Although there are many antagonists and many wizarding families within the Harry Potter universe, it seems fair to say that the Malfoy family is one of the most notorious in both categories. Draco obviously takes the front seat as Harry’s school rival, but the entire Malfoy family has their part to play in the story.

While some fans love them and others hate them, the Malfoys are one of the most developed and established families in the series. However, there are certain aspects of their characterization, development, or backstory that just don’t make much sense.

10 Draco Is A Prefect

Within both the wizarding world and the muggle one, becoming a school prefect is seen as an honor and a privilege. It’s a position that is typically awarded to the best students in the school who have taken on a leadership position for their classmates.

Draco winds up becoming a prefect for Slytherin, which is a bit baffling given that he very openly bullies many of his fellow students.

9 Their Influence At Hogwarts

When Harry Potter becomes the seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Draco can’t help but try to one-up him, so he essentially buys his way onto the team with new broomsticks that the Malfoys provide for the Slytherin team.

But what’s so odd is that Dumbledore actually allows this behavior. Showing that kind of favoritism or allowing parents to heavily influence their children’s school lives so much is very out of character for the headmaster.


8 Draco’s Continued Attendance At Hogwarts

From a strategic standpoint, it’s understandable that Dumbledore didn’t expel Draco from Hogwarts. However, on its face, it’s a little hard to believe.

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After all, even at Draco’s absolute best, he’s a person who has been openly bigoted towards other students, and at worst he’s literally attempting to assassinate staff members and nearly getting his fellow students killed. Real-life students have been booted from schools for much less.

7 Narcissa’s Willingness To Let Draco Become A Death Eater

By all accounts, Narcissa Malfoy was a very loving and protective mother towards Draco.

And, while she may not have had much of a choice by the time things with the Dark Lord got too serious, it’s still a bit baffling that she allowed her precious baby boy to become a Death Eater before he even graduated from school. It’s shocking that the Malfoys didn’t find a way to weasel out of this command.

6 Narcissa Not Being A Death Eater

On the flip side of that, it’s actually quite strange that, despite the fact that literally everyone Narcissa seems to know and care about was a Death Eater, that she herself never made the plunge.

Obviously, her adherence to Voldemort’s ideology wasn’t as extreme as some, but it’s very odd that the Dark Lord never demanded that kind of fealty from one of his most valuable and powerful supposed allies.

5 Their Looks

Perhaps there are just so few pure-blood wizards left that they’ve all intermixed more often than they should have, but it’s quite odd that Lucius and Narcissa look more like siblings than a couple.

The similarity in their appearance is even more apparent in the books, and Narcissa actually noticeably doesn’t look like the typical member of the Black family, so it’s very strange that she coincidentally married someone who she looks more like than her own family.

4 Their Wealth

While there are obviously plenty of families in the real muggle world who are outrageously wealthy due to inheritance, it is a bit confusing that the Malfoys seem to be considerably richer than any other wizarding family in Harry Potter despite the fact that they don’t actually do anything.

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Maybe Gringott’s offers its customers compound interest and that’s how the Malfoys have maintained their money for so long, but it seems doubtful.

3 Their Power In The Wizarding World

Draco and Lucius at Quidditch World Cup

The Malfoys seem to be incredibly well-connected in the wizarding world. There are some reasons why this is understandable, as most old wizarding families have likely forged connections with other wizarding families.

However, again, given that the Malfoys don’t actually do anything, it’s a bit strange that they seem to have powerful connections with the biggest movers and shakers in the wizarding world, including with the Minister of Magic himself.

2 Their Respect In The Wizarding World

It’s not as if the Malfoy family is the only family in the wizarding world who seems to lean towards evil, but what is hard to understand is that not only are they powerful, but that many witches and wizards seem to have a lot of inherent respect for them.

Lucius and Narcissa don’t seem to be particularly worthy of admiration, and although Draco improved as an adult, the same could be said for him, so their popularity in the wizarding world is strange.

1 Their Lack Of Consequences

In fairness, at least Lucius was briefly punished for his crimes at one point. However, it seems like a pretty paltry punishment given his lifetime of crimes. Sadly, it’s not entirely unusual for criminals, specifically the followers of Lord Voldemort, to get away with their bad behavior scot-free.

However, Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco all did terrible things, and Lucius was the only person who even got a shred of blowback for it.

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