For fans of Harry Potter, Remus Lupin and the other Marauders are often of great interest. Remus Lupin is seen as the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher that Harry ever had, and his connection to Harry’s parents as a member of the Marauders makes him an extremely interesting character.

Lupin is definitely a fan-favorite, and he’s also overall a good person who joins the Order of the Phoenix twice and does all he can to fight against Voldemort. However, this doesn’t mean he is a perfect character. He has both positive and negative personality traits.

10 Worst: Sensitive

While Lupin might not seem like an overly sensitive character because he doesn’t outwardly show a lot of his emotions, it’s clear that certain things really get to him.

This isn’t always a bad thing, but it can be negative when he takes the criticisms of others to heart. This is most apparent when he lets what others say about him being a werewolf makes him feel bad about himself.

9 Best: Strong

While Lupin might be sensitive in some ways, this doesn’t mean he isn’t also strong. There is a lot of prejudice against werewolves in the wizarding world, and he deals with this oppression every day of his life.

Plus, there are many physical symptoms of being a werewolf that are hard to deal with. But, despite all of this, Lupin still is a good person, and he also does everything he can to help the Order of the Phoenix.


8 Worst: Prone to sadness

Once again, a lot of Lupin’s less than positive traits make a lot of sense given the things that Lupin has to deal with. The fact that he has a hard time getting and keeping a job because he is a werewolf isn’t fair, and it would make anyone feel sad.

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However, it can still be a negative thing that Lupin keeps too much to himself and seems to have a lot of guilt and sadness over the fact that he is a werewolf.

7 Best: Gentle

One of the reasons that Lupin was such a great professor is that he is kind and gentle with his students. While many other Hogwarts professors were quite rude and even cruel to their students, Lupin was a good professor who understood what his students needed.

One of the best examples of this is when he helped Neville out with the Boggarts and supported his ability to use magic. This shows that he was willing to be kind to people.

6 Worst: Aloof

Lupin went through many things in his relatively short life, and these situations contributed to him seeming rather aloof.

Many people judged him and didn’t want to be close to him because he was a werewolf, so it’s clear he didn’t feel he could trust all that many people. This means he would often come off as aloof even with people like Harry who he could have been more open with.

5 Best: Dedicated

Despite all the hardships that Lupin went through, he was very dedicated to the things he believed in. Whether it was being loyal to his friends or doing everything he could to fight against Voldemort and his followers, Lupin was dedicated to the things he cared about.

He gave a lot of his time and risked his safety to do this, and he even ended up giving his life for the cause in the end.

4 Worst: Complacent

While Lupin did a lot of good in his life and was definitely dedicated, he could sometimes be too complacent. When the Marauders learned how to become Animagi in order to run around the grounds with Lupin, he didn’t say anything to stop them, and he didn’t even tell Dumbeldore the truth when he thought Sirius Black was a murderer.

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Along with this, he also was rather complacent about the Marauder’s Map, and overall, he didn’t always speak up when he needed to.

3 Best: Brave

While Lupin might have struggled here and there with loyalty despite being a Gryffindor, he did exemplify the typical Gryffindor trait of bravery.

He fought at the Battle of Hogwarts for one thing, and he also participated in many other dangerous situations as a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He was willing to risk his life multiple times.

2 Worst: Insecure

While Lupin could be strong in many ways and put up with a lot from judgemental people, there were some ways that he could be insecure.

This is most apparent when his insecurities over being a werewolf get the best of him and he tries to abandon Tonks while she is pregnant. This is by far his worst moment in the series when he’s at his lowest. He also seemed to be insecure in his youth about making friends.

1 Best: Wise

While other characters such as Dumbledore are often seen as being wisest and giving the best advice, Lupin was also an extremely wise figure.

This seems to be a combination of his natural personality and the fact that he’s more observant combined with the trails he experienced in life. He was great at offering advice and seemed to have good insight into human nature.

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