People would be hard-pressed to find a group of friends that represented “friendship goals” more than the main trio of Harry Potter. Harry, Ron, and Hermione may not have always made the best decisions, but the trio always stuck together and supported each other, no matter what.

Most will talk about Harry and Ron’s friendship with a lot of fondness, but Harry and Hermione’s friendship isn’t given as much attention. Harry and Hermione have an incredibly deep connection that is based on loyalty and support. And they have their fair share of amazing moments throughout the series.

10 Hermione Offered To Sacrifice Herself With Harry

This moment comes at a crossroads for Harry during Deathly Hallows Part II when he decides to sacrifice himself to save Hogwarts, as well as all of his loved ones currently fighting the Death Eaters.

When he reveals what he is going to do to Ron and Hermione, Hermione tearfully offers to go with him. Not only is this moment a summation of everything the trio has been through, but it also reveals just how connected Harry and Hermione are.

9 Hermione Supported Harry At His Parent’s Graveside

After Ron leaves them in Deathly Hallows, Harry and Hermione wander around aimlessly until they come upon Harry’s parent’s grave in Godric’s Hollow. She lays her head on his shoulder at the graveside as they wish each other “Happy Christmas.”

It’s a poignant moment full of sadness for both Harry and Hermione. They have just lost a third of their group and their hunt for Horcruxes has run dry. However, they are still able to find comfort together and support each other.


8 Their Awkward Little Dance

This quirky little moment in Deathly Hallows Part 1 is unique to the film and left quite a few viewers scratching their heads. After Ron has left them, the pair start listening to music on a radio in their tent and, out of nowhere, start dancing.

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It’s more than a little awkward and out of place, given the circumstances. However, it demonstrates the pair’s closeness and their ability to still act silly, no matter what they are going through, and no one can argue that it’s not cute.

7 Their Hug After Hermione Recovered

This moment takes place early on in their friendship. In Chamber of Secrets, after Hermione recovers from accidentally staring into the eyes of a Basilisk, she runs into the Great Hall and right into Harry’s arms.

Harry and Hermione have only known each other for about two years at this point, but they have both done incredibly dangerous and insane things to protect each other. This hug makes it very clear just how close and loyal they are to each other.

6 Hermione Stuck By Harry During Triwizard Tournament

During the events of Goblet of Fire, Harry goes through many moments of conflict at Hogwarts, including Ron turning against him, most of Hogwarts treating him as a pariah, and having to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Hermione, however, sticks by him through all of it. When Harry has to face off against a dragon, she stays up late with him to help him strategize. Hermione has never stopped believing in Harry and this moment makes it clear that she will always be in his corner.

5 Hermione Praised Harry

During the Sorceror’s Stone, the trio sets off to save the aforementioned stone. After the iconic chess game, Hermione hugs Harry and tells him what a great wizard he is. When he tries to deflect the compliment, she tells him that “there are more important things – friendship and bravery.”

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This is an important revelation about Hermione’s personality and opinion of her Harry. Despite being smarter than most of her classmates in terms of academia, she values Harry’s attention to morality and always doing the right thing.

4 Hermione Set Snape’s Robes On Fire

This moment is not just important in terms of Hermione’s friendship with Harry, but also a generally funny moment within the franchise. In Sorcerer’s Stone, the trio suspect Snape of cursing Harry during a Quidditch match. Hermione then takes action and sets Snape’s robes on fire to distract him.

This is a great moment because Hermione is the definition of a “goody-two-shoes,” yet she shows that she will gladly break the rules (and endanger her teachers) to protect her friends.

3 Hermione Trapped Rita Skeeter To Avenge Her Smearing Harry

In Goblet of Fire, Rita Skeeter appears as a skeevy reporter who tries to publish stories about Harry and his friends in the most unflattering light possible. By the end of the movie and novel, Hermione has revealed that Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus and traps her in her mosquito form.

Hermione has shown multiple times how much she believes in Harry and that she doesn’t allow anyone to slander him. Financially ruining a sleazy reporter ranks pretty high on the tier of protective actions she’s taken for him.

2 Hermione Distracted Umbridge Before She Could Curse Harry

Professor Umbridge, without question, is not only one of the most hated characters in the Harry Potter franchise, but one of the most hated characters ever created. But Hermione even manages to stand up to her. When Harry faces being cursed to make him talk about Dumbledore’s Army, she blurts out that she’ll tell Umbridge about Dumbledore’s secret weapon.

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Even if she is under pressure and has to make things up as she goes along, Hermione will throw logic out the window to protect Harry.

1 Harry Comforts Hermione After She Witnesses Ron And Lavender Kissing

Harry and Hermione have always acted as shoulders for the other one to cry on in times of stress and sadness. When Hermione witnesses Ron kissing Lavender after a Quidditch match, although Harry doesn’t know what to say, he lets her cry out her frustration to him.

Harry may have struggled to understand Cho Chang, but he is incredibly perceptive when it comes to his close friends. Even though he doesn’t always have the right words to say, he will always act as a source of comfort.

NextSonic 2: Top 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts