As the only female in the core group of three in the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger is a complex character indeed. In the early films (and throughout much of the book series), she serves as a matronly figure to both Harry and Ron. She scolds them when they do wrong, and she inspires them to do better – often through the act of tough love.

Hermione often comes across as a bit of a know-it-all, and many characters (including Ron) find her condescending traits annoying. With that said, she is typically right.

10 “Are You Sure That’s A Real Spell? Well, It’s Not Very Good, Is It?”

It doesn’t take long for Ron to roll his eyes at Hermione and flash Harry a “can you believe this girl?” look. While looking for Neville’s toad, Hermione finds Ron attempting to turn Scabbers yellow. He utters a nonsensical spell that doesn’t work – either because Scabbers is actually an Animagus or, more likely, because it’s a nonsense spell concocted by Fred and George to fool their younger brother.

Either way, Hermione isn’t very impressed, and she’s not afraid to voice her opinion. And while Ron grows annoyed, Hermione was right. It’s not a real spell.

9 “This Is The Third Floor. It’s Forbidden!”

If there’s one trait of Hermione’s that defined her early-series role, it was her complete willingness to follow rules. Thus, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione get moved by the stairs and end up on the restricted third floor, Hermione isn’t afraid of voicing her displeasure.

It’s a little annoying, as it once again veers on condescension. They are well aware that the third floor is restricted. That said, Hermione is once again correct. The floor is forbidden, and she only utters the above quote because Ron doesn’t seem to know where they are.


8 Raising Her Hand In Class

The first movie is largely concerned with portraying Hermione as an annoying know-it-all student, and what better way to do that than have Hermione excitedly raise her hand while the teacher is clearly addressing someone else?

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Hermione doesn’t mean to be annoying here – she simply wants to impress her teacher and sound intelligent. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But the way she went about it – stretching her hand even longer and uttering “oooo” when not addressed – may have proven a little eye-rolling for some.

7 “You Don’t Use Your Eyes, Do You?”

Hermione is at her most condescending after running away from Fluffy and returning to the Gryffindor common room. She once again uses patronizing language towards Ron, asking him, “You don’t use your eyes, do you?” after he asks why Hogwarts is harboring a massive three-headed dog.

Hermione could have just explained that Fluffy was standing on a trap door, as Ron does have a point in being preoccupied with Fluffy’s heads. But she was right. Fluffy was standing on a trap door, and he was guarding something – that something being the Philosopher’s Stone.

6 “Honestly, Don’t You Two Read?”

After doing some digging in the library’s books, Hermione discovers the story of Flamel and the Philosopher’s Stone. After she tells Harry and Ron about the stone, they react in utter confusion.

Once again, Hermione uses very patronizing language towards Ron and Harry, sarcastically asking them if they read. And once again, Hermione could have just explained the concept to them rather than asking a sarcastic rhetorical question. But Hermione figured it out because she was willing to do the work. It really is as easy as finding a book in the library and doing some reading.

5 “It’s Leviooooosa.”

Ron’s patience with Hermione finally runs out in Charms class when she embarrasses him with Wingardium Leviosa. She does prove a little annoying, as she once again resorts to a condescending, know-it-all tone towards Ron. However, she is 100 percent correct.

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She correctly stops Ron from thrashing his wand around in a desperate attempt to perform the spell (“You’re going to take someone’s eye out!”), and she also proves right in the pronunciation – as showcased in her correct use of the spell just seconds later. This also proved a teachable moment, as it allowed Ron to later use the spell against the troll.

4 “It’s On His Suitcase, Ronald.”

Hermione’s attitude continues in Prisoner of Azkaban – although not nearly to the extent seen in The Philosopher’s Stone. A good example is the train sequence, as Hermione introduces Lupin without revealing how she knows him.

Ron is quite correct in asking how she knows Lupin (or “everything,” as he puts it), and it’s only then that Hermione points out the suitcase in an exasperated huff. However, Hermione does have a point. The suitcase was right there, and all it took was a quick glance to identify the sleeping man.

3 “It’s Not Going To Woooooork!”

Hermione’s grudge against the Weasley brothers continues in Goblet of Fire when she utters this line against Fred and George. The tone of the line proves quite grating, as does Hermione’s sassy look after uttering it.

The thing is – she was absolutely right. Fred and George were really naïve for thinking that they could outsmart Dumbledore, and their aging potion didn’t work. If they listened to Hermione, they wouldn’t have been afflicted with grey hair and a massive beard.

2 The Half-Blood Prince

Hermione gets a lot of flak – both from in-universe characters and the fanbase – for her treatment towards Harry and the Half-Blood Prince book. In many ways, Hermione is simply jealous and irritated that someone is better than her at potions. But she also has a ton of good points.

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Harry is cheating by using the book, and the book does prove dangerous by teaching Harry Sectumsempra. After Harry nearly kills Draco, he finally realizes that Hermione has a point.

1 Berating Ron

The Deathly Hallows proved disappointing to some fans, as it mostly concerned the three kids spending time in the woods. However, these sequences still contained some good drama, including the departure of Ron. When he returns, Hermione berates and throws leaves at him.

It’s easy to dislike her in that moment, as fans cheered when Ron returned, saved Harry, and destroyed the Horcrux. But Hermione has a point, and she has every right to be upset with Ron.

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