Voldemort is the big bad in the Harry Potter series. The wizard who strikes fear into the Wizarding World. Voldemort’s path crossed Harry’s when it was revealed in a prophecy that one would be born with a power he does not possess. The one who would be his undoing.

Voldemort chose Harry, and by his own hand, the prophecy came to pass. As far as villains go, He Who Must Not Be Named is one of the greatest and most feared in all the fantastical realms. And that, certainly, is worthy of some inspired and pretty amazing fan art.

10 Voldemort

Via: Korock7

This fantastic piece captures just how heartless and soulless Voldemort is. He kills, striking like a snake, quick and efficient. He revels in the act or it has no consequence to him at all. His robes consume him, flying in ribbons around his whispy physical form. His pale skin reflecting the electrifying spell, highlighting the veins in his arms and jagged nails.

9 The Dark Lord

Via: WisensnailArt

Voldemort is feared. He’s The Dark Lord who no one dares betray. This piece gives glory to his majesty. The Voldemort here is standing tall and calm, with his robes billowing behind him.

The Elder Wand is raised in his slender fingers in the beginnings of the killing curse.  The use of color gives a rich feel and the linework adds a unique element of balanced chaos.


8 Obsession

Via: IrenHorrors

Tom Riddle’s spirit takes a new form in this incredible interpretation. Ginny, who looks sickly, finds herself unable to close the book casting the malevolent spirit. The colors are deep from the shade of Ginny’s rich red hair floating around her, to the pale blue mold of the apparition. Ginny is being controlled, her very soul drained by the charming Tom Riddle.

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7 The Graveyard

Via: Eirwen980

The poisonous piece has used luminous monochromatic coloring. There is nothing that hasn’t been touched by the evil that is Voldemort. The gravestones whose tenants have lain still among the quiet, stir in the reflection of the Dark Mark. Voldemort is but a small black cloak but there is no doubt to whose wand belongs the Morsmordre incantation.

6 The Man With Two Faces

Via: VladislavPANtic

Fred and George were unaware of what was hidden beneath Professor Quirrell’s turban as they pelted it with bewitched snowballs. Unknown to them, they were actually hitting Voldemort in the face over and over again. “Where there should have been a back to Quirrell’s head, there was a face, the most terrible face Harry had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring red eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake.”

5 Riddle

Via: blvnk-art

It is difficult to believe that the handsome Tom Riddle who went to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, is the bald, snake-like, Voldemort. Tom Riddle was intelligent and admired by his teachers and fellow students, his good looks a tool to his manipulation. There was a time when Voldemort went to Hogwarts seeking The Defense Against The Dark Arts position, where he was between the student he was once was, and the horrid monster he became. “He was no longer handsome Tom Riddle. It was as though his features had been burned and blurred; they were waxy and oddly distorted, and the whites of the eyes now had a permanently bloody look, though the pupils were not yet the slits that Harry knew they would become. He was wearing a long black cloak and his face was as pale as the snow glistening on his shoulders.”

4 Dear Tom

Via: chicxulub

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This terrifyingly creepy fan art represents Tom Riddle and Ginny’s relationship. This piece of Voldemort’s soul haunted and possessed Ginny. He is sinister and manipulative but appears as a voice of solace.

Ginny pours her heart out into the pages of the diary and she feels as though she is being listened to and protected. But Ginny came to know something wasn’t right, that something was hiding in the depths of her mind and whispering in her ear. Ginny remembers how it felt to be possessed and told Harry about it in Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix.

3 He Who Must Not Be Named

Via: FoxInShadow

In this fan art piece, Voldemort has taken an almost Dementor like appearance as he walks through a graveyard. In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, Voldemort, with Wormtail and Barty Crouch Jr. in his allegiance, returned to corporeal form.

He instructed Wormtail to kill Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory, a death that would later allow Harry to see Thestrals. And dueled Harry among his faithful Death Eaters.

2 Tom Riddle

Via: perditionxroad

“The young Tom Riddle liked to collect trophies,” Dumbledore told Harry. “Bear in mind this magpie-like tendency, for this, particularly, will be important later.” Tom Riddle created seven Horcruxes during his shorter than normal Wizard life. The diary, Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, Salazar Slytherin’s locket, Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem, and Nagini. Voldemort unknowingly created his seventh Horcrux when he attempted to kill Harry Potter on Halloween night in Godrics Hollow. Voldemort also created a temporary Horcrux when he possessed Professor Quirrell, although his fragment of soul managed to escape Harry’s protected touch of love, Quirrell died from the injuries.

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1 Lord Voldemort

Via: blvnk-art

Dumbledore told Harry is was very important to know of Voldemort’s past, to understand his motives, his mind. Voldemort can never know love because he was conceived under the influence of a love potion. What he can know is fear. Voldemort fears death and went to great lengths to avoid it. He craved power and influence. He despised Muggles. He believed his father was a wizard because his mother wouldn’t have died if she was powerful. But on finding out his father was a Muggle, killed him. He became obsessed with pure-blooded wizards. “His pride, his belief in his own superiority, his determination to carve for himself a startling place in magical history; these things suggest to me that Voldemort would have chosen his Horcruxes with some care, favoring objects worthy of the honor.”

NextHarry Potter: The 10 Richest Muggles

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