Ginny Weasley is definitely a fan-favorite Harry Potter character. Though she begins as a meeker character, shy and scared without much to say, she evolves throughout the franchise and grows into an incredible hero. Ginny actually undergoes a lot more than many give her credit for and handles these experiences with great maturity and composure, oftentimes more so than her brothers or Harry.

As Ginny finds her voice in the series, she offers fans a lot of great lines to enjoy. She refuses to take any flack from anyone and always stands her ground when she knows she’s right.

Updated on December 22nd, by Matthew Wilkinson: Ginny’s growth in confidence is brilliant to see, as she ends up being one of the strongest characters in the story. She comes a long way from the girl who was kidnapped in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Throughout the franchise, Ginny brings some excellent lines that can be both comedic and thoughtful, showing how much personality she has. This is why she’s such a good character because Ginny brings so much to the story, and here are some of her best quotes.

15 “Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”

This quote is pure, iconic Ginny. In many ways, Ginny gives true heart to the story. Even when the odds are not in her favor, even when the chips are down, she’s never ready to give up.

Ginny is a fighter, and she’s fierce, and she knows how to stand on her own two feet. With Ginny, where there’s a will, there’s a way, and she won’t let anyone else forget it either.

14 “I’m not wearing that, it’s ghastly.”

The Weasley family is well-known for their hand-me-down clothing, which is a trait that everyone begins to associate with them. When Ron tries to pass an old piece of clothing onto his sister for the Yule Ball, she provides a hilarious response, shutting him down immediately.

Ginny brings the right amount of sass to this idea, with a hilarious response that only adds to the embarrassment that Ron is feeling at the time. When he finally realizes that it is his gown to wear, it creates a really funny moment.


13 “Leave him alone, he didn’t want all of that.”

Ginny stands up for the ones she loves. Even before she truly finds her voice, she is ready to defend Harry to Draco Malfoy, who has long mocked and derided her family.

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Ginny, however, will not let herself be intimidated when it’s a matter of defending someone in her life. Whatever the backlash might be, she speaks up for what’s right.

12 “I never really gave up on you. Not really.”

Ginny knows herself and she knows her heart. Though her path to Harry certainly wasn’t smooth, it was the one they both needed to take. Still, Ginny kept Harry in her heart and kept her hope alive for the one she loved.

This mix of bravery, emotion, and tenacity is Ginny through and through. In this simple quote, she reveals so much about herself.

11 “It was me, but I swear I didn’t mean to.”

The young, innocent version of Ginny Weasley in the early movies is a very different type of character from what she goes on to become. She is the person responsible for a lot of what happens in Chamber of Secrets, but it is all because of the control that Tom Riddle puts onto her.

Once Harry has saved her, Ginny is quick to plead her innocence, which was never really in doubt anyway. However, it’s a great quote because it showcases how desperate Ginny is to make sure people know she wasn’t responsible for everything that happens.

10 “His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,/ His hair is as dark as a blackboard./I wish he was mine, he’s really divine,/ The hero who conquered the Dark Lord.”

Okay, maybe it’s not Ginny’s finest hour, but this Valentine Ginny writes Harry in his second year at Hogwarts is truly iconic.

While Ginny might be embarrassed by it now, it really is a magnificent piece of writing. There are barely any better comparisons one can think of to make for Harry and the rhyming scheme is on point.

9 “A Pygmy Puff, but I didn’t say where.”

Ginny has a great sense of humor when it comes to basically everything. Even though she’s dating ‘The Harry Potter’, she doesn’t let Harry get a big head and she never gets worked up or jealous about the attention he draws.

Instead, she reminds him that they equal in a really playful way. Harry tends to get very enmired in his burdens, but Ginny knows exactly how to make him laugh. She’s as funny as she is fierce.

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8 “I was only wondering when Harry got here?”

Ginny’s love for Harry Potter is clear throughout the entire series. Whether it be little facial expressions or clear signs from the way she talks, it is obvious she has feelings for him. When Harry arrives at the Weasley house, without anyone in the house seemingly knowing, Ginny is the first to excitedly ask where he is.

It’s the first big, obvious sign of her feelings towards him. She’s giddy about the prospect of him being there, which is a sign of her that hasn’t been showcased until that point, which makes it such a great moment.

7 “Well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don’t know anyone but me who’s been possessed by You-Know-Who.”

Ginny has been through a lot and she’s never looking for pity, but she won’t let her experiences be cast aside either.

When Harry forgets he’s not the only one who has suffered she swiftly reminds him, standing her ground and shooting back an irrefutable point. Ginny isn’t afraid to stand up to Harry and won’t back down when she knows he’s got it wrong. A strength not many characters in the series possess.

6 “Yeah, the D.A.’s good. Only let’s make it stand for Dumbledore’s Army because that’s the Ministry’s worst fear.”

Ginny is always ready to go for the jugular. She is not afraid to break the rules and she is not afraid to stand up for what is right.

In this case, Ginny wants to show Umbridge and the Ministry that she is not afraid of them. She wants to take a stand and not do it halfway. Pure Ginny energy.

5 “Close your eyes, that way you can’t be tempted.”

This scene from the room of requirements is where Ginny and Harry first kiss, having their big romantic moment together, which makes it a very memorable moment. Ginny takes full control of the situation, showing exactly what she wants.

While it is mainly about Harry getting rid of Tom Riddle’s diary to hide it, she knows that he could be tempted to go look back for it. Ginny makes Harry close his eyes and when she’s hidden it, she returns to kiss him, in one of the franchise’s more romantic moments.

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4 “It’s okay Ron, it’s alright. It doesn’t matter.”

Sometimes Ginny can be a supportive sister, like when Ron really bungles his way with women. In these cases, Ginny is willing to soften her usual tell it like it is attitude just a hair.

Ginny’s family is incredibly important to her, even if sometimes she seems much cooler than the rest of them. In this quote, fans are reminded that she really values her family connections and those she loves… even if they’ve been embarrassing.

3 “I knew you wouldn’t be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”

Ginny is such a great character because she accepts those around her for who they are and doesn’t try to impose her own views on them, though she’ll always offer her opinion.

In this quote, Ginny tells Harry that she doesn’t like his decision but she knows him well enough to understand it. This level of acceptance displays true maturity and a high level of inner strength.

2 “Shut it.”

This quote is straight and to the point and is the perfect example of showcasing the growth in confidence and self-belief that she gains. When Harry and Ginny are trying to lead a Quidditch tryout, nobody is listening to Potter, instead, they’re happy to talk amongst themselves.

That is until Ginny bellows at them to shut up. It’s one quick line but it has a lot of impacts and showcases the confidence she has, and also the respect that other people have for her.

1 “Because – oh shut up laughing, you two – because they’ve both just been turned down by girls they asked to the ball!”

Sometimes Ginny knows how to dish it out though. If she’s being mocked, the famous Weasley temper might make an appearance.

Ron and Harry are busy laughing at her but she cuts them down to size with ease. Lesson: Do not mess with Ginny Weasley.

NextDaniel Radcliffe’s 10 Best Non-Harry Potter Movies, According To Ranker

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