The Harry Potter series addresses many important themes, but perhaps the strongest theme that is explored is the importance of friendship and being able to love and care for other people. The friendship between the Golden Trio is central to the plot, and themes of loyalty and love are even essential to Harry’s ability to defeat Voldemort.

It could be argued that friendship is actually the most important theme of the entire series – after all, it’s Harry’s bond with Ron and Hermione that allows him to step up and save the day. Without support from his friends, he wouldn’t have the strength to defeat Voldemort, who is so alone in the world.


Updated on February 17th, 2022 by Rhys McGinley: There are so many important themes and ideas that lie beneath the surface of Harry Potter’s incredible story, with friendship being one of the most crucial. The concept of found family, growing up with and trusting friends, and forming lifelong bonds that help individuals through the good times and bad are seen throughout the franchise.

There are so many Harry Potter friendship quotes that really bring the theme to the forefront of the franchise, with many of these great quotes having important lessons for audiences.

Typical Dumbledore Wisdom

“We Are Only As Strong As We Are United, As Weak As We Are Divided.”

One of the ways in which Voldemort attempts to get at Harry is by dividing him from his friends, and this Dumbledore quote showcases just how dangerous that can be.

People are stronger when they are on a united front with one another, rather than divided by pettiness or disagreements. While in Harry Potter this quote has more meaning in terms of division being life-threatening for the likes of Harry, the quote has a place in the real world as people are not only happier but stronger as one.

Hagrid’s Advice Passed Down From His Father

“I Am What I Am And I’m Not Ashamed. ‘Never Be Ashamed’ My Ol’ Dad Used Ter Say ‘There’s Some That Will Hold It Against You, But They’re Not Worth Botherin’ With.'”

Hagrid is undoubtedly one of the most likable Harry Potter characters. Even if he may not have the wisdom of a Dumbledore, he has a great heart and hits out with some of the best Harry Potter friendship quotes.

This one is a lesson passed down from his father and is one that is easy to take into real life. It is almost pointless for people to feel ashamed of who they are – they cannot change it. The people who judge someone for who they are do not deserve their friendship, especially not over loving, accepting individuals who will treat people as equals and love them for who they are.

Sirius Eases Harry With Some Knowledge About Loved Ones

“The Ones That Love Us Never Leave Us. You Can Always Find Them.”

One of the hardest things about friendships and relationships with loved ones is that eventually they may end or the two will drift apart, but as Sirius points out, they are never truly gone.

Loved ones, no matter what has happened to them over time, can always be found deep down when their love is needed most. Harry found this out multiple times, but it is not just a lesson for him, it is one that can resonate with all audiences who miss someone or need the help and support of someone whom they can no longer access easily.

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Harry Finds His True Home

“I’m Not Going Home, Not Really.”

On the surface, this heartwarming quote from The Philosopher’s Stone may not be a Harry Potter quote about friendship. However, friendship is what made Hogwarts such a home for Harry, a place to which he was excited to return and where he felt safe and happy.

While the absence of the Dursleys was obviously a contributing factor in Hogwarts being more like Harry’s home, it was the people who made it as such. Ron, Hermione, the rest of his Gryffindor year, the teachers, all were friends that made Hogwarts what it was for Harry. Home is so often not the place with four walls where someone sleeps, but where the people they love the most are, for Harry that place was Hogwarts, he did not settle for less once he met such amazing people.

Dumbledore’s Powerful Message About Unity & Equality

“Though We May Come From Different Countries & Speak In Different Tongues, Our Hearts Beat As One.”

During the emotional remembrance ceremony for Cedric Diggory, Dumbledore not only announces the return of Voldemort but delivers this poignant line about friendship and unity.

The real-life implications of this Harry Potter friendship quote are clear. People should not judge or discriminate against others for being different, rather they should recognize they are all human beings. These people may not look or talk the same as one another but are more than capable of forming lasting friendships, of becoming loved ones. They should not get shunned for being different.

Hermione Makes Clear She And Ron Will Join Harry

“You Don’t Really Think You’re Going To Be Able To Find All Those Horcruxes By Yourself, Do You?”

Harry is first introduced to the concept of a Horcrux in The Half-Blood Prince. Dumbledore trusts Harry enough to allow him to accompany him on a quest to retrieve what he believes is a Horcrux. The mission essentially costs Dumbledore his life, and the locket they find in Voldemort’s lair is a fake.

He shows Hermione and Ron at the end of the film, where they stand on the balcony of Dumbledore’s office, looking out at the Black Lake. He tells them he’s got to finish what Dumbledore started and find the other Horcruxes. She reminds him that they’re in this together, and they would never let him embark on such a dangerous mission alone.

Ron Holds Hermione Back

“Hermione, No! He’s Not Worth It.”

In what turns out to be one of the most iconic scenes of the Harry Potter series, Hermione faces off with Malfoy. They’re on their way to see Hagrid when they come across Malfoy and his two cronies preparing to watch Buckbeak’s execution.

