Following HBO Max’s 20th Anniversary reunion of the beloved fantasy films, fans have taken to Reddit to reminisce along with the cast. The Harry Potter community, prompted by Redditor notwritingasusual, came together to discuss changes from the books to the films that they thought were improvements.

Adaptations are hard to pull off, especially when the fan base is so dedicated. Directors, actors, set designers, and many more all come together to make choices based on their interpretation of the source material. Fans came together on this Reddit thread to praise the choices made by the filmmakers, ranging from acting performances and world-building to small writing changes.

10 Rupert Grint As Ron Weasley

As expressed with abundant clarity in Return to Hogwarts, Rupert Grint was Ron Weasley. He was the perfect fit for the character not only due to his acting ability but also because of his own personality. Alfonso Cuarón, who directed The Prisoner of Azkaban, shared a story of when he assigned the main characters essays to help familiarize himself with their perceptions of the characters. He found it fitting when Rupert did not hand anything in.

Redditor FavChanger simply commented “Rupert Grint’s facial expressions.” The response was met with hundreds of upvotes and comments supporting the praise for Grint’s performance. Not only did Grint deliver one of the best performances in the film series, bringing the beloved character to life, he also claimed many of the funniest quotes in the Return to Hogwarts special.

9 Cormac McLaggen

The series is known for reaching darker points as it progresses, so by The Half-Blood Prince it was necessary for the films to take advantage of a lesser villain from the books for comedic relief. There was Draco Malfoy, who was preparing himself to murder Albus Dumbledore, and then there was Cormac McLaggen, who was eating dragon balls and vomiting on Snape’s shoes.

Reddit user GrumpOnTheHill writes “Cormac is great in the whole film. Very unlikable but hilarious.” He fit the bill perfectly for the character audiences love to hate.


8 Character Attire

To bring the Wizarding World to life properly, it was essential for certain changes to be made – this includes tweaks to characters’ costumes. In the books, the Hogwarts robes are described differently to what the cast wears in the films.

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When asked for examples of things the films did better, Dureseye said “wizard robes being more of a coat than the bathrobe type of deal they were described to be in the books,” going on to explain “it just seems better from a design perspective.” The user’s comments were met with great support. The change definitely gave the attire a more modern feeling, while still remaining appropriate.

7 The Music

An aspect of the films that fans believed truly brought the world to life was the music. Led by the great John Williams’ classic jingle in the first three films, followed by epic new approaches in the later installments by composers Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hopper, and Alexandre Desplat.

Redditor Takkatto joked “the music was magical, for lack of a better term.” The eight films contained a multitude of memorable tracks that helped to elevate the scenes even further. While books don’t typically contain any way to convey music, the scores of the film are beloved by fans – so deserve to be noted when comparing the two.

6 Alan Rickman

The late Alan Rickman had an acting career that spanned over forty years, but it was his portrayal of Severus Snape that made him beloved by this community. The fan-favorite kept audiences wondering if he was friend or foe until his bitter-sweet end.

“He gave Snape redeeming qualities he didn’t have in the books,” says user DionysianSerpent. Fans described some comedic relief moments from the films, such as Snape preparing his cuffs before shoving Harry and Ron’s faces into their books in The Goblet of Fire. They also mentioned more character-defining acts, such as Snape’s decision in The Prisoner of Azkaban to jump in front of Lupin to protect Harry.

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5 The Concept Of Time Travel

A topic that was considered to be confusing in the novel was straightened out in the film adaptation of The Prisoner of Azkaban. Fans believe that the film explains the concept of how time travel works from the use of magic in a way that’s easier to understand, but also made it entertaining.

Reddit user shamblam117 says The Prisoner of Azkaban “does an excellent job at just showing how time travel works in the HP universe vs the book where most people I hear had to reread it at least once to fully understand that it’s a closed-loop style.” This was met with some discussion, as the concept of time travel in movies is often a topic of dispute.

4 Hedwig’s Sacrifice

In the books, Hedwig is killed due to a killing curse miss-fire from a Death Eater aiming at Harry. While the passing of Harry’s long-time pet and friend is a heartbreaking matter in either situation, there is agreement that Hedwig flying in to protect Harry from a killing blow is even more upsetting. This was just one of the many great character sacrifices in the Harry Potter series.

Original poster notwritingasusual says “they change it to Hedwig trying to protect him which makes much more sense story-wise and makes Hedwigs death more meaningful.” The films often had a good interpretation of the character’s motives, and no matter how inventive an author can be, sometimes a new perspective can add in extra details that make a scene stronger.

3 Diagon Alley

An example of the film production’s exceptional decision-making when it came to world-building was their creation of Diagon Alley. One example of their use of detail was a change made from the books, where the bricks to enter the Alley magically fold open and closed, rather than just vanishing like in the novels.

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User melraespinn states that they “appreciate the bricks on the wall to Diagon Alley fold away in the movie, instead of just vanishing,” to which blakhawk12 mentions that “after the release of the 1st movie the books mention the bricks folding away rather than disappearing, so apparently Rowling liked that too.” When the author works a change into later installments, it’s clear confirmation that a movie change was the right decision.

2 Cedric’s Death

One of the more tragic moments in the Harry Potter franchise is the death of Cedric Diggory. The film depicts this moment with great intensity, as Harry and Cedric’s dead body teleport into the middle of an arena, and the crowd begins to celebrate, not understanding yet that he had been killed. The moment reaches its climax when Cedric’s father, Amos, runs out onto the field in agony.

Fans describe the emotion they feel when watching this scene, in comparison to the less intense version in the books. Redditor zeldaalove states, “I start to tear up when they start the maze, and by the time Amos says “that’s my boy” I am losing it. Every time.”

1 Character Banter

The crowning achievement of the films in comparison to the books was the film series’ ability to create banter between characters. This is mainly due to the chemistry of the actors, and the wonderful casting done by the production.

Some great moments pointed out by fans in this Reddit thread were Draco’s improvised “You can read?” line, as well as the classic “She needs to sort out her priorities” from Ron. These comedic moments created by the actors and writers are regarded as one of the most loved aspects of the films.

NextHarry Potter: 10 Misconceptions That Drive Fans Bonkers, According To Reddit

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