Best friends Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were more accustomed to fighting as allies on the battlefield rather than opponents. The two form a strong friendship in the first installment of the series and Hermione sticks by Harry’s side throughout the war against Voldemort. Even when Ron deserts them temporarily in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione stays to fight the forces of darkness with her friend.

If Harry and Hermione had ever come to blows, the fallout would have been devastating. Harry excels with defensive magic and has faced Voldemort himself in a duel. On the other hand, Hermione is undoubtedly the smartest witch at Hogwarts and was instrumental in Harry’s plight. Who would win in a duel: the Boy Who Lived or the brightest witch of her age?

10 Harry: More Dueling Experience

Whereas Hermione preferred to play by the rules, Harry had his fair share of fights and scraps at Hogwarts. The young wizard duels Draco Malfoy early in the series, before taking on stronger Death Eaters later on. The Chosen One duels Voldemort himself in Goblet Of Fire, surviving thanks to the twin cores in their wands.

It could be said that Hermione understands magical theory more, but lacks Harry’s practical experience in duels. In battle, this puts the witch at a disadvantage to her best friend.

9 Hermione: The Smartest Witch At Hogwarts

Sirius Black dubs Hermione “the brightest witch of [her] age,” a title she rightfully earns with her impressive intellect. Hermione remains one of the smartest characters in the series, consistently helping Harry and Ron out of trouble.

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Hermione’s wits and intelligence are a superior skill that could influence a duel against Harry. Despite his experience, the Boy Who Lived lacks Hermione’s magical knowledge and prowess.


8 Harry: Became An Auror After The War

Harry’s fight against Voldemort inspires him to pursue a career as an Auror after the Battle of Hogwarts. It can be assumed that his years hunting and fighting dark wizards would have increased his already impressive dueling abilities, making him a tough opponent to defeat.

Hermione’s post-Hogwarts career took her more into the world of politics as she assumed power in the Ministry of Magic. Her dueling skills may be rustier and more out-of-practice than Harry’s.

7 Hermione: Knows More Spells

Harry fights multiple dark wizards and witches throughout the series using favored spells such as “Expelliarmus,” “Stupefy,” and “Expecto Patronum.” Admittedly, his magical repertoire is more limited than Hermione’s, who knows multiple complex and tricky spells.

Unlike Harry and Ron, Hermione returned to Hogwarts to complete her seventh year of studies after the war. The young witch was studious, absorbing knowledge at an impressive rate and making her a hard foe for Harry to overcome.

6 Harry: Better At Defense Against The Dark Arts

Hermione excels at school more than Harry in all subjects except for one. Defense Against The Dark Arts becomes Harry’s favorite lesson as the series progresses. Invigorated by his battles with Voldemort, Harry displays a proficiency for defensive magic that outrivals Hermione’s.

In the books, Harry’s O.W.L. results for DADA are higher than Hermione’s, the only exam in which he outperformed her. His defensive abilities are an asset for the young wizard that gives him an edge over his best friend in combat.

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5 Hermione: Better At Everything Else

Harry achieves a higher mark in their Defense Against The Dark Arts O.W.L., but Hermione grades higher in every other lesson. This includes Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration, all complicated methods of magic capable of overwhelming Harry’s defensive skills.

Hermione could utilize another type of magic to defeat Harry in a duel. Harry’s skills are powerful but limited, whereas Hermione’s talents stretch vaster across a range of subjects.

4 Harry: Taught Hermione Defensive Magic

Harry, Hermione, and the rest of their friends take matters into their own hands during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Umbridge’s disastrous DADA lessons leave the students at a disadvantage against the returned Voldemort. Harry leads defensive lessons to prepare his friends for the looming war ahead.

Hermione learns much of her defensive skills from Harry during Dumbledore’s Army gatherings, making it difficult to use the same spells against him.

3 Hermione: Skilled With Protective Spells

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry, Ron, and Hermione undertake a perilous mission in the fight to defeat Voldemort. While on the run, Hermione casts several complicated and difficult protective charms that successfully shield them from Snatchers and other threats.

Harry has his superior defensive magical at his disposal, but Hermione is more skilled in protective charms and enchantments. Either skillset could earn them a victory in a duel.

2 Harry: Defeated Voldemort

The Boy Who Lived pulls off the impossible task of defeating Voldemort once and for all during the climax of Deathly Hallows. Against the odds, Harry overcomes the evil wizard and puts a stop to his reign of tyranny over wizards and Muggles alike.

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If Harry can overcome Voldemort, then defeating Hermione should be an easy feat. As skilled as the brightest witch of her age is, her power never came close to Voldemort’s formidable abilities.

1 Hermione: Helped Harry Defeat Voldemort

Harry didn’t defeat Voldemort singlehandedly, however. Without Hermione’s help, the Chosen One would have been stumped by the search for Voldemort’s Horcruxes, not to mention vulnerable to Snatchers and other people hunting for Undesirable Number One.

Hermione stayed by Harry’s side throughout his darkest days and was instrumental in Voldemort’s defeat. Her magic proved strong enough to stand against powerful figures in the Dark Lord’s army. Against her friend, however, the witch’s power might not be enough.

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