hermione. Matilda is a curious girl who loves the library and has a thirst for knowledge, is magical, and surrounds herself with books. She is a character who has strong morals and strives for justice.

She is intellectual, funny, and witty, using her brilliant skills for everyone’s benefit. She is loveable, supportive, and pranks those who abuse their power.

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