While not the most common type of wand core in the world of Harry Potter, Phoenix Feather cores may be the best known, courtesy of Fawkes and Harry Potter. Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix companion, gifted two of his tail feathers to Ollivander, who used them to make the wands that would end up choosing Harry and Tom Riddle (who would become Voldemort).

However, these are far from the only phoenix feather wands in the wizarding world – and far from all we know about wands that are made with the magical feathers of these incredible creatures.

10 Tail Feathers Are Hot To The Touch

The phoenix is associated with fire – they burst into flames before their rebirth, and are the colors of fire. They are also physically hot to the touch, especially their tail feathers. In the Fantastic Beasts book, it is revealed that these tail feathers give off their own heat – although this is presumably only when they are on the bird itself, not after they have fallen off. Tail feathers are also incredibly strong, as shown when Dumbledore’s entire weight can be supported by Fawke’s tail.

9 It Is One Of The Supreme Cores

Ollivander considered three core materials to be ‘Supreme Cores’. These are the materials that give the best magic (whether that is in range, power, or consistency) and they are the only wand core materials that the wandmaker will use (although plenty of other wandmakers will use other cores for their wands). Along with the Phoenix Feather, the other Supreme Cores are Dragon Heartstring and Unicorn Hair.


8 They Are Extremely Rare

While the other two Supreme Cores are very common (and the most common named core material in the series), Phoenix Feathers are described in this universe as extremely rare. At first glance, this would seem to make sense – the birds themselves are rare, and deeply attached to specific people.

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However, there is some inconsistency here – Fawkes, in the series, often leaves feathers lying around, and as feathers are shed before a phoenix regenerates, it seems that this should be no rarer than any other magical creature’s hair or feathers.

7 They Are Also Extremely Picky

As every fan knows, the wand chooses the wizard – and that means that the core material may make the wand more or less likely to choose a specific wizard. According to Pottermore, “due to phoenixes being very difficult to tame and are one of the most detached creatures in the world, the wands with such feathers are the pickiest of owners”. This may also explain why the wands are rare – not because the feathers are, but because the wands themselves do not give themselves to a witch or wizard often.

6 These Wands Can Act On Their Own

Wands can be said to have a mind of their own when it comes to loyalty and choosing the witch or wizard to use them, but phoenix wands, in particular, have a tendency of acting on their own. This is seen in the series to an extent, as Harry’s wand throws out the occasional spell without him thinking of it, in times of extreme peril. Sometimes, these seem to be more related to the connection between his wand and Voldemort’s, but it is also a property of phoenix feather wands in general.

5 Phoenix Wands Have The Greatest Range…

Unicorn hair wants are the most consistent, dragon heartstring are the most powerful, and phoenix feather wands have the greatest range. This means that a witch or wizard with one of these wands is likely to have skills in multiple areas of magic, and an ability to perform protective and defensive spells and charms (as well as domestic, healing, and more) with equal skill.

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This can be incredibly useful, especially for a naturally powerful wizard, who doesn’t need a wand that is inherently more powerful or consistent.

4 …And Are Extremely Loyal

Phoenix wands, like the phoenix themselves, are extremely loyal. A tame phoenix (like those that have always been associated with the Dumbledores) will bond incredibly strongly to one person, and when that person dies, they are unlikely to attach to another person. Like the birds, the feathers make extremely loyal wands, that will not be won over by another witch or wizard easily.

3 Celestina Warbeck Also Has A Phoenix Wand

The two most famous phoenix feather wands in the wizarding world are clearly those of Harry Potter and Voldemort – but they are not the only ones in this world. Crooner Celestina Warbeck, Molly Weasley’s preferred holiday listening, also has a phoenix feather wand. Silvanus Kettlburn, a previous Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures professor, also has one – although both of these details were added to the universe after the original series was released.

2 Feathers Are Also Used For Quills

Pheonix feathers can also be used to make quills – as several phoenix feather quills are seen in the franchise. This is beautiful, but something of an inconsistency in the series. For a wand core that is supposed to be extremely rare, it makes little sense that the material would be rare for wands, but common for what is basically a pen.

1 Rowling Would Have A Phoenix Core Wand

In an interview, Rowling revealed that the Phoenix is her personal favorite magical creature, and in another, that this is what she would want at the core of her own wand. This is why Harry’s wand had a phoenix core – if her favorite magical beast was a unicorn, things would clearly have been a bit different for the series (and it’s hard to imagine Dumbledore keeping a tame unicorn in his office, but maybe that’s exactly what he would have done!).

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