A new behind-the-scenes photo reveals how Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2 is handling the Sanderson sisters flying scenes. Hocus Pocus premiered in 1993, introducing the world to three campy witches, known as the Sanderson sisters, who vie to stay young forever. As the movie’s popularity reached cult classic status in the decades that followed, Bette Middler (Winifred), Kathy Najimy (Mary), and Sarah Jessica Parker (Sarah) themselves have become Halloween icons. On various occasions, the star trio made it clear they’d love to reprise their wicked roles, and fans echoed their excitement tenfold.

Disney finally greenlit Hocus Pocus 2 in 2021, with Anne Fletcher (The Proposal) at the helm. To audiences’ delight, all three original Sanderson sisters are returning to wreak havoc. Doug Jones (Billy Butcherson) is the only other actor from the first film known to be returning, as the rest of the cast is brand new to the spooky world. The synopsis seems to stick to the magic formula of three high schoolers having to save Salem from the Sanderson sisters on Halloween night. Another similarity with the sequel is the favoring of practical effects over CGI.


Screen Rant writer Robert Peterpaul saw firsthand how Disney will make the three witches take flight once again. Peterpaul snapped the photo below on the film’s fake Salem set in Rhode Island. It shows a custom-built blue screen truck that will allow the Sanderson sisters to fly through the air at a controlled speed. Check it out below:

The truck had three seats with poles adhered to the top of the front. A crew member confirmed that the three seats were for Midler, Najimy, and Parker to sit on. As the truck drives around, the ladies will pretend to be soaring through the air. In post-production, special effects will be used to key out the truck and key in broomsticks and the background. The result will provide for a much more realistic looking flying effect than total CGI. Large cranes were also on hand to give the performers flight on wires in various scenes.

As diehard fans will know, the original ’90s flick was filled with practical effects. From the Binx cat puppet to the the cast being rigged on harnesses for flight, the movie was made in less CGI reliant times. This original charm is the practical magic people hope to see continued in Hocus Pocus 2. The flying scenes are some of the most remembered to date and let audiences live vicariously through the performers onscreen. Almost three decades later, it will be interesting to see how many upgrades the Sandersons receive. Moviegoers will have to wait until 2022 to find out.

Source: Robert Peterpaul/Screen Rant

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