Cartoons aren’t just for kids anymore, even the ones that are just for kids. The Hotel Transylvania franchise is one example. It’s fun for adults to watch because of all the familiar faces we see on the screen. It’s not just popular figures like the famous Count Dracula and the Invisible Man, but other more obscure monsters that have also made an appearance. Chupacabra, the Yeti, and the Three Witches are a few examples.

As much as we love all of the above, there are still many fan favorites we have yet to see. History is filled with monsters, after all, and everyone has their own favorite. Or, not so favorite. Here are 10 monsters that we want to see but haven’t appeared yet in the Hotel Transylvania franchise.

10 Medusa

Medusa could be the oldest entry on this list, coming from a time even older than Vlad’s old friend Nefertiti. Scholars and historians of today claim the monster known as Medusa originated from a time that even the classical Greeks considered ancient.

She’s been depicted in art, literature, and a variety of other mediums for eons, as a legendary Gorgon that terrifies humans, and her popularity shows no signs of waning. Maybe she can’t go to the hotel because she’ll turn everyone to stone with her hideous gaze. There must be some kind of visor she can wear.

9 Sylvanas Windrunner

The Banshee Queen from the World of Warcraft universe and Count Dracula actually have a lot in common. They both constructed a place for other monsters to stay safe and they both employ a variety of undead minions. Granted, Dracula’s staff isn’t as articulate as the Forsaken, but undead is undead.

Either way, being one of Azeroth’s most powerful leaders and notorious villains must be hard work. One of these days, when Sylvanas takes that much-needed vacation, she’ll show up at Hotel Transylvania and get that deep-tissue massage she seems to need so badly.


8 Totoro

Okay, we get that these cute fuzzy creatures make even Cakey look scary, but they’re still monsters with fearsome powers. Totoro, the main character from that famous Studio Ghibli film, can be pretty intimidating with his massive size and even bigger roar. How great would it be to see Totoro appear in Hotel Transylvania?

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Maybe the human beings in Japan feel differently about monsters, as Totoro and his smaller companions seem safe and happy in their own little forest. When the time comes for vacation, hopefully, they’ll pay Count Dracula a visit.

7 Minimax the Dragon

A childhood favorite from our friends across the pond, Minimax was a friendly dragon who appeared in a variety of books in Europe. A parody of the fierce, fire-breathing beast that lay waste to so many medieval towns, Minimax is the type of monster Dracula had in mind when he built Hotel Transylvania.

His story is one that the Count would understand. The adventures of Minimax start with a mysterious fire that destroys part of a town. The “firedragon” is instantly named as the culprit, even though he’s innocent. Typical of humans, right? There’s plenty of room at the Count’s hotel, don’t worry.

6 Spawn

If the Witches could hardly contain themselves over Vlad in a bathing suit, how do you think they’d react if this beefcake from Hell walked in the door? He might even be able to peel a few fans off Freddy Krugar.

Not only a monster but also a superhero, Spawn fans play video games, enjoy graphic novels, watch movies, or all of the above. Humans can stay at the hotel these days too, so we can imagine creator Todd McFarlane and a variety of comic book and superhero fans of both monster and human persuasion showing up as part of his entourage.

5 Freddy Kruger

If Dracula wants his hotel to be a refuge for the stuff of teenage nightmares, then he better reserve a room for Freddy Krugar. The villain of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, fans of modern horror would vault over Dracula’s coffin to get his autograph provided he could sign it with his signature claws. Freddy was making burn victims and finger-fangs terrifying before characters like Spawn and Wolverine made it a trend.

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Freddy would love Hotel Transylvania. We can see him getting a VIP suite and chilling in a private booth in the prestigious Hunchback’s restaurant when he visits. Just as long as Dracula can handle sharing the spotlight with a monster even more beloved, and more terrifying, than Freddy.

4 The Headless Horseman

This monster has made a variety of appearances in pop culture since he scared the snot out of Ichabod Crane back in the 1940s. As great as the Disney adaptation is, they didn’t write the story.

The old legend of the haunted covered bridge in Sleepy Hollow goes back centuries, to the very beginning of European settlement in what is now New England. Considering all this, he should have shown up at the hotel a long time ago. Maybe he’ll stop by Transylvania after next Hallowe’en.

3 Godzilla

If we can have the giant yeti and something that’s either the Hydra or Ogopogo, why hasn’t Godzilla stopped by yet? The bottom of the ocean must get a little crowded, with other giant monsters like the Kraken taking up so much space and you’d think that the King of Monsters would want to take a few days off from making yet another movie.

If Godzilla shows up with his friends from work, like Rodan and Mothra, they may have to reserve the whole place and keep their visit a secret. Hysterical fans would mob the place.

2 The Boogeyman

Why would it be so interesting to see the Bogeyman show up at Hotel Transylvania? Because nobody really knows what this monster looks like. Popular depictions include the appearance of the character on The Real Ghostbusters cartoon series and there has been a variety of interpretations of the legend in modern movies, like the Monsters, Inc. franchise.

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Where do the students from Monster University go during spring break? How about Hotel Transylvania? It seems that they would fit in really well with the younger generation of ownership up and coming.

1 Baba Yaga

Here’s another monster who takes on a variety of forms in a variety of mediums. She was the dangerous but wise old witch in the ancient Russian fairy tales, the manager of a spectral bathhouse according to Studio Ghibli, and the nickname of a focused and brutal assassin in a modern fantasy action film.

It’s a good estimate to say that she’s almost as old as Medusa, even if she’s not as famous. When it’s time for her to take a few days to enjoy a sauna or long bath, why not stop by Hotel Transylvania?

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