Hogwarts is known as one of the best schools in the Wizarding World. One reason for this is that its many professors are extremely powerful wizards who spent years perfecting their craft. By passing their knowledge to an entire generation of students, they helped create many witches and wizards that became more powerful than themselves.

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With Hogwarts home to so many impressive professors, we’re looking at the most powerful teachers the school ever had and ranking the Top 10. Keep in mind that this list will predominantly stick to the films, so there are some names that definitely won’t appear on the list.


While Gilderoy Lockhart was a useless buffoon, there’s something to be said for the potency of his Memory Charms. He managed to use them so well that he wiped the memory of witches and wizards much more powerful than himself.

However, his lack of knowledge regarding any other facet of magic made him one of the worst professors the school ever had. The Wizarding World was better off that he lost his memory at the end of Chamber of Secrets. To this day, we’re still unsure why Dumbledore ever decided to bring in Lockhart to teach his students (at least in the movies).


Hagrid had an unfortunate time at Hogwarts as a student, meaning that his practice of magic went down the drain pretty quickly. However, what Hagrid lacked in magical talent he made up for in knowledge of magical creatures. He could tame just about any beast in the magical world and use it to help Hogwarts in all sorts of ways.

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His massive size also made him fairly intimidating especially against smaller people. However, when it comes to magic alone, he gets outclassed by just about every other major wizard in the Harry Potter series. He was even captured by Lord Voldemort.



Flitwick is the Charms professor at Hogwarts, meaning that he knows how to manipulate the world around him. He came up with the key puzzle when guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone, and it was he that taught the school to be on the lookout for Sirius Black in The Prisoner of Azkaban.

He has a much smaller build than the rest of the professors, but his magical knowledge makes him more than a capable professor. He would partake in the final battle in The Deathly Hallows where he was able to take on Death Eaters and even subdue a few on his own.

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As much as we all dislike her, Umbridge was Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and the Headmaster at Hogwarts in Order of the Phoenix. She also has an excellent grasp on all sorts of dark spells, but it’s the law that she uses to her advantage the most.

Despite her unwillingness to teach students any serious magic, she does know how to use the Unforgivable Curses, which she tried to use on Harry Potter. Her biggest downfall is the fact that she’s so prim and proper that she can’t defend herself in a pinch and doesn’t do well in fights.


Horace Slughorn was the returning Potions Master in The Half-Blood Prince after going on a long retirement back when Tom Riddle was a student at Hogwarts. Despite Slughorn’s age and odd behavior, he is one of the best potions professors the school ever had.

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He could make all sorts of amazing brews and had a wealth of knowledge about all kinds of magic. His concoctions alone were both some of the most impressive and most dangerous objects in the entire building. He would fight alongside Harry in The Deathly Hallows and lived to tell the tale. Not bad for an aging Potions Master.


Remus Lupin was arguably Hogwarts’ most effective Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for essentially living through dark magic every day. Lupin was poised but he always knew when to pull out his wand and fight. While his werewolf curse inhibited him quite a bit, he was a powerful professor nonetheless.

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He taught Harry how to do a Patronus Charm, which is an extremely advanced magical technique. He was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, which was only composed of capable witches and wizards. Unfortunately, his experience would do him no good in The Deathly Hallows, where he lost his life.


Alastor Moody was employed as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in The Goblet of Fire. While it was actually the Death Eater Barty Crouch in disguise, Mad-Eye was technically supposed to be the professor, so were counting him on this list. Mad-Eye Moody was very crass and didn’t run away from a fight.

He alone was responsible for an unprecedented number of Death Eaters in Azkaban Prison. With a mere click of his staff, he could subdue an evil wizard. Unfortunately, his crazy demeanor and powerful spells wouldn’t be enough to save him at the beginning of The Deathly Hallows.


The Potions Master at the start of the Harry Potter series was Severus Snape, who slid his way to becoming Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher then Headmaster of Hogwarts. Despite being a seemingly unfeeling and cranky professor, Snape was arguably the bravest person in the entire franchise.

He invented his own spells, had a way with potions that few other witches and wizards did, and could even save people when they were on the brink of death. He also happened to be the most loyal of anyone in the series and used his next-level deception skills to help defeat Lord Voldemort.


Professor McGonagall is often portrayed is the right-hand to Dumbledore. She knows how to do all sorts of charms and transfigurations being an Animagus herself. However, when the going gets touch, McGonagall knows how to put up her wand and fight.

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She used some wicked fire magic at Snape when discovering that he was the one who killed Dumbledore. She also led the good wizards during the battle of Hogwarts and cast every spell in her arsenal to keep Voldemort and his Death Eaters at bay. She also happened to be quite intimidating when people got on her bad side.


Arguably the strongest professor of Hogwarts is also arguably the strongest character in Harry Potter. Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster throughout most of the series and can perform all sorts of ridiculous spells as a result. He was threatened imprisonment at Azkaban twice but managed to get away both times.

With the use of the Elder Wand, Dumbledore could also conjure some of the most stunning spells seen in the entire series. He could duel Voldemort and hold his ground as well as take on a swarm of dark creatures with a single spell. It seemed there was nothing Dumbledore couldn’t do.

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