The new multiplayer heist game Hood: Outlaws and Legends is very different than most multiplayer games on the market right now. Rather than rushing in guns blazing to take down your enemies, players will instead need to sneak around the map to track down a treasure that can be stolen and brought back to their base. Players will need to know when it’s better to attack enemies or when it’s best to sneak by them if they hope to survive for very long.

There are some differences in how the player can choose to play through depending on which class they pick. While one class may be better for sneaking up and taking an enemy down with an execution attack, another may be well suited for carrying the loot to the extraction point or clearing an escape route. The Ranger class, who is actually none other than Robin Hood himself, is best at attacking enemies from a distance and covering his team’s escape. This guide shows players some tips for playing The Ranger.


Hood: Outlaws & Legends – The Ranger Class Tips and Tricks

The Ranger (or Robin Hood) can be a powerful character to play as depending on who is in control of him, but players who play him incorrectly will find themselves losing missions fairly often. The Ranger has a longbow that is best used for picking off enemies from long ranges, and his flash grenade that can stun enemies momentarily. At its core, The Ranger class is mainly a support style class that players should be used to watch over their friends from afar. Here are some big tips for playing as Robin:

You Need to Be Supportive – Players should keep in mind at all times that The Ranger is not built for close-ranged combat, and its abilities are suited to supporting teammates rather than fighting enemies head to head. Players will want to get to a place that allows them to easily see the area that the team is traveling through. They can then tag State enemies and the rival team for their allies as well as keep an eye out for reinforcements and escape routes. On top of this it allows The Ranger to make use of their long-ranged combat proficiency and snipe any enemies that are causing trouble for the team.

Don’t Forget About Ropes – One thing that many players should be careful not to forget about are the ropes attached to walls and platforms that can be dropped down. These may not seem super important, but if the player drops a rope down when they come across it then they are able to create either an alternate entrance to an area for their team or a perfect place to exit from when making the escape. When playing as The Ranger players just have to aim at these ropes and fire to drop them down for their friends. Players should do this every time they see one even if they don’t need it at that time. They will never know when they might be useful.

Leave That Chest For Someone Else – Once players have unlocked a vault and gotten their hands on a chest, someone has to be the one to carry it. At first, it might seem like a smart idea to stick The Ranger carrying it and have The Brawler and Mystic running protection detail, but this is a recipe for disaster. The reason for this is that The Ranger isn’t very strong, so he will move slowly while carrying the chest will probably get killed by approaching enemies before he even has time to set the chest down and fight back. One of the stronger is much better suited for this purpose so that The Ranger can watch from someone far away to aid in their escape.

Save the Explosive Arrow – The Ranger’s special ability is extremely powerful, and using that explosive arrow to blow up enemies is a lot of fun. This arrow does take quite a while to charge up though, so it is always best if the player saves it for special situations. One of the best times to use it is when the Sherriff catches wind of the team and comes in to attack. Since this enemy is extremely strong and can’t die, stunning him as quickly as possible is very important. Robin’s explosive arrow will stun the Sherriff immediately which gives the team time to escape or extract their loot. Another great use of this arrow is against the enemy team in situations where they aren’t able to quickly get away. Firing it at The Brawler when he is lifting a portcullis for his team or when the enemy is extracting are great ways to wipe out the enemy with one hit.

Sneakiness and Cover Are Vastly Important – More so than any other character in the game, The Ranger must rely very heavily on sneaking and using cover in the game. This is because The Ranger has no close-ranged combat abilities like The Mystic and Brawler nor abilities to help hide him from view like The Hunter’s smoke bombs and invisibility power. The Ranger will instead need to focus on moving slowly around the map and ducking behind cover to avoid the enemy eye. If The Ranger is found by the enemy then the player won’t have many options to survive, but if they stay hidden and properly ambush enemies then The Ranger can be incredibly powerful.

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Keep an Eye On Ammo – If The Ranger runs out of arrows then he becomes effectively useless. The player is only able to hold a limited number of arrows, so those who aren’t keeping track of how many they have left are going to wind up dead fast. Players should remember that there are many ways for The Ranger to recover ammo though. The player can pick arrows back up off of the enemies that they have killed or off the ground if they have missed a shot. Always look around the enemy after a fight to see if anyone has any arrows stuck in them. There are also ammo crates that the player can find throughout the map that will contain more arrows as well.

Running Away Is An Option – One thing that those who play as The Ranger need to keep in mind is that if they are feeling overwhelmed, then they should definitely just run away. If several enemies run up on The Ranger he is going to have a difficult time fighting them all off, so it might just be a better idea to turn tail and sprint in the other direction to lay low. They can then always find a new area to camp out at and pick their enemies off. Also, players should remember to use their flash bomb before running as this will drastically aid in their escape.

Distracting Can Be Better Than Killing – While it is tempting to just shoot every enemy that the player sees, sometimes it’s better to distract enemies rather than attack them. A great thing to do as The Ranger is to distract enemies and lead them to different areas in order to clear a path for the team. On top of this though the player can also lead enemies towards the opposing team by distracting enemies. This is incredibly useful with the Sherriff or stronger State enemies that can do a lot of damage to the enemy team.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends can be played on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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