Bonnie Wright, the actor who played Ginny Weasley throughout the Harry Potter film series, has revealed her speculations about what her character would be up to in the modern era. Wright played Ron Weasley’s little sister throughout the eight films spanning a decade. She first appeared in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone as the shy red-headed little sister but ended the series as a professional Quidditch player and a wife to Harry (Daniel Radcliffe).

It’s been ten years since fans said goodbye to the beloved Harry Potter characters on the big screen. But the movies, and the books by J.K. Rowling, have stood the test of time. The series’ ended with a 19-year jump into the future, where Harry and Ginny fall in love, get married, and have three children of their own. It was a contentious ending after some Harry Potter fans spent years shipping Harry and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). But she ended up having her happily ever after with Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint).


Wright recently appeared at the Warner Bros. Studio tour re-opening and spoke a bit about what she thinks Ginny is up to now, E! Online reports. She believes she and Harry are “of course” still together, having fun and focusing on being parents. Check out Wright’s full quote below:

“We know she became a professional Quidditch player. … So, she’s probably super sporty.

 She’s probably jet-setting around the world, and the kids would be at Hogwarts and having more freedom. I have so much fun making these stories up! I often wonder what their house would look like, where would they be living, and what happens next.”

And there you have it — Harry and Ginny are living their dreams while their kids follow in their footsteps at Hogwarts. At least, according to Wright’s daydreams. Curiously, she didn’t mention whether or not Harry still plays Quidditch or if she thinks he’s in full dad mode now. It also begs the question of whether or not the global coronavirus pandemic hit Hogwarts, but that’s taking it to a whole other level. And while Wright’s ideas might spawn Harry Potter fans to dream of a reboot with the original cast, don’t count on it. Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy in the series, says that likely won’t happen.

Ginny was a controversial character in the Harry Potter movies, primarily because her background included in the books wasn’t translated on screen. Harry’s infatuation with his best friend’s little sister seemed to come out of nowhere in the movies instead of the slow build of feelings in the novels. However, the romance plotline makes it so he, Ron, and Hermione would all be family for real. And that has to bring some joy to Harry Potter fans who never want to see the magical trio split apart, even if the big-screen days for the series are long over with.

Source: E! Online

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