The Weasley’s are one of the most important groups of people in the life of Harry Potter. Without a family of his own to care for him, he found paternal figures, brotherly figures, a best friend, and a wife. That’s a lot to come from one family. The huge family is typically well-loved by fans, and, despite the prejudice against them by followers of Voldemort for being “blood traitors,” they are a popular group in the Wizarding World, too.

They’re also an eclectic mixture of people, each with their own distinctive traits and personality. We’ve ranked all of the Weasley’s we know and love from Harry Potter based on how kind they are.

8 Percy

The only member of the Weasley family to openly be unpleasant was Percy. A snobbish, annoying head boy when we first met him and a desperately apologizing sniveller when he finally returned to his family towards the end of the franchise, Percy was as unlikable as some of the Death Eaters.

He rose up the ranks at the Ministry Of Magic after leaving school and despite his success, even his boss forgot his name. Eventually, he began blindly following orders to such an extent that he distanced himself from his family in order to commit to a job that disbelieved Harry and allowed the Wizarding World to descent into turmoil as Voldemort rose to power once more. He eventually reconciled with his family and admitted he was wrong, but we aren’t sure if we’ve forgiven him.

7 Ginny

Harry Potter’s future wife, Ginny Weasley, started out her life at Hogwarts shyly cowering every time her hero walked into the room. During The Chamber Of Secrets, she made a terrible decision, but we let her off.

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After this, however, she became one of the few Weasley family members to be openly rude to people. In the books, she was painted as a rather sassy, likable individual—if still a little sharp-tongued—but, in the films, she was little more than whiny. She enjoyed mocking her brother and insulting those she looked down on. Deep down, she was obviously a pleasant person, but she didn’t show it enough.


6 Ron

While Ron was the most likable of the three main characters in Harry Potter, he was one of the few to demonstrate real anger. We saw a lot of cowardice in the first books/films, but his outburst at Harry upon his entry into the Goblet Of Fire really showed what he was capable of.

His ability to hold grudges came to a head during The Deathly Hallows, where he split from Harry and Hermione. The fact that in both of these examples he admitted his mistakes and apologized is what stopped him from taking a lower position on this list.

5 Charlie

He makes a couple of brief appearances in the novels, but Charlie Weasley is certainly the family member we know the least about. In the films, the only time we saw him in the flesh was in Ron’s photo from Egypt.

As such, we know a lot less about his temperament than most. The fact that he returned to fight the Battle Of Hogwarts shows he was courageous enough to fight alongside his family, but he didn’t get there in time to say goodbye to his brother Fred.

4 Bill

The eldest of the Weasley siblings is Bill. He, like many of the brothers that came after him, was a prefect and a head boy at Hogwarts. We don’t see much of him, but we are more familiar with his personality than that of Charlie.

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He returned from Egypt much earlier than Charlie returned from Romania, suggesting a greater desire to help, and the fact that he volunteered Shell Cottage as a safehouse shows his selflessness.

3 Fred & George

It’s impossible not to group Fred and George together, as their personalities are basically indistinguishable.

While they’re chaotic troublemakers who are happy to ruin the exams of their classmates and feet students sweets that will make them throw up all day, they also prove themselves to be incredibly loyal and kind. They gave Harry the Marauder’s Map when he needed it, and the genuine fear on Fred’s face when he sees George’s injury is harrowing.

2 Arthur

As Harry never really knew his father, Arthur Weasley was one of the first father figures he encountered. He was a little more serious as a person than his wife, but he also let his children, as well as Harry, get away with much more. Rather than scolding them for stealing the enchanted car, he enthusiastically asked them how it went. He was supportive of Harry and happy to help in whatever way he could throughout the franchise.

1 Molly

Much like her husband, Molly Weasley was an important person in Harry’s life. She acted as a mother-figure, welcoming him into their already crowded home without a second thought. She might have been a little too overprotective, but that mostly speaks volumes of her genuine kindness.

Despite the way she looks after Harry securing her place at the top of his list, her protective destruction of Bellatrix Lestrange shows how far she’d go for those she loves.

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