As the main female character from the Harry Potter series, Hermione has inspired many fans over the years. While she might not be the protagonist, she’s the smartest witch in her year at Hogwarts and is also very brave, talented, and compassionate.

With her birthday being on September 19, Hermione’s zodiac sign is Virgo, and overall, this sign matches her personality extremely well. However, there are some traits she has that don’t match up with this astrology sign.

10 Doesn’t: Because she’s willing to break the rules

Virgos are known for being rather uptight and not ever wanting to deviate from the right path. They often pride themselves on being upstanding and correct in everything they do.

So, while Hermione is like this to an extent, she’s also willing to break rules quite often. She often does this when trying to do the right thing, but she will sometimes break rules in less dire circumstances.

9 Does: Because she can be rather critical

Because Virgos are so precise and rely on planning, they have an eye for the meticulous details. They are extremely thorough, and so they often notice things that are out of line or just don’t make sense.

But, the downside to these traits is that they can sometimes be too critical of themselves and of others around them.


8 Doesn’t: She’s not always analytical

Virgos are one of the most analytical of the signs, but this can mean a couple of different things. First of all, Virgos can view the world at times in a more logical manner where they go through things very directly.

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However, this doesn’t mean they are completely devoid of emotion. But, while Hermione is good at logic, she can be a bit too dramatic in her expressions of emotion at times.

7 Does: She’s a really hard worker

Another trait that Virgos are generally associated with is diligence. These aren’t lazy people who are going to cut corners to try to get ahead. While they are generally really successful, they tend to earn this success by doing things the right way.

This definitely is true of Hermione. While she might be naturally gifted, she also works harder than almost anyone. She spends a lot of time studying and trying to be the best she can be.

6 Doesn’t: Because she isn’t particularly humble

Virgos are often seen as one of the more humble and modest signs.

While Hermione isn’t necessarily grandiose or attention-seeking in how she does things, she also has a healthy dose of pride in herself in her accomplishments. This isn’t a bad thing by any means as a good amount of self-confidence in yourself and your strengths can actually be really beneficial and healthy.

5 Does: Because of her intellect and ability to learn quickly

While all zodiac signs can be intelligent, they all have different ways of expressing their intellect and skill.

Virgos are often rather sharp and able to pick up on things quickly. Hermione is definitely a Virgo in this sense because she quickly adapts to information and can become good at magic and remember her studies rather easily.

4 Doesn’t: She doesn’t define herself by serving others

One thing that many Virgos have in common is that they tend to like to look out for others. While Hermione is definitely like this in many ways, she isn’t particularly oriented around servicing others or needing their approval.

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She also wants to do things for herself and succeed as her own person, and she isn’t necessarily drawn to service-oriented careers.

3 Does: She is always concerned with doing the right thing

While Hermione might not be someone who wants to spend her entire life serving others in one way, on the other, she is always willing to do the right thing and wants to help people. Virgos are often concerned with being seen as wrong or bad, so they try to do the right thing whenever possible even when it’s difficult.

Hermione definitely wants to be a good person, and when she does step outside of the lines it’s usually to help others or to fight for a cause she really believes in.

2 Doesn’t: She’s not particularly motivated by relationships

While Virgos are seen as the stoic, earthy practical sign of the zodiac, they are also rather motivated by relationships and others around them.

Hermione might really care about causes and being a good person, but she is a rather introverted individual who doesn’t need a lot of relationships in her life. She definitely has an independent streak.

1 Doest: Because she’s extremely organized

Perhaps the most known and stereotypical defining feature of a Virgo is their talent for organizing and planning. They are the people who always have everything scheduled ahead of time, and they s sometimes annoy others around them with their desire to plan.

This is definitely true with Hermione. She was always the one making homework schedules and the one who actually prepared to go on the Horcrux Hunt.

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