House of Cards‘ lead power couple, Frank and Claire Underwood, racked up a sizeable body count over the show’s six seasons, and here’s the rundown. While House of Cards might be better known at this point for the rather unceremonious way it went out, thanks to the scandal involving original star Kevin Spacey, the show still remains a landmark in streaming TV history. It was Netflix that first established that streaming originals could be must-see TV, and House of Cards was the service’s first entirely original production.

Frank Underwood was pretty clearly a rotten human being from the beginning, as established by him killing a dog in the premiere episode. By the end of season 1, he’d taken his first human life, at least that we know of. Frank, similar to other TV antiheroes like Breaking Bad‘s Walter White, got progressively more ruthless and cruel as the seasons went on, yet he was so charismatic and at times charming that he remained exceedingly fun to watch work. Even if that work was usually of the dirty variety.


For a time, it seemed like Claire Underwood wasn’t quite as evil or irredeemable as her husband, but she eventually proved herself to be just as cunning, unscrupulous, and power-hungry. This was especially true once Frank was killed off, and Claire took center stage in season 6. Here’s all the people they collectively knocked off.

Peter Russo (Corey Stoll)

Philadelphia congressman Peter Russo started out his time on House of Cards as a bit of a self-destructive loser, but ended up trying to turn his life around, becoming one of the more likable characters to be found in season 1. Unfortunately, he ended up a pawn of Frank, who built Peter up and then tore him down on purpose, as part of his scheme to become vice president. Afterward, Frank left a passed out Peter inside his running car, parked inside a closed garage. Peter suffocated, with it appearing to the world as a suicide.

Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara)

Zoe Barnes was an ambitious Washington, D.C. reporter who had grown tired of assignments she felt to be beneath her. That changed when she entered a both business and personal relationship with Frank, trading sexual encounters for scoops on the insider goings on in congress. Zoe’s downfall occurred after she got too close to uncovering Frank’s murder of Peter Russo. She, in an uncharacteristically stupid move for what had been a usually clever character, agreed to meet Frank privately at a train station, where she was killed when a disguised Frank pushed her onto the tracks in a way that resembled a suicide.

Elizabeth Hale (Ellen Burstyn)

Elizabeth Hale was Claire Underwood’s mother, who she had a bit of a contentious relationship with, mostly due to Elizabeth never liking that her daughter married Frank. The Hales were old money, and Frank came from a working class upbringing, leading Elizabeth to find him unworthy of Claire. She gets terminal cancer during season 4, leading Claire and her lover Thomas Yates to visit her at the Hale family home. While there, Claire assists her mother with suicide, at Elizabeth’s request.

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Thomas Yates (Paul Sparks)

Speaking of Thomas Yates, he was a best-selling author who Frank, by then the president, hired to write a book promoting his America Works program. The book was also set to function as a sort of biography chronicling Frank’s rise from poverty to prominence. While that plan didn’t work out, Yates did become quite close to both Underwoods, especially Claire, who he began having an affair with that Frank approved of. However, Claire ended up divulging too many Underwood secrets to Yates, and eventually poisoned him, with Yates dying during sex.

LeAnn Harvey (Neve Campbell)

A savvy political strategist, LeAnn Harvey began working for Claire when she was at odds with her husband, but once they mended fences, LeAnn worked for the Underwoods’ joint re-election campaign. As with most members of Frank and Claire’s inner circle though, Harvey ended up knowing information the Underwoods would rather she not. They initially played nice, promising Harvey she would become Claire’s new chief of staff after Frank resigned the presidency at the end of season 5. Later that night, she died in a staged car accident.

Tom Hammerschmidt (Boris McIver)

Tom Hammerschmidt began House of Cards as the lead editor of esteemed paper The Washington Herald, and Zoe Barnes’ boss. That is until a shouting match with Zoe led to his firing. While Tom initially doubted the belief eventually shared by both Zoe and Lucas Goodwin that Frank was a murderer, he went on to discover evidence he couldn’t ignore, and finally learned the full truth from Doug Stamper in season 6. Not long after that, Claire arranged for Tom’s assassination, made to look like a robbery gone bad.

Catherine Durant (Jayne Atkinson)

Catherine Durant started House of Cards as a senator from Louisiana, but was later chosen to serve as secretary of state under President Frank Underwood. However, she eventually turned on the Underwoods, leading Frank to attempt to kill her via a push down the stairs before she could give damning testimony. Of course, it’s made to look like an accident. Durant survives, eventually faking her own death and fleeing the country due to her correct belief that Claire would have her killed. Sure enough, Claire’s assassin finds her.

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Jane Davis (Patricia Clarkson)

Jane Davis spent a while working for the Underwoods, particularly Claire, as a sort of political fixer. That’s until Jane betrays Claire, helping Durant fake her death. Claire finds out, and while she pretends to forgive Jane, she later orchestrates her career destruction and later death. Its not entirely clear how she died, but considering Claire’s experience with poison, that’s certainly a candidate.

Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly)

The most consequential character on House of Cards outside of Frank and Claire, Doug Stamper spent years by Frank’s side as his unquestioningly loyal right-hand man after Frank helped him get sober. Doug killed Rachel Posner to protect Frank’s secrets, and would seemingly off anyone else if need be. In the series finale, it’s revealed that Doug actually killed Frank, as Frank was about to kill Claire in a fit of rage, and Doug didn’t want his legacy ruined. Of course, Doug makes it look like an accidental overdose of medication. Doug almost kills Claire with a letter opener, but has second thoughts, leading her to stab him in return, then suffocate him to death.

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