Hello Neighbor 2 trailer revealed that Mr. Peterson will learn from every player in the community, as the AI develops based on player interaction. The Hello Neighbor sequel for Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC will bring gamers back into the creepy world of Raven Brooks, with the sole purpose of uncovering Mr. Peterson’s diabolical truths. The stealth-horror game will be made even more challenging with the development of the artificial intelligence central to the game, which will allow the enemy to develop new strategies to combat players as the community plays the game.In the original Hello Neighbor, players took control of a child whose curiosity got the better of them as they tried desperately to uncover the truth about their creepy neighbor. The high-intensity puzzles were adored by a dedicated community, giving the indie game (which failed to fund via Kickstarter in 2015) legs to stand on. The game was critically panned at release, originally deemed a fun-yet-buggy mess by reviewers. The second installment to the franchise, however, looks far more polished and the trailer demonstrates that the developers took large leaps in building the sequel to its full potential.According to the trailer released on the E3 YouTube channel, Hello Neighbor 2 will have an AI unit that develops after launch, utilizing player interactions to learn and adapt. Mr. Peterson, the game’s central villain, will grow smarter and develop new strategies as it learns from player actions. The AI is expansive and is the core of every character in the game, including new side characters that players can interact with as they attempt to uncover the truth about Mr. Peterson.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP0EzxVqWZEThe trailer dives deep into the mechanics of Mr. Peterson’s AI, demonstrating how effective it is at learning from the player, increasing the challenge rating of the game. The AI in Hello Neighbor 2 learns how to predict player actions and make more intelligent choices, searching closets, closing doors, and trapping foes (the player), making it harder to escape the wrath of Mr. Peterson. This is certainly a step up from the first Hello Neighbor, and will likely increase the horror factor of the game, as well as the difficulty.The AI will learn from the community, not just the individual player, which will force the larger community to adapt after launch. What might be easy at first will become far more challenging as the Hello Neighbor 2 AI intuits from player interactions. This could prevent boredom and add to the shelf life of the game, giving players a reason to keep playing, as they attempt to continuously outmaneuver the growing AI. This learning system is not necessarily new, but it certainly proves that AI in games has come far from its glitchy, easy-to-predict AI past.Hello Neighbor 2 is scheduled to release in 2021 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.Source: E3/YouTube

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