Outraged, Hermione corners him with her wand at his throat. Ron begs her to think before acting: “He’s not worth it,” he insists, which may be the wisest thing he’s ever said. For a moment, it seems like Hermione’s going to listen, but then she whirls back around and punches Malfoy in the face. Admittedly, it’s a satisfying moment, but Ron’s advice is sound and it is one of the smartest decisions he makes in The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Hermione Offers To Go With A Doomed Harry

“I’ll Go With You.”

At the end of Deathly Hallows, Harry prepares to make the greatest sacrifice of all. Everything has been done, the Horcruxes found, the battle fought, and he knows that now only one thing remains. Hermione and Ron have known for a while that it might end this way, but they still find the separation hard to process.

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Inseparable for seven years, the Golden Trio is now faced with the harsh reality that Harry was never meant to survive this journey. They’re the last people he parts with, and the hardest to say goodbye to. Hermione is so reluctant to part with him, even though she knows it’s inevitable, that she offers to accompany him on this, the hardest road he’s ever had to take.

Harry Snubs Draco

“I Think I Can Tell The Wrong Sort For Myself, Thanks.”

As the First Years are ushered into Hogwarts, Harry meets his classmates for the first time. Ron tells him about the four houses and who usually ends up in which. When they meet Malfoy, Harry doesn’t need Ron to tell him which house he’s about to be sorted into.

Draco reeks of arrogance and entitlement, and Harry instantly knows that they won’t be friends. Of course, Draco has heard of him and wants to make his acquaintance, so he tries to belittle Ron by calling the Weasleys “the wrong sort”. Harry politely declines his offer to become friends, signifying that character is more important than social standing.

Harry Defies Voldemort

“You’re The Weak One … And You’ll Never Know Love Or Friendship … And I Feel Sorry For You.”

Things come to a head in The Order Of The Phoenix in the Ministry of Magic, where Harry and Voldemort come face-to-face once more. The Dark Lord has just fought Dumbledore, then disappeared seemingly into thin air. A moment later, it’s as if he has possessed Harry.

Harry collapses to the ground, writhing as Voldemort speaks through his mouth. He tells Harry that he’ll never win and that he’s weak. But, perhaps thanks to Snape’s training throughout the year, Harry brings back powerful memories of him with his parents and friends. The memories remind him that friendship is his most powerful asset and that Voldemort is weak without it.

Sirius & Remus Lambast Peter Pettigrew

“Then You Should Have Died! Died, Rather Than Betray Your Friends, As We Would Have Done For You.”

In Harry Potter, friendship is so important that it’s something that the characters are willing to die for. These bonds of love and loyalty are clearly quite deep, and this kind of care for loved ones is something that’s truly admirable.

Sirius Black is completely disgusted with the fact that Peter Pettigrew would sell out his friends to save himself, shown by this Harry Potter friendship quote. He’s the one who betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort, and Sirius calls him out for being selfish because he would go to any lengths for his friends.

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Luna’s Enjoyment Of Dumbledore’s Army

“I Enjoyed The Meetings, Too. It Was Like Having Friends.”

While Harry, Ron, and Hermione might be the best friends in the series, there are other friendships that are important. Luna is also a really good friend to Harry, and the two share a special connection.

When she becomes a member of Dumbledore’s Army, it’s clear that it’s important to her because she finally feels like she belongs, which is fitting since most audiences would love the chance to be friends with Luna. This is a nice reminder that sometimes it’s good to branch out and meet new people. Sometimes, people who don’t seem like they would click end up being great friends, like Harry and Luna.

Dobby’s Final Words

“What A Beautiful Place To Be With Friends. Dobby Is Happy To Be With His Friend.”

Dobby’s death is easily one of the saddest moments of the entire series. Dobby is a great friend to Harry in that he’s always there for him and willing to help him, even if it means making Harry angry.

When he passes away in Harry’s arms, he retains his signature optimism with his last words, one of the saddest quotes in the series. While this is a truly tragic moment, this Harry Potter friendship quote does remind viewers to look on the bright side of things even in difficult times. It also shows how much Harry’s friendship means to Dobby, who used to be an unwanted house elf.

Hermione Tells Harry That Friendship Is Better Than Brains

“Books And Cleverness – There Are More Important Things; Friendship And Bravery.”

Hermione is parting ways with Harry in The Philosopher’s Stone after Ron is defeated by a giant chess piece. They’re not sure what’s in store for Harry in the next room, so she earnestly wishes him luck.

Harry takes the opportunity to thank Hermione for her support and let her know how amazing he thinks she is. She laughs the compliments off, telling him that her cleverness isn’t as important as friendship.

Dumbledore Rewards Neville

“It Takes A Great Deal Of Bravery To Stand Up To Your Enemies, But A Great Deal More To Stand Up To Your Friends.”

When it comes to being a good friend, it’s not always about agreeing and nodding along, shown through this Harry Potter friendship quote. Sometimes it means standing up to friends or pointing out when they’re making a mistake.

So, when Neville stands up to the Golden Trio, he’s doing his best at that moment to be a good friend to them. Even though he may be upsetting or annoying them at the moment, it takes true bravery for Neville to put the greater good – in this case, he’s trying to protect his friends as well as Gryffindor’s reputation – ahead of his friends.

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