Caution: spoilers ahead for Hawkeye episodes 1 & 2

Clint Barton’s highly anticipated solo series has finally landed on Disney+, and Hawkeye brings a full quiver of Marvel Easter eggs to accompany the festive fencing and ludicrous LARPing. Set 2 years after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Disney+’s Hawkeye catches up with Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton, spending some well-deserved time treating his no-longer-snapped kids. Clint seems to have left the superhero gig behind, but remains distinctly uncomfortable with his celebrity status. Of course, retirement is only ever temporary in the MCU, and Clint is soon dragged back into one of his old messes by Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop.


Thanks to the shady dealings of her mother and step-father (Vera Farmiga’s Eleanor Bishop and Tony Dalton’s Jack Duquesne, respectively), Kate accidentally angers New York’s Tracksuit Mafia… whilst wearing Clint Barton’s old Ronin costume. Clint himself learns about Kate’s impromptu cosplay, and the Barton family Christmas is abruptly cancelled. Now, Hawkeye must protect his impersonator, shut down the Tracksuit Mafia, and retrieve his stolen Ronin gear. By the end of episode 2 (which dropped simultaneous to episode 1 on Disney+), only the last of those items can be checked off.

Like all Disney+ MCU shows, Hawkeye hits the mark when it comes to Marvel Easter eggs. In the opening one-two punch alone, there are cute callbacks to past movies, comic book homages, and intriguing teases. Here are all the nods found in both “Never Meet Your Heroes” and “Hide & Seek.”

The Bishops’ Argument Foreshadows The Avengers (& More?)

Eleanor and Derek Bishop argue over financial woes in Hawkeye‘s opening flashback sequence, and Kate’s mother utters the ominous line, “You got used to the idea a solution will just fall out of the sky.” This scene takes place only moments before The Avengers‘ Chitauri invasion, where lots of stuff does indeed fall from the sky. As well as foreshadowing the alien attack, Eleanor’s quote suggests the Bishop family benefited from the Battle of New York. Eleanor clearly isn’t struggling for money in Hawkeye‘s present day, after all.

Hawkeye’s Battle Of New York Flashback

Right on cue, the Battle of New York from 2012’s The Avengers begins. A young Kate Bishop spots Chitauri fighters and a giant Leviathan floating over her luxury apartment complex. The sequence offers a rare street-level glimpse of an MCU event that feels all too familiar by this point.

Kate Bishop Spots Stark Tower

Unfortunately for Kate, the Bishop family live directly opposite Stark Tower – the Battle of New York’s epicenter. As she looks out across her smashed balcony, Kate claps eyes on the distinctive outline of the MCU’s most famous building, which still clings on to 4 of its 5 letters.

Hawkeye’s Trick Shot From The Avengers

Kate witnesses a famous moment from The Avengers, but through a completely new angle. The youngster catches Hawkeye atop a skyscraper taking down multiple Chitauri enemies, then performing his patented jump-and-twist maneuver with an exploding arrow. Hawkeye reveals how Clint Barton saved Kate Bishop’s life during this very scene, and his movements from Kate’s perspective line up almost perfectly compared to the corresponding sequence from The Avengers.

Hawkeye’s Opening Titles Honor The Comic Books

The MCU Hawkeye series is essentially a loose adaptation of Matt Fraction and David Aja’s 2012 comic run and, sure enough, Fraction serves as consulting producer for the TV show. Hawkeye‘s opening titles pay homage to the source material by mimicking Aja’s unique art style. The color palette, abundance of geometric shapes, and arrow motif all draw directly from Aja’s imagery, and even the logo font is a comic book callback.

Hawkeye References Iron Man’s Obadiah Stane

Shortly before Kate Bishop decides to destroy her college campus clocktower for a bet, she climbs “Stane Tower.” This plaque must be a reference to the MCU’s very first villain, Obadiah Stane from 2008’s Iron Man. As a (former) man of wealth, Stane might’ve funded or opened the tower, and while most universities would’ve taken the sign down after their benefactor’s crimes, Hawkeye wouldn’t have this awesome Easter egg if they did.

Kate Bishop’s Hawkeye Costume Copies The Comic Books

Hailee Steinfeld debuts in Hawkeye already clad in her purple superhero outfit, the gear directly referencing David Aja’s comic book design. The purple is virtually a matching shade, and the shaping is near-identical. Hawkeye‘s only notable deviation is covering up areas the comics left exposed.

