Hawkeye has always been one of the most rebellious superheroes in Marvel Comics. While he has been portrayed as militaristic and a government agent in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that is nothing like him in the world of comic books. This also means that it is not always easy for Hawkeye to build solid relationships with others.

However, throughout the history of Marvel Comics, Hawkeye has been a close friend, loyal teammate, and mentor to several people and heroes. While he started out as a villain, he moved on to become a loyal member of the Avengers before leading his own teams like the Thunderbolts and the West Coast Avengers. In the end, Hawkeye is one of Marvel’s best characters and someone who has great relationships with several notable heroes, reformed villains and a one-eyed canine with a penchant for pizza.


Kate Bishop

After Hawkeye died, Kate Bishop became the new Hawkeye in comics and took his place. When he returned from the dead, he agreed to allow her to keep the role and he became Ronin. Even when Hawkeye returned to take his role back, he let her keep it as well, giving Marvel two Hawkeye characters.

Unlike the Disney+ series, in the comics, Kate Bishop learned how to be a hero on her own, but Hawkeye did take her in and help her hone her skills. Throughout her career, Hawkeye has always been one of her biggest supporters.

Black Widow

Hawkeye’s closest friend outside of his own family in the MCU was Black Widow. In the movies, Hawkeye even named one of his kids after her. With that said, it is clear that her death still haunts him as he still is unable to get over it on his Disney+ series.

In the comics, Hawkeye was also very close to Black Widow from the beginning. They worked together as villains and they both became heroes together and joined the Avengers around the same time. Their relationship has stayed strong through the years.


In the MCU, Hawkeye has a wife and kids. This version of the archer is pulled from his Ultimate Comics iteration, but in the regular Marvel Universe, he was not married to anyone who gave him a family. However, he was married at one point in his life.

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Hawkeye married fellow Avenger Mockingbird in the 1980s. The two met when they were kidnapped and held captive, forcing them to bond very quickly in order to escape from their imprisonment. They then moved to California, started the West Coast Avengers, and then divorced. Hawkeye even went to hell to try to rescue Mockingbird to no avail. Now resurrected, Mockingbird has yet to resume her marital relationship with Hawkeye, but the two are still close and frequently work together in Avengers-related missions.

Winter Soldier

Hawkeye and Winter Soldier have a few things in common. Both of them are friends of Captain America, with Bucky serving as Cap’s sidekick in World War II and Clint joining the Avengers under his first tenure as team leader.  In addition, both served as Captain America at one time, albeit under extreme circumstances and not for long. Perhaps most notably, they are both very close to Black Widow. Hawkeye first encountered Natasha when she worked as a spy, and Bucky worked alongside Black Widow in the Red Room.

They are still close and work together whenever they have a similar goal. An example was a recent comic book moment where Black Widow disappeared and they two teamed up to find and help rescue her.

Lucky The Pizza Dog

Lucky the Pizza Dog is lucky to have Hawkeye in his life. The origin story of Lucky is similar in the comics and in the Disney+ series. Lucky belonged to the Track Suit Mafia in the comics and when Hawkeye went to fight them, the dog protected him by biting one of the bad guys.

As a result, they tried to kill the dog and took out its eye. Hawkeye saved the canine and took it home with him, where it became his new companion. On the show, it was Kate who saved Lucky, and in the comics, it is also Kate who ended up with the dog in the end. Nonetheless, Lucky is one of Hawkeye’s closest allies with both Clint and Kate frequently relying on the pooch for emotional and, at times, combat support.

Captain America

When Hawkeye joined the Avengers, it was when Captain America took over the role of the team leader. This was an interesting time because Hawkeye always felt like he was right, and often felt he was better suited to be the leader. This led to several conflicts between the two heroes that occasionally evolved into a brief yet intense fights, with Clint almost always walking away in anger.

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Over the years, this contentious relationship changed into a genuine friendship between the two. Captain America became one of the only people that Hawkeye really looked up to and admired. When Cap died, Hawkeye took on the role of Ronin since he no longer had his idol there for him. After the Civil War event, Hawkeye even took on Captain America’s role for a short time in honor of the hero.

Barney Barton

Barney Barton was Hawkeye’s brother. The two were young children when they lost their parents and the Circus of Crime took them in. Through their experience, there, Barney knew something was wrong, but Clint blindly followed Swordsman and Trick Shot, until they showed their true colors.

Barney ended up becoming a hero himself until he died working as an FBI agent. He ended up brought back to life as a villain, but the good news is that he has since reconciled with Clint and helped him take down the Track Suit Mafia.

Luke Cage

Most of the time in Marvel Comics, Hawkeye is a street-level hero. At one time, after Scarlet Witch decimated the team, Captain America helped create a New Avengers team, which consisted of all non-powered or marginalized heroes, believing that directly helping people was more effective than fighting cosmic wars in outer space.

Luke Cage was one of the key leaders of this group and Hawkeye ended up joining the group down the line. He and Luke became very close and Hawkeye was one of the heroes who was there from the start when it came time to find Luke’s missing daughter.


In one of the strangest friendships in Hawkeye comics, he is actually close friends with Wade Wilson, the mercenary known as Deadpool. This came after the two heroes went to war with each other and fought non-stop to take each other down.

However, after the two ended up being forced to team up after someone stole files on every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, they got to know each other better, and while they fought and argued all the time, they ended up as great allies in a bizarre and entertaining way.

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The Thunberbolts originally were the disguised Masters of Evil pretending to be a new superhero team under the leadership of Baron Zemo. However, after working as a heroic team for long enough, they turned on Zemo and decided to stay good. The problem is the government wanted them all in jail anyway to pay for their past crimes as villains.

That is when Hawkeye entered the picture and offered to be their leader. He gave them all a chance to redeem themselves and then he eventually began a romantic relationship with Moonstone, one that was doomed from the start since she was never going to remain a hero. For a time, however, his friendship and love for her were enough to temper her villainous impulses and consider permanently becoming a hero working alongside him.

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