In the Harry Potter series, there aren’t many characters that could even be debated to be more divisive than Severus Snape. A man who toed the line between good and evil for the whole series, who flipped the script just as fans had formed a solid opinion, he’s been on either side of the coin. For the most part, fans are pretty against him, despite Harry having named a son after him — they simply don’t forgive him for all of his wrong-doings, and there are a few particularly awful acts.

But despite that, he’s had a few moments too where it’s hard not to feel sorry for him.

10 Felt Bad: Lily’s Death

A flashback scene shows Snape crying over Lily’s body. Although it’s a little disturbing (and James Potter would be fuming if he could see the same thing), it is a man coming across the woman he loves dead on the floor. For this reason, it’s difficult not to feel bad for him, even if him going there and hugging her body is a little inappropriate.

9 Hated Him: Bullying Neville

There is absolutely no reason for Snape to treat Neville Longbottom badly. Neville is his student. He’s not untalented, he just has a lot of self-confidence issues, and they’re not helped by his teacher. His own boggart presents itself as Severus Snape, which just frankly isn’t right when it comes to a teacher-student relationship.

Whenever Neville gets something wrong, he continuously puts him down instead of encouraging him, and makes his confidence issues so much worse. This alone should have gotten Snape fired.


8 Felt Bad: When He Realized The Prophecy’s Meaning

Snape is the one who reports the prophecy back to Voldemort, but he breaks down when realizing what this means for Lily, even getting Voldemort to agree to spare her — quite a feat. It’s hard not to feel bad for someone who’s just realized they might be the death of the woman they love, because that can’t be a nice feeling.

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Even so, it is his fault.

7 Hated Him: Abusing Harry

Not only is he abusive to Neville throughout the series, he’s abusive to Harry. He may be sworn to protect him, but he makes this clear it only means his life and he feels quite free to continue mentally abusing him. It isn’t quite as effective as it is with Neville, since Harry has more confidence in himself, but it’s still pretty despicable.

6 Felt Bad: Finding Out He Tried To Save Him

Despite the above point, it is quite shocking to find out that he’s actually been trying to save Harry this whole time, and fans do feel bad for him in this regard.

After all, saving Harry isn’t exactly an easy job. If anyone has a talent for getting themselves into trouble over and over, it’s Harry James Potter — and Snape risks his life by continuously trying to help and save him.

After all, if Voldemort found out…

5 Hated Him: Dumbledore’s Death

Dumbledore’s death is heartbreaking. When Draco Malfoy can’t bring himself to do the deed, Snape is the one to step up and finish the job off. It’s quite the scene when Dumbledore falls dramatically from the tower, and fans can feel Harry’s rage coming through the pages or the screen when it happens as his mentor falls to his death.

4 Felt Bad: Exactly The Same Scene

Yet the scene hits differently after knowing exactly what the logic behind it is.

Snape’s hatred is directed at himself in this scene, and he has no choice but to kill Dumbledore — who is about to die anyway due to the curse in his hand. Snape is forced to take the fall and let everyone hate him for killing Dumbledore when, in fact, it’s not easy for him to do at all. He’s doing it for the greater good.

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3 Hated Him: Becoming Headmaster Of Hogwarts

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts, and it doesn’t seem right at all that he’s taken Dumbledore’s position. He also oversees professors using horrific punishments on students, such as the Cruciatus Curse. If he’s a terrible teacher, he’s an even worse Headmaster, and it’s not a position suited to him.

2 Felt Bad: His Death

Voldemort still doesn’t know Snape’s true loyalty when he sentences him to death, but it’s a brutal one regardless — so fans can only imagine what he would have done if he had actually have known.

Snape dies painfully at the hands — or fangs — of Nagini, Voldemort’s large and intimidating snake. He uses his last breath to clue Harry in on what he needs to know, and is ultimately the key to defeating Voldemort.

1 Hated Him: Using Lily’s Love As An Excuse

Every time he uses Lily’s love as an excuse for how he acts — or someone else does — it’s painful. He’s in unrequited love that can often come off creepy, and it’s no excuse for abusing Harry in class because he hates that he’s reminded of the fact Lily married someone else.

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