There is a fine line between love and hate. Some Harry Potter fans took this saying literally. Besides couples established in the book series, such as Ginny and Harry, or Ron and Hermione, the fans ship imaginary couples of their own choice. One of the most popular ships among the fans is Draco and Harry… aka Drarry.

Even though they were enemies for the better part of their studies, the fans of this ship believe there was more to Harry’s and Draco’s rivalry than meets the eye. So it’ll come as no surprise that there’s a large number of hilarious memes about the Harry/Draco ship.

10 The Best Question

The sad truth is that Draco and Harry could have been great friends all those years. If only Draco found it in himself to actually ask once again, to make the offer of friendship. The first time, it didn’t go over so well. But both Harry and Draco changed over the years. This meme suggests that the second time around, Harry would be delighted at becoming Draco’s friend. In fact, it looks like this question was the one Harry was waiting for for a long time.

9 Parent In Shock

Personality-wise, Lucius Malfoy is one of the worst people in Harry Potter. He cowards in front of Voldemort but bullies others. He tries to kill Harry, is rude to the Weasley family, mistreats Dobby, and the list goes on. So it’s safe to assume that Lucius wouldn’t be happy at all if he found out that his son was dating none other than Harry Potter. But Harry stood up to Lucius Malfoy before and he can do it again. Somebody’s winning this argument but it’s not going to be Lucius.


8 Flirting Is Hard

Flirting with someone a person really likes isn’t easy – no matter what others might claim. Draco learns this the hard way. In the third year of their studies, he decides to go and flirt with Harry during a class. Draco is confident things will go smoothly. But the moment he talks to Harry, he comes off wrong and the exchange ends up in an argument. Draco doesn’t have to worry, though, many people have been in a similar spot, he’s not alone in this.

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7 Draco Isn’t Smooth… At All

Speaking of Draco’s bad flirting, here’s another example of it. Draco hasn’t gotten better at flirting even in his fourth year. He might think he’s being smooth but he’s not.

Harry is quick to call Draco out and point out the fact that nobody can make an autocorrect in a speech. Wizards can do many great things muggles can’t but this one is even above them.

6 Harry Is Bad At Texting

One of defining aspects of Draco’s personality is that he wants other people to pay attention to him. And when he feels like somebody doesn’t respect him enough, he can be merciless. In this meme, Draco is clearly upset and he lashes out at Harry for ignoring his text. Harry tries to awkwardly get out of the situation but it doesn’t work. The fact that their classmate is laughing at them makes it even worse. Either way, Draco acts like a scorned boyfriend in the meme. Maybe Harry should just tell him that his phone doesn’t work properly at Hogwarts.

5 Hidden Love

Draco obviously didn’t get the memo that hiding one’s feelings are never a good idea. His parents should have raised him better. This meme shows an alternative first meeting between Draco and Ron. Instead of insulting Ron, Draco confesses he loves Harry, and then he’s embarrassed about it. It’s more than possible that Draco admired Harry when they first met so this meme isn’t as far from reality as some people might think.

4 The Secret Is Out

Some of the best memes are those that need very few words to explain what’s going on – and are funny nevertheless. This meme heavily implies that Harry and Draco are close, so close they got the opportunity to switch their ties.

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Hermione’s and Ron’s reaction is priceless in its hilarity, as well as Draco’s and Harry’s expressions. Draco and Harry look like deer caught in a headlight but one could argue it’s their fault, they should have been more careful.

3 The Fans Know Best

In the end, Harry married Ginny Weasley and Draco married Astoria Greengrass. But some fans believed that the two young wizards were obsessed with each other. It’s true that they spent a lot of time hating one another, expressing some strong emotions. Those fans disappointed with the result turned to write their own stories, and that’s how Harry and Draco fanfictions were born.

2 Dumbledore Approves

Harry grows to respect Dumbledore greatly once he gets to know him a bit more. But even Harry might object to Dumbledore shipping him and Draco. Harry might be embarrassed and confused. It’s no wonder considering Dumbledore struggles with the modern slang and he confuses ‘shipping someone’ with ‘putting them in a boat’. Everybody loves good wordplay, and this meme uses it well.

1 Canon Confirmed

Whoever needed confirmation that Harry and Draco were a real thing, doesn’t need to look any further. After all, there is no better source of confirmation than the actors themselves. Tom Felton mentioned during an interview that he and Daniel Radcliffe had a “wand fight in the bathroom”. It didn’t take him long to realize how the audience could read his words. But both Tom Felton and Draco Malfoy can rest assured: what happens at Hogwarts, stays at Hogwarts.

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