The Battle Of New York’s Grand Central Station Statue

As Hawkeye moves into the present day, the camera briefly lingers over New York’s Grand Central Station. Since 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, the MCU’s version of this real-world building has been topped by a statue paying tribute to emergency workers who lost their lives during the Battle of New York. It’s fitting for Hawkeye, which tells a less super superhero story.

Rogers: The Musical Lyrics Reference Shawarma & Sokovia Accords

Featured prominently in Hawkeye‘s trailer, the premiere episode satisfies fans who were hungry for more “Rogers: The Musical.” Broadway’s tribute to Steve Rogers contains many a Marvel Easter egg, both visually and sonically. On stage, actors are dressed as Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Loki, Hawkeye, Thor, and… Ant-Man? The lyrics are even better, referring to Hulk as “incredible,” and giving Rogers his “I can do this all day” catchphrase. The Tesseract and Stark’s nuke both get mentioned, and Iron Man also sings about getting “shawarma when we’re done.” By far the best lyrical Easter egg, however, is the line, “We’ll blame you then, but you’re good for now.” This acknowledges how the Avengers were celebrated at first, then slapped with the Sokovia Accords a few years later.

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Rogers: The Musical Ignores Hawkeye’s Best Avengers Moment

Already understandably skeptical about the song and dance reenactment, Clint Barton looks even more displeased when a cardboard Loki riding a Chitauri glider floats across the stage’s backdrop. This is likely because it was Hawkeye who shot down the flying God of Mischief with an exploding arrow during the Battle of New York. Rogers: The Musical doesn’t give the archer his due.

The MCU Adapts Hawkeye’s Hearing Loss

Hawkeye marks the first occasion MCU Clint Barton wears a hearing aid in his left ear, and this adapts an aspect of the comic character, who experienced hearing loss in various printed incarnations. Whereas Hawkeye’s comic deafness was the result of an attack or childhood trauma (depending on the era), flashbacks later reveals that Hawkeye‘s condition is the cumulative impact of numerous Avengers-related loud bangs.

Ant-Man Is In Rogers: The Musical

Rogers: The Musical’s most glaring error is putting Ant-Man at the Battle of New York, when Scott Lang was actually very far a superhero at that point in the timeline. Ant-Man’s inclusion is probably a gag about Lang’s size-changing powers. Because he can shrink, the public assumed Ant-Man fought Chitauri whilst invisible to the eye. No doubt Lang has done very little to quash that particular rumor.

The Girl With Black Widow’s Hair

For Clint, the most traumatic thing about Rogers: The Musical isn’t the awful tunes or amateurish costumes – it’s seeing someone play Black Widow. Hammering home his emotional reaction, a girl in the audience spots Hawkeye and waves. She’s wearing exactly the same red, plaited hair as Natasha, triggering Clint further.

“Thanos Was Right”

Taking the longest bathroom break possible, Clint Barton finds “Thanos Was Right” graffiti scrawled on a urinal. This Easter egg acknowledges the real life belief held by some that the Mad Titan wasn’t so mad after all, and that his plan to erase 50% of all life in the universe had merit.

Jack Duquesne’s Swords Foreshadow His Hawkeye Role

Kate Bishop returns home after Bellgate, taking a verbal lashing from her mother, who’s footing the repair bill. As Kate gets chewed out, she notices an unfamiliar collection of swords hanging upon the wall – an early indication that Eleanor’s new man, Jack Duquesne, has moved in. The blades also nod toward Jack’s comic book counterpart, Jaques Duquesne, otherwise known as the supervillain Swordsman. Though Hawkeye hasn’t explicitly made that connection just yet, this Easter egg foreshadows a future twist.

Armand Duquesne Hails From The Marvel Comics

Simon Callow (briefly) plays Armand Duquesne in Hawkeye, and his role adapts a minor character from the Marvel comic books. Armand appeared as Swordsman’s father in 1989’s Avengers Spotlight #22, and was responsible for turning his son towards sword fighting. As such, it’s fitting that both men share a blade obsession in Hawkeye.

Lucky The Pizza Dog

Hawkeye‘s premiere introduces Pizza Dog – a one-eyed canine Kate takes a liking to. The mutt is an MCU version of Lucky the Pizza Dog from Matt Fraction’s comic books, albeit with some changes. Originally, Clint found the dog first, and Hawkeye seemingly drops the “Lucky” name too.

The Duquesne Auction Adapts Marvel Comics

Hawkeye episode 1’s centerpiece comprises a secret black market auction that draws very heavily from Matt Fraction’s Marvel comic story. In the 2012 Hawkeye series, Kate Bishop broke into a supervillain auction where a very incriminating tape featuring Clint Barton (not that kind of tape) was up for sale. In Hawkeye, the tainted treasure isn’t a VHS, but the Ronin costume and sword Clint used between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Drawing another parallel to the comics, Kate Bishop steals the Ronin costume for herself and masquerades as the vigilante, whereas Young Avengers #4, saw Kate nab Hawkeye’s bow while investigating the titular teenage team.

