Throughout the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore offered many legendary quotes that still stand up today. From his great speeches as Headmaster of Hogwarts to his infamous dry humor exhibited in private spaces, there is no shortage of iconic quotes to choose from.

However, some of the best quotes come from how Dumbledore talks of friendship, and what it means to be a good friend, and how to rely on others in times of need. These often come in the form of pearls of wisdom and are usually delivered to Harry himself.

10 “People Find It Easier To Forgive Others For Being Wrong, Than Being Right.”

Whilst not directly said by Dumbledore, Hermione does recall him saying this line to Molly. The quote is said about Percy in The Half-Blood Prince, who defied his family again because he believed Arthur was wrong about Voldemort’s possible return.

In this situation, Dumbledore is referring to the family squabbles the Weasley’s are experiencing, but the sentiment is one that resonates when applied to friendship. It’s hard sometimes to admit your own wrongdoings in a situation, even harder to admit that someone else was right, but this only makes it even more important.

9 “You Think The Dead We Loved Ever Truly Leave Us? You Think We Don’t Recall Them More Clearly In Times of Trouble?”

Said in The Prisoner of Azkaban to Harry, this quote holds great significance throughout the franchise, particularly in the last film. Dumbledore comforts Harry here, after he struggles to accept that it wasn’t his father who had produced the Patronus that saved Sirius, it was him.

The words hold their meaning all the way to The Deathly Hallows, whereby Harry finds himself confronted with death, and calls upon not only his family but his friends too. Dumbledore’s words prove to be right, for Harry finds comfort in his loved ones in his time of desperate need.


8 “While We May Come From Different Places And Speak In Different Tongues, Our Hearts Beat As One.”

In a particularly heartbreaking scene, Dumbledore faces the students of Hogwarts, and those of the schools competing in the Triwizard tournament, to tell them of Cedric’s tragic death. The speech is solemn in its telling of the news, but Dumbledore still lets a glimmer of hope shine through.

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The quote unites all of the students and reminds them that they are not alone in their grief or terror. Dumbledore manages to acknowledge the differences of all the people around him, and brings them together in spite of them, so that they can all share in the loss, and help each other to heal.

7 “We Are Only As Strong As We Are United, As Weak As We Are Divided.”

Dumbledore shows his immense courage as Headmaster, as he speaks this line when addressing the schools of students after Cedric’s death in the tournament. The quote is another poignant reminder that, in order to get through the battles that are yet to come, it is integral to stick together and stay united.

He goes on to declare that they can fight the darkness “only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust.” He proves to the people who look up to him that the power of friendship is the most important thing needed in order to get through, and that the power of it will be enough to triumph over evil.

6 “You Need Your Friends, Harry.”

Dumbledore offers this advice to Harry in The Half-Blood Prince after Harry is worried that confiding in his friends would scare them. He echoes Harry’s own words, reminding him that Sirius would not have wanted Harry to be alone in his life, thus reinforcing that Harry is not only safer with his friends, but wiser too.

The quote holds its significance throughout the series. On the many occasions that Harry endeavors to do something alone (like finding all of the remaining Horcruxes), his friends always step in and prove they are better and stronger together.

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5 “Do Not Pity The Dead, Harry. Pity The Living, And, Above All, Those Who Live Without Love.”

In a now-iconic quote, Dumbledore gives this inspiring piece of advice to Harry, explaining that love is the most powerful driving force against evil. Harry often doubts his own abilities, and his faith never wavers more than it does in the last installment of the franchise. Thankfully, even in death, Dumbledore is there to give a powerful insight.

This quote is a favorite among fans, and it’s easy to see why. It not only helps Harry work through his own grief, but it also teaches him to be thankful for all the love he has experienced in his life and all the companionship his friends have shown him, which ultimately saves him.

4 “I Would Trust Hagrid With My Life.”

Dumbledore declares this statement in the first film of the franchise, and the sentiment is one that follows Harry and his friends throughout their time at Hogwarts. Established from the very beginning, Dumbledore’s words solidify Hagrid’s status as a trusting friend.

The quote is one that endures throughout the series, as Hagrid proves to always be there to help Harry, Hermione and Ron, no matter what trouble they’re in. The fact that Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with the golden trio, time after time, only makes the words more significant.

3 “You Are Protected, In Short, By Your Ability To Love!”

In another line said to Harry, Dumbledore reminds him of all he has in the face of inevitable darkness. The line encompasses Harry’s life up until this point: without his ability to love and care for the people around him, he would be at risk of following in the same steps as Voldemort.

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The quote continues to suggest this when Dumbledore talks of Harry’s “pure heart” which has kept him safe all these years and protected him against Voldemort’s lure of power. In a story that is so preoccupied with an ongoing threat, Dumbledore’s words are a powerful reminder that friendship is more important than anyone may realize.

2 “I Am Not Worried Harry, I Am With You.”

This quote is a somber, yet heartwarming one. Dumbledore allows Harry to accompany him to destroy a Horcrux in The Half-Blood Prince, an important but dangerous task that became necessary in helping Harry to defeat Voldermort. The line cements the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore as more than just mentor and student, but as friends.

Despite Harry’s worries over Dumbledore’s ill-health and the task at hand, Dumbledore instills a belief in him and shows him that he is brave enough to make even Dumbledore feel protected. It is a sentimental moment, but nonetheless a lesson to teach Harry to believe in his ability to protect his friends.

1 “It Takes A Great Deal Of Bravery To Stand Up To Your Enemies, But A Great Deal More To Stand Up To Your Friends.”

Dumbledore declares this to all of the students at the end of their very first year, aimed at a very surprised Neville. Despite how early on in the series the quote is said, it’s something that occurs as a common theme throughout all of the films, particularly for Harry, Hermione and Ron when they have to confront their issues with one another, head-on, in order to work together as a team.

It shows that whilst facing your enemies may be an admirable feat, it is far harder to confront your friends, thus incredibly important to do so, even if it does get you temporarily paralyzed by Hermione.

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