Though Hogwarts is the chief educational institution featured in the Harry Potter books, there are two other wizarding schools fans learn about throughout the series. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are very different institutions and they are also very different from Hogwarts itself. While Harry’s school remains the favorite for many, there are those who find one or the other of these two schools to be more interesting.

Here are some reasons why Durmstrang is the most interesting school and some why it’s Beauxbatons.

10 Durmstrang: Founded by a Woman

Although Durmstrang seems to be more masculine in nature, it was actually founded by a woman. According to Pottermore, Nerida Vulchanova, a great Bulgarian witch founded this institution.

Though she died mysteriously before long, it is fascinating a powerful woman was originally at the helm of this great institution.

9 Beauxbatons: Style

It must be said that Beauxbatons and its students have style. Whether it’s their impressive entrance during Goblet of Fire, flying a carriage onto Hogwarts grounds with giant, winged horses, their elegant school robes of blue silk, or the way they gracefully carry themselves at dinner, there’s no denying they are a classy crew.

Although fans only get to meet a few students, it really seems like the school is inherently stylish.


8 Durmstrang: Incredibly Beautiful School

Durmstrang is actually a beautiful school, though few have gotten to see it. According to Pottermore, it is incredibly secretive and memory charms are required to visit in order to keep the secrecy going. But it seems it is worth the trouble.

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The official site reports that those who visit are awed by beautiful grounds, stunning grounds, and a mountain lake.

7 Beauxbatons: Woman Headmistress

It is amazing that Beauxbatons is led by a woman during the duration of its presence in the books. While Hogwarts and Durmstrang are helmed by men, Beauxbaton prioritizes its strong women.

Madame Maxime is a brilliant witch and seems to be both wise and kind to her students.

6 Durmstrang: Different Kind of Education

Durmstrang seems to have a different ethos than the other schools and prioritizes more offensive magic, including a heavy emphasis on dueling. While this does seem like it might stray too far and verge on dark magic, powerful magic doesn’t necessarily have to be evil.

From what fans can see, Viktor Krum is a very talented wizard and does well throughout the Triwizard Tournament. This seems to be a result of his education.

5 Beauxbatons: Fascinating Magical Creatures

As previously mentioned Beauxbatons arrives at Hogwarts with the help of large, winged horses. These are creatures unlike any that Hogwarts students have ever seen, and speak to a wealth of interesting creatures Beauxbatons might be privy too.

While Hogwarts does have thestrals at its front door, they don’t have anything as fabulously majestic as Beauxbatons’ horses. It also bears mentioning that Fleur is related to a Veela, another interesting magical being.

4 Durmstrang: Celebrity Students

Arguably, Harry is a celebrity student at Hogwarts, but there is something fascinating about celebrity. Viktor Krum is introduced first as a famous Quidditch player, one which the Weasleys are in awe of, and only later shown to be a student. The headmaster seems to pride himself on Krum’s attendance, so it may be that he seeks this kind of attention for his school.

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Whether or not it’s a bit selfish, going to school with a celebrity would likely be interesting.

3 Beauxbatons: Not Fascinated With The Dark Arts

Though this isn’t strictly speaking about Beauxbatons, it does make it a more interesting school, by default. Durmstrang seems to be a school highly associated with dark magic. In fact, Lucius Malfoy speaks highly of it, according to Draco. That’s not exactly a sterling endorsement.

With such a terrible reputation, it seems like Beauxbatons is the more interesting school by default.

2 Durmstrang: Work Ethic

It must be said that the students at Hogwarts might be a little lazy, certainly, Severus Snape thinks so.  It seems to take Harry and company a long time to really learn how to do anything at school and their education seems to be more about detention and world-ending than anything else.

Durmstrang however seems very committed to magical education, and according to Krum, a lot of other kinds of work. Though the headmaster does not really lead by example, he does make his students do all the work… which instills some kind of work ethic, even if not a very enjoyable one.

1 Beauxbatons: Woman Champion

Of all the schools, including Hogwarts, twice, Beauxbatons is the only wizarding institution to have a woman as its Triwizard Tournament champion. One of out 4 is not really great numbers, but it does give kudos to Fleur and the institution. Clearly, women are encouraged to come into their magic and power at this institution making it even more interesting than the other two schools.

Hogwarts and Durmstrang should really be taking notes on this one, given their tendency to focus on and prioritize the male heroes among their student number. Fleur is an incredible champion and a complex character and her school is credited by her presence and success.

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