For fans, the Harry Potter movies are infinitely rewatchable – even when everyone knows exactly what is going to happen. After all, from the start, anyone could have guessed that good would triumph (after some struggle) and evil would be vanquished, even without the source material to spoil it. Part of what makes the films so rewatchable is, of course, the nostalgia, but there are some moments that go much deeper than that.

These are the scenes that are always a pleasure to rewatch, either to try and recapture some of the original magic, or to remember the biggest, funniest, most satisfying, and most iconic moments in the entire series.

Updated Dec 18th, by Rose Graceling-Moore: With the Harry Potter cast reuniting for the 20th anniversary of the first film in Return To Hogwarts, fans are rewatching the original films for the hundredth time. And while some elements may not have aged well, including poor CGI, others will simply never get old. 

15 Harry’s First Trip To Diagon Alley

There are so many magical moments in the first film, as Harry (and through him, fans) are introduced to the wonder of the wizarding world. At this point in the series, Harry has learned he is a wizard, there have been hints of magic, but there is still no real awareness of how huge this world is until Hagrid taps on the bricks behind the Leaky Cauldron, and a magical world quite literally opens up before him. No matter how many times it is watched, that reveal keeps its nostalgic sense of wonder.

14 Christmas At Hogwarts

Most of the Harry Potter films have a Christmas scene, to the extent that many fans would argue they are Christmas movies – especially Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. In this film, Harry spends his first Christmas at Hogwarts, and the sheer delight that he feels at simple things like gifts and good food and a roaring fire is contagious. This is a truly joyful scene, with the snow falling around the castle, and it will always make fans feel good to rewatch.


13 Dobby Is A Free Elf

Dobby’s first appearance in The Chamber of Secrets doesn’t endear him to fans – or to Harry. He breaks things, causes chaos, and is later revealed to be creating all kinds of problems for Harry. However, he becomes a fan favorite, and the moment that Harry tricks Lucius into freeing him is a beautiful one. On a rewatch, this scene becomes even more poignant, with the awareness that Dobby will later sacrifice himself for his hero, Harry.

12 Harry’s Patronus

The Patronus spell is one of the most beautiful in the series, and fans love to debate the form that their own patronus would take. Almost every Patronus scene in the series is a phenomenal one to rewatch, especially when Harry is teaching the DA to create them, but the most impressive has to be when Harry conjures a Patronus strong enough to drive off every Dementor from Sirius.

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Not only is is visually stunning, but emotionally charged – as Harry realizes that his impossible hope (of meeting his father) is dashed, and that he is much stronger than he thinks.

11 Hagrid & Norbert

It’s easy to see why fans love Hagrid – his bluff charm, his surprising innocence (especially when it comes to dangerous creatures), and his true friendship with Harry are wonderful to watch. Unsurprisingly, then, it’s easy to see why moments that involve Hagrid and one of the creatures that he loves are always charming to rewatch.

The scene where he hatches a dragon is perfect, for the creature itself, but also for the reactions of the Golden Trio. (Of course, the moment that Hagrid introduces Harry to Buckbeak comes a close second.)

10 Hermione Attacking Draco

Although Draco becomes increasingly sympathetic as the films continue, and eventually even redeems himself to some small degree by refusing to name Harry and call Voldemort to Malfoy Manor, he is still a hated character. And Hermione is known for her refusal to break rules, which is what makes the scene where she brandishes her wand at him and calls him a “foul, evil, loathsome little cockroach” so incredibly satisfying – even after a dozen watches.

9 Harry Flying On Buckbeak

As the franchise continues, there are not a lot of moments of pure joy for Harry – he goes from learning about magic to battling pure evil within a few years! However, this moment when he gets to fly Buckbeak around the castle is an incredible one.

This truly sums up how magical this world can feel, and how free Harry feels when he is flying – something that is emphasized more in the books than the movies. It’s simply beautiful, light, and joyful.

8 The Graveyard At Godric’s Hollow

There is a huge contrast between the first and last Christmas in the films, as Harry spends Christmas in the Deathly Hallows at Godric’s Hollow – and visits his parents’ graves. This may be a sad scene, but it’s a beautiful one, nonetheless.

This is a scene that really starts to bring things full circle, as Harry is able to return ‘home’, to see the place where it all happened, and to see his parents’ graves. It’s touching, simple, and sweet.

7 Fred & George Quit Hogwarts

Essentially any scene with Fred and George is going to be a winner, as they are always able to bring levity to the movies, no matter how dark they become. However, as the franchise continues, Fred’s impending death starts to loom large. One of the twins’ biggest and best moments before this shadow falls, though, is when they quit Hogwarts – in a (literal) blaze of glory. The two set of dozens of magical fireworks, chasing Umbridge, causing chaos, and zooming out of the castle.

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6 Dobby Saves The Day

This may be one of the saddest scenes in the films, but it is still a wonderful one to watch again, as Dobby apparates into Malfoy Manor to save not only the Golden Trio, but Luna, Griphook, and Ollivander as well.

His ferocity, and his ability to stand up to his former masters in a way that would have been unthinkable not long before, are inspiring. And the intense drama of his death, even when fans know that it is coming, hits every time.

5 Harry & Hermione Dancing

While many of the biggest and most rewatchable moments are action sequences or major plot points, some are the sweet scenes in between. This moment, when Harry and Hermione dance together in the tent during their search for the Horcruxes, is a beautiful one.

It’s incredible to see them shake off some of the stress of their quest, just enjoy each other’s company, and find some closeness and happiness in the darkness. It’s also a beautiful moment for their friendship – especially as it is Harry who steps up to help Hermione first.

4 The Trio Breaking Into Gringotts (& Out Again)

While most of the final film takes place at Hogwarts, for the last stand against Voldemort, there is one standout scene before that – in Gringotts. This is a beautiful scene to rewatch in part because it helps to bring Harry’s journey full circle – back into the vaults of Gringotts, and then to Hogwarts, just as he did in his first year. However, there is the added thrill of seeing the Golden Trio battle to take a Horcrux, and have the inspired idea to unleash the Gringotts dragon. Watching it burst into the sky above London simply never gets old.

3 Protecting Hogwarts

Devoted Harry Potter fans would likely be happy to rewatch the entire Battle of Hogwarts, time and time again, but there are definitely a few moments that truly stand out – starting with the protection of Hogwarts. From Harry’s iconic speech to Snape, to McGonagall’s casting him out of the castle, encouraging Seamus to blow up the bridge, and casting the spell to bring the statues to life, these scenes are a brilliant mix of action and humor. To top it all off, the final moment of protection comes when everyone – much as they did after the death of Dumbledore – raises their wands, and a stunning silver dome of protection descends around the castle.

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2 Neville Killing Nagini

Finally, one of the most satisfying and inspiring scenes in the entire franchise comes very near to the end, when Neville stands up to Voldemort. His bravery, and the strength that echoes the original film – and the moment he stood up to Harry and his friends – is nostalgic and powerful at the same time. The speech is a turning point, and given that many fans were disappointed with Harry and Voldemort’s final flight around the castle, and the way that Voldemort turns to ash at the end, for some, this is the true moment that good triumphs over evil.

1 Dumbledore And Harry At Kings Cross

Although Dumbledore is killed long before the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry’s sacrifice, he returns to meet Harry in a place that seems to be between life and death. Looking like King’s Cross, this is the scene with some of the most iconic lines in the franchise, as Dumbledore imparts some of his biggest lessons to Harry. For many, this is also the scene that helps redeem him for some of his more villainous choices earlier on – making it clear that he expected from the start that Harry could triumph, and was not simply planning for his death all along.

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