Avengers Compound Fallout From Endgame

Spider-Man: Homecoming revealed how alien tech went walkabouts after the Battle of New York, thanks to dealers such as Vulture. The same is happening again after Avengers Compound’s destruction in Avengers: Endgame. Numerous items have been recovered from the wreckage of the facility, and subsequently found their way into an illegal auction. These include Ronin’s retractable sword, his ninja costume, and a mysterious watch…

Ronin’s Identity Isn’t Known In The MCU

Hawkeye episode 1 confirms a small but intriguing detail regarding Clint Barton in the MCU – no one knows he was Ronin. Aside from his wife Laura, the enigmatic Val (from Black Widow), and his fellow Avengers, the world at large has no idea Ronin and Hawkeye were the same man underneath the mask. Even his kids are ignorant to the violent truth.

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Kate’s Bottle Trick Echoes Steve Rogers (& Eleanor)

Cornered by 2 members of the Tracksuit Mafia at the disrupted auction, Kate Bishop stamps on a bottle, sending it flying into the face of a nearby goon. The trick has echoes of Captain America stamping on his shield and catching it, but Kate’s maneuver also pays off Hawkeye‘s opening flashback, where her mother flipped a carrot stick. Comparing each scene reveals Kate might take after Eleanor more than she thinks.

The Avengers Watch (& A Kang Reference?)

The true goal of the Tracksuit Mafia’s raid is to swipe a mysterious watch pulled from the Avengers Compound. The nature of the piece isn’t obvious, but the red face would imply Stark tech – hence the high value. Hawkeye certainly wouldn’t be the first MCU story where a piece of Stark technology served as a MacGuffin. The label reads “Avengers Compound – Lot 268.” The villain in Avengers #268? A certain Kang the Conqueror…

The Tracksuit Mafia Saying “Bro” Is A Comic Trait

Members of the Tracksuit Mafia say “Bro” an awful lot, regardless of whether they’re speaking to a male or female, friend or foe. This trait comes directly from their comic debut in 2012, and could get annoying just as fast.

Kate Bishop Stops Pizza Dog Getting Run Over

As both run from the Tracksuit Mafia, Kate Bishop acrobatically saves Pizza Dog from an oncoming vehicle. This scene mirrors the Fraction comic books, where Lucky gets tossed into oncoming traffic by the Tracksuit gang, then taken to a vet by Hawkeye. The MCU’s Hawkeye team clearly realized a dog being run over isn’t very Christmassy.

Hawkeye Introduces The MCU’s Clown

Hawkeye episode 1’s final fight sequence lingers on a member of the Tracksuit Mafia the other criminals refer to as “Kazi.” In Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye comics, Kazimierz Kazimierczak is an updated version of the older Marvel villain Clown, who debuted in 1962. Unlike Kazimierz, the MCU’s Kazi shows no obvious clownisms… yet.

Pat Kiernan Returns To The MCU

Rapidly catching up to Robert Downey Jr’s Marvel credits, real life news anchor Pat Kiernan has featured in The AvengersSpider-Man: Far From Home, and many more. Kiernan makes his MCU return in Hawkeye to report on Ronin, and while everyone gets excited over Marvel’s upcoming multiverse crossovers, it’s worth remembering Pat was there first, connecting the main MCU to Marvel Netflix shows such as Daredevil and Jessica Jones.

The MCU Avengers Tower Mystery Continues

Meeting her hero for the very first time, Kate Bishop naturally wonders whether a guided tour of Avengers Tower is on the cards. Clint disappoints her, revealing the tower was sold some years back. This line continues a mystery from Spider-Man: Far From Home, which showed the building being renovated ahead of a big relaunch. Potential new owners include Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, and Kang the Conqueror, after Loki showed an alternate tower with “Qeng” (a Kang alter ego) on the side in place of “Stark.”

Marvel Staff Tributes At Kate’s Aunt’s Building

Needing a place to lay low, Kate Bishop takes Hawkeye to her aunt’s apartment, and there are a host of surnames listed on the buzzer, some of which refer to Marvel staff past and present. Marcelo Sosa, Robert Bernstein and Sam Moskowitz get shout-outs (assuming this isn’t just a big coincidence), and inside the apartment a poster for “Creature of the Dark Galaxy” features the name “Luke Ballard.” This is likely a nod to the digital artist of the same name, who has worked on numerous MCU movies.

