The Wizarding World has opened a multitude of possibilities for book and movie fans alike. Dedicated readers and filmgoers have been discussing the world of Harry Potter for years now, speculating about what certain elements of the fictional world are like and what they aren’t.

Similarly, the Hogwarts houses have often been compared to zodiac signs, especially in terms of traits people can have. Specifically, Aquariuses have often been linked to Slytherins, but they do have many differences too.

10 Not Slytherins: They Are Not Always Leaders

Aquariuses have some leadership-related traits, but because of being quite independent individuals, they don’t always strive to take up the leadership positions. In fact, they often have a special status in groups (not leaders, but not active members either).

Slytherins, on the other hand, pride themselves on being the ones who lead others. They love being in control which is why they are often so good in leadership positions.

9 Slytherins: They Are Achievement-Oriented

Aquariuses may seem like they are laid-back people, but they are actually very determined and hardworking people. They set goals for themselves and constantly do everything they can to achieve these goals.

Slytherins are also incredibly achievement-oriented. They know what they want and they are willing to do anything to get these things (just look at what Voldemort or Draco Malfoy did).


8 Not Slytherins: They Don’t Have Problems With Love

Aquariuses are often considered cold and sometimes even emotionless, but those who know them well realize that they are actually very good at understanding the emotions and feelings of other people and helping them go through difficult times.

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Slytherins – at least, the ones we know from the Harry Potter books – often have tragic love storylines. The Malfoy family wasn’t particularly happy, Snape was never loved by Lily the same way he loved her, and Tom Riddle was completely deprived of love.

7 Slytherins: They Are Resourceful

Aquariuses seem to have accumulated an endless number of facts and love blurting them out at any given point. Have you heard of this weird thing? Well, now I will tell you about it because I think it’s cool!

Slytherins, surprisingly, seem to share some traits with Ravenclaws, namely their smartness. This is why it is safe to assume that Slytherins would also be quite resourceful.

6 Not Slytherins: They Are Not Always Ambitious

Because of their approach to life, Aquariuses don’t always feel like they need to achieve something great. They are truly determined once they set an aim for themselves, but they don’t usually have ambitious dreams.

Slytherins, on the other hand, are some of the most ambitious wizards and witches that have ever existed. They know they can achieve great things and they are willing to work towards their dreams no matter how high their expectations are.

5 Slytherins: They Break The Rules

Aquariuses are notorious for not following any usual societal norms. They aren’t afraid to do their own thing and find what they like and want to do rather than what others want them to do.

Similarly, Slytherins also know how to break the rules. Though Gryffindors are undoubtedly the rebels, Slytherins still manage to go against the current and find a way to excel without having to do what everyone else is doing.

4 Not Slytherins: They Aren’t Very Picky

Aquariuses are very accepting people. They are mostly tolerant of pretty much everyone because they can understand multiple viewpoints and even act as mediators in different situations.

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Slytherins, however, are quite picky. The whole wizard blood purity concept is outright racist, but they are also known for looking down for purebloods who aren’t wealthy or act politely towards half-bloods (e.g. the Malfoys and the Weasleys).

3 Slytherins: They Are Clever

Aquariuses are usually very curious individuals who love learning about everything and anything. Moreover, they don’t usually feel like showing off their smartness making them quite modest in this sense.

Slytherins are also known for being fairly clever. Not all of them enjoy learning, but many Slytherins became famous wizards and witches because of how dedicated they were to their work (for example, Snape was very talented with Potions even as a student and went as far as creating his own spells).

2 Not Slytherins: They Don’t Always Try To Stick To One Group

Aquariuses don’t mind being on their own. In fact, they enjoy this independence which makes them some of the most objective people to turn to when you want an issue to be resolved fairly.

But Slytherins are quite different. They love leading groups, but even when they are not doing that, they still want to be a part of something, even if it means simply being a part of their family or dynasty.

1 Slytherins: They Are Confident

Thanks to their independence, Aquariuses usually don’t try to compare themselves to others. This is why they are often very confident in themselves and what they do.

Slytherins are very confident too. Combined with their ambitious and determined nature, they become very hardworking and dedicated individuals.

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