Severus Snape. He is perhaps one of the most disputed characters among Harry Potter fans. Was he a good man? Were his intentions pure? Was his connection to Lily love or obsession? Is he simply in the grey area like many other characters in the series, living with mistake and regret, trying to move forward and redeem himself?

The character was portrayed in the film series by the late Alan Rickman, whose drawling voice was impersonated and admired by many in their attempts to “turn to page 394.” As one of the most intricate characters, Snape doesn’t have to be liked, but his complex representation makes for some incredible fan art.

10 A Mysterious Man

Via: Emmanation

This piece of fan art uses bold yet gradually changing colors and loose minimal line work to create a mysterious Snape.

Snape is often compared to a bat, with his sallow skin, cold, dark eyes, looming presence, and dark cloak billowing behind him. His hair hangs in greasy curtains, framing his face, where a crooked nose protrudes.

9 Potions Master

Via: Kristina Vardazaryan

“The subtle science and exact art of potion-making.” Snape was given the position of Potions Master by Albus Dumbledore after he was denied the role of Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor.

“I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses … I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stop death — if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”

Snape was responsible for the potions riddle in Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone. 


8 Young Severus Snape

Via: SilentKW

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This piece of reminiscence was achieved by the artist in a span of approximately two hours while using whatever pencils were on hand. This is the Snape who sat by a tree and read his book only to be approached by James Potter and ridiculed, cast in the air. The Snape who endured so much bullying and went through schooling in the Hogwarts House renowned for his dark allegiances.

Dumbledore tells Snape in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, “You are a braver man by far than Igor Karkaroff. You know, I sometimes think we sort too soon …”

7 Snape

Via: kittrose

This magnificent, beautiful piece of fan art is brimming with depth and detail. The rendering of its various textures, shades, and color are reminiscent of how complex Snape is as a character.

Alan Rickman’s interpretation of the character created a more sympathetic version than the one written in the books. His is a more likable Snape, with his added nuisances, humor, and heartbreakingly accurate brokenness.

6 Regret

Via: LiaBatman

Despair, anguish, and regret have been translated by the subtle choices this artist made for their fan art. Snape’s life choices brought him to Lily’s death, the moment that would change his entire future.

The same girl he had turned away, the girl who had shown him friendship and joy, was the woman killed by the hand of his Dark Lord. After that moment, a pleading Snape went to Dumbledore and swore of a changed allegiance.

5 Always

Via: kaiser-mony

The trials of Snape’s past bleed out of him as he does what he must to make amends to Lily. He looks into the eyes of her son, her eyes, and sees his school bully staring back at him. But he does everything he can to protect and save him.  He muttered a counter curse during a Quidditch match to save Harry from a jinxed broom.

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He told Dumbledore to warn Harry about Sirius Black. He gave Umbridge fake Veritaserum. He attempted to teach Harry Occlumency. He healed Draco after Harry used Sectumsempra. He put the Gryffindor sword in the lake for Harry to find. He gave his memories to Harry.

4 Young & Happy

Via: Natello

This beautiful, kindly, interpretation of Snape was made featuring a young Alan Rickman. His hair is light and groomed, not greasy and limp. His smile is subtle and cheeky.

It makes fans of Harry Potter really think about the alternate life Snape could have had. What if Slytherin wasn’t associated with a bad name? What if he hadn’t chosen his Slytherin friends and Voldemort over Lily’s friendship? What if Voldemort had chosen Neville instead of Harry?

3 Professor Snape

Via: JaneMere

Alan Rickman’s portrayal of Snape is forever in the minds of Harry Potter fans. The time he first set eyes on Harry and looked at Quirrell in realization. The time he defended Potter in confusion to himself. How he brought new meaning to the number 364.

When he jumped in front of Harry, Ron, and Hermione to protect them from Lupin. When he slapped Ron with a book, and of course, said “always” – bringing tears to viewers’ eyes.

2 The Patronus Charm

Via: Mioree-art

This magical piece of fan art shows Snape with his Patronus. In the film version, Snapes reveals his Patronus after Dumbledore says “don’t tell me now that you’ve grown to care for the boy.” The act is swift, simply casting the spell and answering to Dumbledore’s “after all this time?” with “always.”

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But in the book, Snape’s reply to Dumbledore’s remark about caring for Harry is to say “for him?” and then cast the spell, showing he still loathes Harry and is only doing it for Lily, leaving no room for interpretation. Snape’s Patronus is a doe, the same as Lily’s, while James Potter’s is a stag.

1 Hogwarts Portrait

Via: ladynlmda

This incredible piece of fan art could hang as a Hogwarts portrait, the earthy tones reflecting Snape’s eyes as he stares down the viewer, the vibrancy of texture and shapes. Snape’s journey through the films is one that requires thoughtful mulling over, a question of whether the audience and readers can forgive the man whose moral compass pointed him to his final act of bravery amid countless cruel acts.

“The world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters, we’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

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