These days, Tom Holland is best known for his role as Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actor, however, has a huge variety of characters behind him. He’s played adventurers, dancers, fantastical creatures, and even talking dogs.

One thing that all of his characters have in common is a whole lot of heart. He’s often played roles that see him as a young person exhibiting courage under fire, as someone trusted by everyone around him. If his characters ever had the chance to attend Hogwarts, there would be a lot of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors among them. 

10 Ian (Onward): Gryffindor

One of Holland’s most recent roles is voicing the character Ian in the Pixar fantasy Onward. On the surface, Ian is shy, but observant. He’s afraid to put himself out there when his journey begins.

When Ian and his brother discover that magic runs through his veins, however, Ian’s life changes drastically. He starts acting on instinct and putting himself out there. Ian reveals his true Gryffindor nature when he selflessly saves the day and lets his brother achieve his dreams.

9 Samuel (The Current War): Ravenclaw

Samuel isn’t one of the men that faces the biggest fight in The Current War. He is the long-suffering secretary to Thomas Edison.

Samuel could be a Hufflepuff with his staunch decision to stand by Edison no matter what, but like most of the other men in the story, Samuel is a Ravenclaw. He might not be the person coming up with electrical plans, but he understands all of them. Samuel studies all of Edison’s designs (and those of his competition), and gives Edison advice on a regular basis, even though he reminds himself that it isn’t really his place to do so.


8 Walter (Spies In Disguise): Hufflepuff

Walter’s intelligence in Spies In Disguise could make him a lock for Ravenclaw, however, Walter’s motivation reveals his real Hogwarts house. He’s all about finding compromise and using his inventions to create nonviolent solutions to conflict.

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Walter creates devices to give hugs. He’s not in the spy world for the glory or to play the hero. Yes, he’s brilliant, but he uses his brilliance for peace. That’s definitely a Hufflepuff move.

7 Bradley (Edge Of Winter): Gryffindor

One of the few movies in Holland’s resume that sees him play a relatively normal teen is Edge Of Winter. Of course, Bradley doesn’t deal with normal teenage things.

Bradley is the older of two brothers who are supposed to be spending some quality time with their father following their parents’ divorce. Instead, Bradley is constantly having to save his younger brother from their father’s violent outbursts as the man slowly unravels in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Bradley is nearly as emotional as his father, but he grounds himself and courageously finds ways to get his brother to safety. He’s definitely a Gryffindor.

6 Billy (Billy Elliot): Ravenclaw

Tom Holland didn’t appear in the movie version of the Billy Elliot story, but he did play the title character in the stage musical in England. Billy Elliot has traits that could allow him to fit into multiple Hogwarts houses, but at his core, he’s a dreamer, not unlike Ravenclaw’s Luna Lovegood.

Billy picks up on dance skills quickly. From the first moment he sees a ballet class in session, he’s hooked, and wants to know everything about it. Billy’s fixation on dance, even when his own grief and anger pulls him away from it, is very Ravenclaw of him.

5 Brother Diarmuid (Pilgrimage): Hufflepuff

In Pilgrimage, a group of monks try to travel with a religious relic, only to be met with serious resistance. Holland’s Brother Diarmuid isn’t one of the more experienced monks, but instead, a young boy who has been raised in the monastery.

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Diarmuid knows no life beyond what he’s been taught by the monks. As a result, he’s incredibly loyal to them and his faith, but not in the same way the zealots they meet with are. He does his best to save other monks when they’re attacked and sticks up for “the mute” that travels with them. He also decides to give the relic back to God when he sees all of the bloodshed it inspires. He’s truly a Hufflepuff.

4 Jack (The Lost City Of Z): Gryffindor

Holland is one of three young actors who plays Jack in The Lost City Of Z. The oldest of the three, Holland plays Jack at a time in his life when he’s ready to forgive his father for practically abandoning his family. Jack is a bold Gryffindor, though he doesn’t appear that way at first.

He follows his emotions and he holds a grudge. Jack also, however, understands his father’s sense of adventure, and eventually, he decides to join him for one last search for the mysterious lost city. 

3 Jip (Dolittle): Hufflepuff

Critics don’t exactly love Dolittle, but the movie certainly went all out to get voice talent for its many animals. Jip, Dr. Dolittle’s dog, has Holland’s voice.

Jip doesn’t have a lot of conversations with Dolittle since the doctor spends most of his screen time on a big adventure. The doctor does, however, leave the Hufflepuff of a dog behind to keep an eye on the queen. Jip is the one animal in his menagerie he trusts most to take care of her because Jip is unfailingly loyal with a strong moral compass.

2 Thomas (In The Heart Of The Sea): Hufflepuff

Inspired by the story that also gave inspiration to Moby Dick, In The Heart Of The Sea sees a group of sailors stranded at sea thanks to a white whale. Thomas Nickerson is on a whaler for the first time.

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He’s younger and less experienced than everyone else on the ship, and that leads to him getting pushed around a bit. Thomas has a bit of hero worship for the first mate, and as a result, works as hard as he can to do what he’s told – even if he doesn’t want to. His experiences haunt him for decades after the events at sea. He’s certainly a Hufflepuff.

1 Peter Parker (MCU): Gryffindor

Spider-Man is back in the MCU as an ally of the Avengers. He’s smarter than most adults, let alone teenagers, and has a strong sense of loyalty. That could lead Peter Parker to fit into a house like Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but Peter is definitely a Gryffindor.

He would rather put himself in harm’s way hundreds of times than see anyone else in trouble. Peter is the kind of person who always wants to do the right thing, no matter how much it might cost him personally. He’s a real hero.

Next10 Ways X-Men (2000) Has Aged Remarkably Well

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