Harry Potter star, Evanna Lynch, (Luna Lovegood) has revealed what moments she wishes made it into the movies. Lynch played the eccentric and often dazed looking witch in the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling’s beloved books. Before landing the life-changing role, Lynch was a diehard fan of the series, even sending fan mail to Rowling. To her surprise, Rowling responded again and again.

Lynch and Rowling became penpals, of sorts, with the prolific writer helping Lynch through a tough time in her adolescence. As fate would have it, in 2006, the Irish talent came across Harry Potter‘s open casting call for the films and booked the role out of nearly 15,000 girls. Of course, the rest is history. While stepping into Luna’s colorful mindset was a dream come true for Lynch, she remained a fan of the series first and foremost throughout the experience.


Lynch told Insider that many of her favorite moments from the novels didn’t make it to the big screen. From her character’s standpoint, she wishes a beat in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince where Harry and Luna have a lovely exchange on the Hogwarts Express was written in. Lynch elaborated on the scene’s importance, saying:

Luna says something like, ‘Oh, people don’t expect you to be friends with us, they expect you to have cooler friends. And Harry’s like, ‘You are cool,’ and she’s like ‘Oh, thank you, that’s really nice. I think that was an important moment… she is someone who’s so at peace with herself and accepts herself no matter what, but she really cares about her friends. She’s got a really tender heart.

The star went on to mention another Hogwarts Express scene she would’ve loved to do. In the book version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ron Weasley jokes about teaching goon Goyle a lesson by forcing him to write: “I must not look like a baboon’s backside.” Luna laughs hysterically at this, an action Lynch would’ve loved to see onscreen, because it further celebrated the role’s awkward tendencies. In general, the actress wishes Ron and Luna’s relationship had been developed further. She calls the pair “quite intriguing” with Ron constantly poking fun at Luna and then occasionally supporting her. In a perfect wizarding world, Lynch also would’ve liked to see Luna take over the reigns from Hogwarts’ seasoned quidditch commentator, Lee Jordan. The films originally intended to stay true to the book series with this, but ultimately it got cut from the screenplay. “I would have loved that,” Lynch said. “I find sports quite boring so I loved Luna’s commentary, I loved the color she brought to it.”

Above all, there was one scene that Lynch said she fought fiercely for: Dumbledore’s funeral. Rowling wrote a magical send-off to the headmaster in Half-Blood Prince, complete with mermaids and centaurs. At the end of the day, producer David Heyman said it was simply too expensive. Considering how much money the franchise went on to make, perhaps production can withdraw some from Gringotts Wizarding Bank and use a Time-Turner to put more money in the budget. Otherwise, the scene will only exist where Rowling intended it to in the first place, readers’ imaginations.

Source: Insider

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