Horizon Zero Dawn gave players a compelling narrative, memorable characters, and a visually stunning post-apocalyptic world that made it one of the most popular and critically-acclaimed video games of 2017. The title’s character and world design are a huge part of what makes it such an incredible game that has generated a multimedia franchise encompassing novels, comic books, and a forthcoming movie.

From the rugged terrain of the Nora Mountains to the minute details of the machines’ wiring, every part of Zero Dawn was designed to improve every player’s immersive experience. Thanks to artists like Lloyd Allan and Miguel Angel Martinez Monje making some of the impressive concept art behind the game available to the public, fans can get a better idea about how Zero Dawn’s world was brought to life by these talented artists.

10 A Battle With A Deathbringer

Deathbringers are one of three machines designed specifically for The Chariot Class, the peacekeeping robots that went rogue after a glitch. This image shows just how terrifying they can be, with Aloy and her companions’ primitive weapons looking comically powerless against the machine’s thick armor and several guns.

Although Ted Faro’s Old World machines were initially used to improve people’s lives and even save the environment, his greed got the best of him and prompted him to partner with the military. This partnership birth the terrible Deathbringers, which HADES, through his manipulation of the cult, the Eclipse, brought back in an attempt to restart the Faro Swarm.

9 A Tallneck

Tallnecks are one of the most iconic machines from Zero Dawn and with this work of art, it’s easy to see why. It’s easy to miss the fact that Aloy is actually standing on a deteriorating bus here as she looks out at the Communications Class machine.

The giraffe-like Tallnecks were originally designed by Dr. Elisabet Sobeck and her team to serve as the link to enable long-distance communication between machines. They don’t ever appear in packs and walk around their regions on their own. It’s jaw-dropping to see just how huge these machines are in the game and even more incredible to be able to climb and override them to gain access to parts of the map.


8 A Bus In The Forest

Aloy seems to swing over to the other side of the image of the Tallneck to reveal the jungle scenery engulfing the ruins of a bus. At first glance, the creatures she’s looking at here look like they may be actual animals, but are more likely dangerous Striders or Watchers.

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Zero Dawn’s post-apocalyptic narrative is rooted in how people dealt with the destructive Faro Plague in the past and how it has affected the future. This piece of art brilliantly shows the intersection between the two, with the mysterious bus from the Old World and the enigmatic machines from the new – Aloy’s right in the middle of it all.

7 The Militaristic Eclipse

This work of art highlights the peak of the strength of the Eclipse, a cult born from the disillusioned Shadow Carja under HADES’ control. The image likely depicts the start of their attack during one of the Battles of Meridian where they worked with HADES’ machines in an attempt to overthrow Sun-King Avad and retake the Sundom.

It’s these well-written narratives that make Zero Dawn one of the best story-driven games for the PS4. The fascinating story of the Eclipse’s naivety is captured in this artwork, with the leader looking confident that his side will win. They’ll find out soon enough that HADES was only using them for his own agenda and that he never really cared about supporting their extremist ideals.

6 A Version Of A Thunderjaw

This image shows an interesting preproduction concept of the Thunderjaw, which is one of the more common enemies players encounter in Zero Dawn. The only noticeable changes between this and the in-game machine are the style of the wires protruding out of its back, the shape of the long thick wire connecting its neck to its tail, and the spikes on the top of its body.

The Thunderjaw is part of the Combat Class of machines created by the rogue AI, HEPHAESTUS, after he was separated from GAIA. While he was originally designed to terraform machines for the benefit of the earth, his alienation from GAIA drove him to become increasingly hostile against humans. HEPHAESTUS caused what the tribes call the Derangement, which is when machines like the Thunderjaw started to become aggressive towards people.

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5 A Cauldron’s Entrance

This photo is a gorgeous depiction of a tense night scene where Aloy is hiding in the bushes and observing machines entering a Cauldron. Beyond that triangular gate is an underground facility where machines are manufactured on a daily basis.

There are a total of five Cauldrons in the game, and overriding them is one of the best side quests in Horizon Zero Dawn. Players have to be stealthy like Aloy is in this image so that the machines don’t sense the protagonist’s presence. They’re often found in locations just like the one pictured, somewhere deep in the forest where there’s an unusual concentration of machines in a clearing.

4 The Original Shell Walker

This image shows one of the early versions of the Shell Walker, which is a machine that’s part of the Transport Class. It makes sense that the drawing is superimposed on what looks like sand on a beach, as these are crab-like creatures that move in a similar way to those animals. Its core movement of carrying and putting down a box is shown on the bottom-left of the picture, which is exactly how the machines handle cargo in the game.

Shell Walkers were only initially meant to be docile creatures that transport cargo needed in Cauldrons. After the Derangement, however, HEPHAESTUS programmed them to attack humans on sight. They seem to be much bulkier in-game compared to how they appear in this image.

3 Young Aloy In A Bunker

Some of the best quotes from Horizon Zero Dawn are said in dingy and dangerous bunkers, much like the one a young Aloy finds herself in early in the game. This work of art features Aloy standing in an abandoned bunker after falling into a hole where the light is shown shining through.

It’s in the ruins of this bunker where Aloy first uncovers bits and pieces from the Old World as she courageously explores the forbidden area and activates some of its technologies. It’s also where she picks up her Focus, which fans know is a crucial part of the game.

2 The Ruins Of The Old World

Aloy hangs on to a piece of flimsy metal in this image and gazes down into the dark ruins of a structure from the Old World. Life hasn’t quite found its way into this hole yet and unlike the greenery of the surface, this location is full of deteriorating parts of what used to be a massive bunker.

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Although it’s unclear exactly which part of the game this illustration by Miguel Angel Martinez Monje represents, it’s likely one of the many entrances into GAIA Prime. This is where Aloy and Sylens ultimately find most of the answers about the past and HADES’ motivations. It’s a bleak area that shows some of the effects of the Faro Plague.

1 Inside All-Mother Mountain

This artwork is a beautiful portrayal of the sacred All-Mother Mountain, which Aloy was never allowed to enter until her return to the tribe towards the end of the game. Only Matriarchs like Teersa, who is standing next to Aloy in this photo, have access to the inside of the mountain.

Aloy travels far to learn more about the Old World and herself in Zero Dawn, but the game brings her back to her home with the Nora where the answers were hidden all along. Behind that round metal door, Aloy discovers her true nature and her role in the world, including some heartbreaking revelations about the past and the fate of her mother.

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