In Harry Potter, there are a few great duos. Harry and Ron Weasley are up there, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom are decent as well, and James Potter and Sirius Black also make the cut – despite the former barely appearing. But none come close to comedy kings Fred and George Weasley, with the pair both hugely popular among fans.

The twins were played by James and Oliver Phelps during the blockbusters, and the pair did a good job of bringing the characters to life. However, inevitably, not every little detail made it onto the big screen. So let’s take a look at 10 things only fans of the books know about them.

10 They Tormented Ron While Growing Up

Ron’s biggest complaint with his life is that he feels overlooked, having five older brothers and just the one sister in Ginny. He didn’t have things easy growing, up and it’s revealed in the source material that Fred and George took great pleasure in tormenting him prior to their time at Hogwarts.

At the age of five, Fred transformed Ron’s teddy bear into a giant spider, while also giving him an Acid Pop that burned a hole in his tongue. Additionally, both Fred and George came close to making Ron perform an Unforgiveable Curse, only to get caught by Arthur Weasley. Fred swore after this incident that his left buttock had never been the same…

9 They Achieved Really Good Marks

When Ron and Harry meet for the first time in The Sorcerer’s Stone, they discover plenty about each other on the train journey into Hogwarts. In the book, Fred and George actually talk to Harry before his brother, finding out the rumors are true and the Boy Who Lived is heading to Hogwarts at long last.

Harry asks about the pair, and Ron reveals that both had ‘really good marks’ despite having no educational interests whatsoever. While it’s never said, it seems likely that their exam results weren’t great in their later years because of their dedication to pursuing a career creating funny items instead.


8 They Were Good Friends With Lee Jordan

Lee Jordan only appears in the first two Potter movies, The Sorcerer’s Stone and The Chamber Of Secrets. He’s Quidditch commentator but, other than that, doesn’t do anything of note. Over the course of the books, however, it’s established that he’s actually the best friend of both Fred and George.

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He’s so close to the pair that, when they quit Hogwarts in the Order of the Phoenix, Harry notes Lee being sulky in the corner of the Gryffindor Common Room. It’s understandable why the character didn’t appear much on the big screen because, in the grand scheme of things, he isn’t that important. That said, Lee fights for the good guys at the Battle of Hogwarts in the Deathly Hallows book.

7 They Hit Voldemort In The Face

In the first Potter novel, fans are introduced to the character of Professor Quirinus Quirrell. He seems a nervous wreck but, later on, it’s revealed that he’s actually working on the orders of Lord Voldemort. Everything about him was an act, including his stammer.

Fred and George, like every other pupil at Hogwarts, have no idea about Quirrell’s true allegiances. Instead, they looked to torment him, and bewitched snowballs to strike the back of the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher’s head. Little did they know they were actually firing snowballs at the face of Voldemort himself.

6 They Received Harry’s Triwizard Winnings

Fans of the Potter books will know that, if you win the Triwizard Tournament, you don’t just get to become an immortalized figure in history. You also get a rather nice 1000 galleons, money that can go a long, long way. And with Harry already rich, and haunted by the tragic death of Cedric Diggory, he decides to pass it on.

Harry forces Fred and George to take the prize money, insisting only that they buy Ron some new dress robes – and don’t tell their mother, Molly. They stay true to their word and eventually put the kitty towards their joke business, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.

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5 They Got Kicked Off The Quidditch Team

Dolores Umbridge makes life a misery for many during her one-year stint at Hogwarts, taking great pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on others. She’s biased, too, favoring Slytherin students above all others. And, when a fight breaks out between Harry, Fred, George, Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle, it’s the Gryffindors who are penalized.

Though Fred, George, and Harry were all provoked, Umbridge kicks them off the team and ensures that Argus Filch locks their broomsticks away. In the end the twins get their revenge, summoning their brooms before leaving Hogwarts for good. They also leave a trail of chaos in their wake, one Umbridge, Filch, and the Inquisitorial Squad have immense difficulties cleaning up.

4 They Sent Graham Montague Into A Vanishing Cabinet

For the most part, Fred and George’s pranks are merely harmless fun. However, their decision to place Slytherin pupil Graham Montague into a Vanishing Cabinet nearly kills him. Montague is left in a vegetative state after the experience and very nearly dies, only escaping because he apparates to safety – despite not having a license.

That’s not the only thing that comes out of the incident, however. It also gives Draco a way of smuggling Death Eaters into Hogwarts during the events of the Half-Blood Prince, something that paves the way for Albus Dumbledore’s death.

3 George Weasley’s Ear Was Cut Off By Severus Snape

In the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, fans are left shocked when George’s ear is sliced off. He makes a little joke about it to brother Fred, but just shrugs it off. It’s a bigger deal in the books, however, because it was Severus Snape who actually did the deed.

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Snape’s allegiances were the source of much discussion heading into the release of the Deathly Hallows novel and, when news of his attack on George filters through, it angers members of the Order of the Phoenix. However, when Harry takes a trip down memory lane via Snape’s old memories, he discovers it was an accident. Severus had actually been aiming for a Death Eater at the time but his curse hit George instead.

2 Fred Starred on Potterwatch

The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 briefly touched on Potterwatch. It’s a pirate radio show that stars members of the Order at a moment where Voldemort and his evil followers are tightening their grip on the wizarding world, bringing some light relief during the darkest of times.

Fred appears on the show under the codename of Rapier, to protect his identity. Other characters who feature are Lee Jordan, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Remus Lupin – whose aliases are River, Royal and Romulus respectively.

1 Fred Died In Percy’s Arms

Arguably the biggest death fans have trouble coming to terms with to this day is that of Fred Weasley. In the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 fans only see him screaming, before then witnessing his family crowding around his and others’ bodies in the Great Hall as the Battle of Hogwarts rages on.

In the book, however, he dies in brother Percy’s arms. Percy had revealed he was going to quit his job at the Ministry of Magic and this makes Fred laugh. Tragically, an explosion caused by Augustus Rockwood then rocks the building and, in the aftermath, Fred is dead. This haunts Harry and Ron, and the pair then duel to kill, before Hermione Granger urges them to focus on the mission of retrieving Voldemort’s Horcruxes instead.

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