Kate Bishop’s Aunt Is A Marvel Comic Character

Also living in this Marvel alumni apartment building is a Moira Brandon, and the same name can be spotted alongside Ballard’s on the “Creatures of the Dark Galaxy” poster. It’s safe to assume Kate Bishop’s aunt is Moira, and this name connects directly to a comic book character. In Marvel lore, Moira Brandon was an actress (hence the poster) whose estate was sold and eventually became the West Coast Avengers HQ. Moira herself helped bring down a villain, and was made an honorary Avenger by Hawkeye before she died. It remains to be seen whether Kate’s aunt is just a fun Easter egg, or whether she can somehow connect Hailee Steinfeld’s character to the Avengers.

Kate’s Tracksuit Description References The “Draculas”

Trying to describe the Tracksuit Mafia, Kate Bishop writes “very white” repeatedly on a notepad. She’s definitely not wrong, but this could hint toward the group’s comic moniker. In the source material, Hawkeye refers to the gangsters as “Tracksuit Draculas” and while the name isn’t getting used in the MCU, the “very white” line could be a vampire-themed homage.

New York’s Times Square Avengers

The giant Disney store advert is shameless self-promotion more than an Easter egg, but the Times Square scene does feature a smattering of cosplay Avengers. There’s Hulk, Thor, a duo of Captain Americas, two Iron Men, and Ant-Man, once again turning up where he doesn’t belong. The heroes are joined by an archer, but Clint quickly points out it’s Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.

Detective Caudle Introduces Another Comic Book Character

In Hawkeye episode 2, Kate Bishop is contacted by a Detective Caudle, who wishes to speak about her destroyed apartment and other strange recent happenings. Kate tries (badly) to avoid acting suspicious, but Caudle’s debut represents another Marvel comic addition to the MCU. Appearing in, you guessed it, Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye series, Kate helped Detective Caudle catch the criminal Flynt Ward, and pestered the cop until he heard her out. The boot’s very much on the other foot in Hawkeye.

Grills Is Hawkeye’s Neighbor In The Comics

Hawkeye‘s LARPing sequence is a fun excursion for the exasperated Avenger, and largely devoid of MCU Easter eggs… until the very end, at least. The man who steals Clint Barton’s Ronin costume identifies himself as “Grills,” and though there’s not a whole lot of resemblance, Grills is the name of Clint’s neighbor in the Marvel comics. He mistakenly calls Hawkeye “Hawkguy,” and suffers a violent run-in with Kazi.

Hawkeye’s Premise Mirrors Die Hard

Speaking with his family, now safely out of the city, Clint promises to beat the bad guys and get home before Christmas. Conceptually, this premise lands extremely close to Die Hard – beleaguered family man fighting his way through foreign gangsters to make sure he spends Christmas Day with his wife and children. Hopefully, Jeremy Renner is running around in a vest and no shoes come Hawkeye‘s finale.

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Hawkeye Uses Black Widow’s Avengers Trick

Clint employs “catch and release” to dupe the Tracksuit Mafia, which his wife notes is “one of Nat’s tricks.” Sure enough, Hawkeye pretends to get caught and interrogated, then effortlessly frees himself after getting what he came for. That’s exactly what Black Widow does to a group criminals in the opening act of 2012’s The Avengers.

Ivan Banionis Leads Hawkeye’s Tracksuit Mafia

As well as Kazi, there’s another familiar member of the Tracksuit Mafia lurking in Hawkeye. The “shift manager” is referred to as “Ivan” by his friends, and this chap is almost certainly the MCU’s Ivan Banionis – the leader of Marvel comics’ Tracksuit Draculas.

Kate Bishop’s Username Is A Matt Fraction Reference

By virtue of her mother’s security company, Hawkeye‘s Kate Bishop is able to track an individual’s specific location through a specialist app. Her username is “bishop112012,” but she’s no last-name-bunch o’numbers. The digits actually refer to November 2012 – the cover date of Matt Fraction and David Aja’s Hawkeye #2, when Kate Bishop first appeared in that run.

Hawkeye airs every Wednesday on Disney+.

Key Release Dates
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)Release date: Dec 17, 2021
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Release date: May 06, 2022
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Release date: Jul 08, 2022
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever/Black Panther 2 (2022)Release date: Nov 11, 2022
  • The Marvels/Captain Marvel 2 (2023)Release date: Feb 17, 2023
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)Release date: May 05, 2023
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)Release date: Jul 28, 2023
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