The Harry Potter series has a lot of interesting and fascinating characters that don’t get enough attention. While the main characters including Harry, Ron, and Hermione definitely make the series so engaging, they aren’t the only characters that make the world interesting.

Many of the characters on this list were interesting but didn’t get enough character development, and others are just vastly underrated by fans and the fandom. But, for various reasons, they are all underrated.

10 Cho Chang

Cho Chang is a character that doesn’t get her due in both the books and by fans. While she at first seemed like a very smart, popular, and talented person, once Harry got annoyed by her and stopped liking her, the story made her seem annoying, and we never heard much from her again.

As a character with a lot of potential, Cho deserved to be more than just a love interest.

9 Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory is a character that many in the fandom love, and he sadly got such a tragic ending that the books didn’t teach us that much about him.

He was a character that exemplifies the traits of Hufflepuff house, and he also showed how good, upstanding characters didn’t have to be boring. Unfortunately, he only really appeared in one book, but he definitely had potential.


8 Molly Weasley

Molly Weasley is another underrated character who had an engaging and multifaceted personality. While some people write her off because she is a homemaker, these skills are very valuable.

She was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix who put her and her families’ lives at risk because she wanted to do the right thing. Without Molly, the Weasley family wouldn’t be nearly as interesting or well-loved.

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7 Professor McGonagall

Unfortunately, the Harry Potter series has an unfortunate trend of having many interesting female characters but then never giving them their due. Minerva McGonagall was one of the most influential professors at Hogwarts and also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

However, in the books, we don’t really learn that much about her, and she gets a lot fewer scenes than characters like Dumbledore and Snape. Given how intelligent and strict she was while also secretly really caring, it would have been nice to know more about her.

6 Fleur Delacour

Fleur Delacour is a fascinating character with a unique personality. While she might be part Veela, gorgeous, and very popular, she’s more than just a pretty face.

Fleur was skilled enough to be picked as one of the Triwizard Tournament champions, and she also has a rather compelling relationship with Bill Weasley. It’s once again a shame that the series often painted her as somewhat vapid and annoying.

5 Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin, along with the other Marauders, is a fan-favorite character that many people in the fandom adore.

While he does get a decent amount of character development compared to some of the supporting characters, there was even more potential for him. Fans still want to know more about his backstory and his life when he was younger.

4 Sirius Black

While Lupin is very popular, Sirius Black is probably even more loved by fans. With his arrogant personality, complicated family backstory, good looks, and being blamed for a crime he didn’t commit, he’s easily one of the most multi-faceted characters from the series.

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He’s another character that fans really wish they knew more about, and many would really like to see scenes of him from when he was young.

3 Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood is one of Harry’s few other actual friends during his time at Hogwarts. But, since she doesn’t get introduced until the fifth book, we just don’t know as much about her or get as many scenes with her.

Her journey from an eccentric loner who was misunderstood by others to one of Harry’s most loyal friends is compelling, and she’s such a likable character that she deserves more story development than she got.

2 Neville Longbottom

Neville is a character that might not seem like he’s underrated, but when you look at the books themselves, he definitely could have gotten more scenes.

Given what happened to his family and the fact that he almost was the one that Voldemort tried to kill, he’s a parallel character to Harry. But, what really makes him great is his kind personality and the way he goes from an insecure, timid child to a confident fighter against Voldemort.

1 Ginny Weasley

One thing that doesn’t make that much sense in the books is how little character development Ginny got. While she’s often in the background and gets more attention after she starts dating Harry, she is vastly underrated.

Ginny had the potential to be a great main character given her dynamic personality and how she grows into herself after being a shy child, but she’s never really given the chance. It would have been really interesting if she had been able to go on the Horcrux Hunt with the trio.

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