As is tradition in the Harvest Moon series, Harvest Moon: One World has a selection of single ladies and gentlemen who the player can marry, one of whom is slightly easier to marry than the rest. This farming simulation series includes relationship building to round out the world and lives the player makes for themselves. Relationship building keeps the player’s day to day in game life varied, and offers an effective way to break up the constant farming.

Harvest Moon: One World includes five bachelors and five bachelorettes in the base game. DLC added one additional bachelor and bachelorette each, bringing the total to twelve marriage candidates. Unlike Story of Seasons’ LGBTQIA+ inclusive marriage system, the marriage candidates a player can pursue in Harvest Moon: One World are limited based on the gender they select to play as. But One World does take after Story of Seasons by keeping the primary method of romancing eligible characters based on gift giving.


The primary factors that go into determining which of Harvest Moon: One World’s marriage candidates is easiest to romance are when the player first meets them and the gift they like the most. One World features five areas before counting the location added in the DLC, and the earlier the player unlocks the areas, the sooner they can start trying to win the affection of the One World marriage candidates who live there. Once the player has met the love interests, winning them over becomes a matter of giving them gifts that they like. Some characters like gifts that are easy to find or produce, while others may prefer meals made from multiple items, slightly increasing the effort needed. Not counting the love interests Shogen and Sana, who can only be unlocked through paid DLC, the marriage candidates who are easiest to romance are Jamil and Malika, with a slight edge given to Jamil.

Romancing Jamil Or Malika In Harvest Moon: One World

If looking only at preferred gifts, Kirsi would be the easiest marriage candidate to romance in Harvest Moon: One World. Her preferred gift is any kind of ore, which gives players numerous options when trying to marry her. But of One World’s numerous locales, Kirsi is located in Salmiakki, one of the game’s later areas. On the other hand, Jamil and Malika are found earlier in Pastilla, and also have relatively simple preferred gifts.

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Malika’s preferred gift, Chamomile, is a plant that can be grown and subsequently given to her. But in Harvest Moon: One World, seeds can’t be bought and instead have to be found. This makes romancing Malika ever so slightly more challenging than Jamil, whose preferred gift is goat milk. A goat takes 14 in game days to mature, after which it will produce milk each day. With at least two goats in One World, players can give a serving of goat milk to Jamil every day and have extras to sell.

Not all players will favor Jamil, Malika, or Kirsi in Harvest Moon: One World. The good news is that even for love interests who appear in later locations or prefer gifts that are harder to produce, they all only have a single item they dislike. Any gift they are neutral towards, be it regular milk or crops, will increase their affection, making it a relatively simple matter for players to pursue the character who has caught their eye. The biggest hurdle to getting married in Harvest Moon: One World is the house upgrades that all players are required to get, rather than the gift giving process.

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